Monday, August 24, 2020
Educational differences in public institutes and in private institute Literature review
Instructive contrasts out in the open foundations and in private establishment - Literature audit Example Hein (2004) noticed that at the beginning of the training framework all foundations were open establishments and there was just a choice of private educational cost for intrigued understudies, which was offered to them as healing classes. Notwithstanding, because of sharp analysis generally just the nature of open organization training there was development of private foundations, which sidestepped some State guidelines however suffered for quality instruction for its understudies (Heller, 2001). Especially in the United Kingdom, private organizations were first settled in the nineteenth century by the Roman Catholic area as a counter assault to the supposed strength of protestant strict thoughts and government officials in the open foundation framework. It is because of this reality that most private establishments in the UK are Catholic claimed (Wilson, 2013). Over the ongoing past, the quantities of private establishments both optional and tertiary have forcefully expanded and this is credited to the expanded advantages that private organizations offer when contrasted with open foundations. This theory explanation for this writing survey runs on the conclusion that private establishments have advanced education guidelines when contrasted with open organizations; furthermore, the instructive educational program of private foundations is a lot more extensive contrasted with open organizations. Thirdly, private organizations are likewise plentifully supplied with unrivaled offices not at all like open establishments and in conclusion, private foundations have low understudy educator proportion when contrasted with open establishments (Lance, 2010). As indicated by the figures from the United Kingdom’s Department of Education, they show that for the most part, private foundations perform superior to open establishments, and this reality is validated by better in national/normal tests, whereby understudies from private organizations rule the top spots. This declares private establishments offer advanced education guidelines when contrasted with
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A Protest That Changed Amrerica Samples †
Question: Examine about the Protest That Changed Amrerica. Answer: Presentation: The American Civil Rights development is viewed as one of the most notorious social developments of the twentieth century. It was a mainstream mass development to make sure about equivalent rights and open doors for the African Americans for fundamental benefits and privileges of US citizenship. The development had accumulated fuel in the 1950 and 60s. White people alongside the African Americans had held hands to battle for the basic reason for this noble motivation. It took the boldness of pioneers like Dr. Martin Luther lord Jr, John F. Kennedy and of ladies like Rosa Parks and the meeting up of a whole country which prompted the accomplishment of this enormous development. They had depended on common methods for seeking after their targets. It included exchanges, petitions and peaceful dissent shows. . It prompted the event of one of the biggest dissent walk, the March to Washington for employments and opportunity. The development had a significant effect in US history. It prompt ed the finish of the predominant by law isolation (partition upheld by law). Some prime models are on the whole correct to enlist to cast a ballot and afterward really vote just as right of utilizing open settlement like restroom, transport stations, publically supported schools and universities. The development had additionally impacted the cutting edge womens right development, the understudies development of the 1960s, the section of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Above all, the greatest achievement of this development was the change it brought to the lives of more than 5.5 million African Americans of the USA. This article will in general survey the different parts of this change which was gotten because of the authentic Civil Rights Movement. Starting discontent behind the development: The dissatisfaction which put forward this noteworthy development had a grieved history behind it. Bondage and racial separation were essential perspectives which had prompted this discontent. The nullification of bondage happened simply after the section of the thirteenth amendment and after the American common war, yet the recently liberated minorities individuals needed instruction, property and casting a ballot rights explicitly down south, where subjugation was wild. To advance dark mix into the standard white society, bureaucratic and state governments established different changes somewhere in the range of 1867 and 1875, yet it neglected to accomplish its fundamental points. The white authority in south and their scorn was clear in their activities to prevent minorities individuals from entering their general public through ceaseless provocation and terrorizing. Different bigot factions, for example, the Ku Klux Klan even utilized outrageous estimates, for example, lynching an d other brutal strategies to forestall shaded people to represent their essential rights. The preeminent courts separate yet equivalent point of view had given the white individuals more capacity to dispense agony to the minorities individuals in their activity of the most fundamental privileges of citizenship. The lethal Jim Crow law came into the impact in light of this white restraining infrastructure which caused leaves, water fountains, vehicles, theaters, cafés and other open spots from dark people. To answer Jim Crow, among the social equality lobbyist, the exceptionally educated W.E.B. Du Bois, requested blacks to battle for their privileges. He laid the arrangement of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), a social equality association that assembled legal advisors, instructors, and activists to join in their battle for social liberties. Through plead, showing, and lawful activity, the NAACP began an unflinching effort to end isolation in l odging, instruction, and other open life pleasantries. During the World War I, racial issues proceeded against Afro-American warriors, in spite of their status to forfeit their lives. These occasions, along with the development of the outrages, brought about an expansion of dissent from dark networks that brought Jim Crow under extreme national investigation. This Movement assembled further pace and acknowledgment with the two huge occasions which happened during the 1950s. The first is the decision of the Supreme court in the Brown versus Leading body of training case that isolation in schools and instructive establishments was unlawful as this impactsly affects the brain research and the learning of dark children who used to go to those schools alongside their white partners,. Many school authorities acted determined and would not comply with the decision in spite of the fact that, this decision had made a flash. Also, another occurrence made an across the country buzz with respec t to the dark detachment, where Rosa stops, a needle worker had made an unrest. She had boarded a transport alongside different individuals from the NAACP on December, 1, 1955. She alongside the others had involved the purported negro seats in the rear of the transport and she explicitly, had not emptied her seat for a white traveler, similar to the acknowledged standard since they were racially in reverse (Alderman et al., 2013). Her insubordination and steadiness had set a praiseworthy conduct the country over. Bit by bit, these episodes prompted the far reaching discontent and therefore the introduction of a memorable development started. Destinations and objectives: The destinations and objectives of the Civil Rights development are fluctuated in nature however were joined in bringing a social correspondence among the white and shading people of the United States of America. A portion of their unmistakable goals were to put a finish of isolation for minorities individuals, De-isolation of schools and other open utility administrations, equivalent and reasonable democratic rights, option to buy property simply like some other white people, reasonable access to occupations and different open doors all in all. Key figures: Some noticeable figures of this development were Martin Luther King Jr, Malcolm X, President John f. Kennedy. Their jobs have been examined beneath: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr-King was a pioneer of the Civil Rights development. He was a priest who rose to unmistakable quality during the 1950s, when he voiced his displeasure in dissent of the capture of Rosa Parks, who had intentionally would not forfeit her seat in a transport for an individual white traveler. He utilized his well known strategies of advancing his perspectives and techniques roused by Gandhis peacefulness regulation. It was because of his meticulously endeavors that prompted the foundation of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). In 1955, he was likewise instrumental in the Montgomery Bus Boycott which had prompted the Supreme Court administering of abrogating of isolation in broad daylight transport. He was enormously dazzled by the goals of peacefulness of Mahatma Gandhi and had utilized it to fuel the development (Garrow, 2015). Today Afro-Americans owe an incredible obligation of their opportunity to Dr. Lord. Malcolm X-Malcolm X was a key figure in the Civil Rights Movement of the United Sates. He was an incredible speaker and persuasive helper and the country of Islam. He trusted in the use of forceful just as rough intends to battle for the privileges of the minorities individuals over the America. He was actually the other side of the method of working of Kings techniques for peacefulness. Those individuals who never preferred Kings procedures used to work under Malcolms forceful philosophies. Inevitably he was killed after he fell through with the Nation of Islam. John F. Kennedy-President Kennedy at first was not a lot of associated with this development due to the dread of losing his present and forthcoming voters. All things considered, he planted the seeds of the Civil Rights Act 1964. After the mobs of Birmingham, which had occurred as a characteristic of dissent of the bombings to execute four blameless minimal shaded young ladies in Birmingham, President Kennedy had chosen to battle for this development independent of the aftereffects of the following races and the dread of losing of his vote bank (Austin, 2013). He likewise had bolstered the noteworthy walk towards Washington on 28th August, 1963 on the side of occupations and opportunity. Oh dear its a disgrace; he never stayed alive to see the satisfaction of the undeniable opportunity of the Afro-Americans of his nation, as he was in the blink of an eye killed following a couple of months. Accomplishment of the targets: The targets of the development were accomplished after a genuine of penance, techniques, petitions, supplications, walks, fights and other peaceful strategies. There were different occasions which prompted the accomplishment of this memorable development and these occasions feature how the battle of the guiltless spirits was battled. The arrangement of the NAACP had established the underlying framework of this development. It was framed by different areas of the Black chiefs, lawmakers, legal advisors and specialists of different fields in resistance to the terrible condition of the minorities individuals over the United States. W.E.B Du Bois, Ida b. wells, Archibald Grimke were the authors of this association because of the terrible violations and laws like Jim Crow which were occurring over the Southern US. The success over the Brown versus Leading group of Education instance of 1954 was a critical accomplishment of this association which prompted de isolation of schools for hued youngsters. Also, the transport blacklist in Montgomery, Alabama was one of the most significant occasions of the development, which had occurred in dissent of the capture of Rosa Parks, who had would not surrender her seat for an individual white traveler and was captured. The blacklist had constrained achievement, anyway it was effec tive in exhibiting what could be accomplished by method of tranquil and peaceful methods for fight. The protest battle was another achievement. On first, February, 1960, four dark understudies had visited a lone whites eatery and had requested food, yet were not engaged by the servers; accordingly the understudies stayed situated until shutting. This episode featured the racial mentalities of the Sothern people, gathered a ton of across the nation exposure and by the mid year of 1960, numerous food counters had been de-isolated. The Selma March was another huge occasion of this development which was planned for vouching for the established
Saturday, July 18, 2020
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Highly Efficient Write My Book Review Service Write My Book Review Write My Book Review: Get Expert Online Help Why do so many students send their write my book review requests to online companies? Let us uncover the reasons for such a state of things. No matter the course you are taking, you may be required to produce such a piece of writing as a book review. Whether you are at a high school or university, you may encounter some difficulties with such a task since it is rather knotty even though it may seem incredibly easy at first sight. The purpose of a book review is to present a thorough analysis of a specific publication. It means that you will need to carefully scrutinize the plot of the story, its characters, scenery and other items to make your review complete. It is clear that there are the students who do not consider such an assignment very complicated. Nevertheless, there are also those who cannot cope with it without professional book review help. Our qualified specialists are here to assist you with your task. First-Class Book Review Writing Service as a Means of Getting Unique Papers If you utilize our book review writing service, you will not need to deal with tough assignments on your own. When working on such a complex writing project as a book review, our writers always evaluate the provided texts thoroughly. Moreover, they always follow all grammar rules, as they realize that only impeccable papers deserve top grades.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Importance of Childhood Obesity - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 613 Downloads: 1 Date added: 2019/03/15 Category Health Essay Level High school Tags: Childhood Obesity Essay Obesity Essay Did you like this example? Importance of Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity has become a worldwide problem. Overweight children are more prone to catch other diseases which can deteriorate their health. Obesity can affect the self- esteem and activity levels of children, while in later life it is a leading risk factor for type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease(Kerr and Penn, 2014, p. 16) The purpose of this paper is to provide information about childhood obesity and different interventions to help lower the number of children affected. Childhood Obesity Children whose BMI is greater than the 95th percentile on standard growth charts are considered obese and are at increases risk for serious comorbid conditions and chronic diseases, many of which are historically ?adult diseases(Geer, Haemer, Krajicek, Porter, 2014, p. 528). Preventing the disease has become a very important aspect in the world and in the healthcare field. Three main themes were identified: parental, receptiveness, knowledge, education and resource constraints, and time, priority and continuity constraints (Hunt, 2017, p 18). To control the number of children affected different interventions are used to prevent the disease before it even happens. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Importance of Childhood Obesity" essay for you Create order Some prevention techniques are encouraging increased physical activities, healthy eating habits, and limited television time. Prevention techniques are influenced by clinical judgment, teamwork and collaboration, quality improvement, information management, and following legal and ethical guidelines. Clinical Judgment Intervention A nurse can illustrate clinical judgment by making sure the patient is meeting their caloric and protein intake if they are receiving their feeding through a tube. Also providing different community resources to parent that will help them with different prevention techniques. Another intervention would be doing routine weights and the nurses can enroll patients in different facility sponsored programs or amenities such as a facility gym or different after school programs that the facility sponsors. The nurse can follow up with the patient and the effectiveness the different weight management techniques have been. Quality Improvement Intervention An intervention for quality improvement is to make sure parents are bringing their children in for their follow up appointments. This quality improvement intervention tracks the attendance rate of patient seen for a follow up appointment. For example the enforcement of attending follow up appointments would improve the effectiveness of the weight management technique. Information Management Intervention Technology plays a vital role in information management especially in todays society. The advancement of technology have aided in providing variety of prevention techniques for patient who suffer from obesity. For example smart phone and tablets can help parents keep track of their kids caloric intake, provide nutritional facts, and they can also use apps that allow them to personalize their goal to what they would like it to be. Teamwork and Collaboration Intervention Teamwork and collaborations with multiple healthcare disciplines is vital in the healthcare setting. For example the nurse can collaborate with the dietician to help come up with different meal plans and appealing food for different ages. Also the nurse can also collaborate with physical therapy about different exercise that focuses on different parts of the body. Legal and Ethical Intervention Some children obesity level is so severe that they have to go through surgery. This can become a problem with the parent and the parent might not agree with the child going through with surgery, but because surgery is the best option for the child the nurse has to then be an advocate for the child and possibly even letting the court deal with it. Conclusion This paper provides information about obesity and the different techniques that are used in treating obesity. It also provides you with different interventions that influence patient centered care such as clinical judgments, quality improvement, collaboration and teamwork, information management, and legal and ethical.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Diabetes Mellitus As A Chronic Metabolic Disorder Essay
Chapter - 23 Diabetes Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder that prevents the body to utilise glucose completely or partially. It is characterised by raised glucose concentration in the blood and alterations in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. This can be due to failure in the formation of insulin or liberation or action. Since insulin is produced by the p cells of the islets of Langerhans, any receding in the number of functioning cells will decrease the amount of insulin that can be synthesised. Many diabetics can produce sufficient insulin but some stimulus to the islets tissue is needed in order that secretion can take place. During the early stages of the disease, the Insulin Like Activity (ILA) of the blood is often increased, but most of this insulin appears to be bound to protein and is not available for transport across the cell membrane and action of the cell. Globally, as of 2010, an estimated 285 million people had diabetes, with type 2 making up about 90% of the cases. In 2011 it resulted in 1.4 million deaths worldwide making it the 8th leading cause of death. This is an increase from 1 million deaths in 2000. Its rate has increased, and by 2030, this number is estimated to almost double. Diabetes mellitus occurs throughout the world, but is more common (especially type 2) in more developed countries. The greatest increase in rates is, however, expected to occur in Asia and Africa, where most people with diabetes willShow MoreRelatedDiabetes Mellitus : A Serious Chronic Metabolic Disorder Associated With High Blood Sugar2086 Words  | 9 Pages Diabetes Mellitus MED 2056 Michela Leytham 12/7/2014 FT029 Jessica Ferreira Diabetes Mellitus is a serious chronic metabolic disorder associated with high blood sugar that affects the body’s ability to metabolize nutrients and use them as fuel. Normally the body uses carbohydrates and sugars that are eaten and breaks them down into a usable sugar in the body called glucose. Glucose has the ability to fuelRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus And The Long Term Complications1385 Words  | 6 Pagesgeneral idea of diabetes mellitus, epidemiology, role factors and complications that arise from it, comparing and exhibiting the distinctions between type I type II diabetes, the people who are in jeopardy of developing diabetic renal diseases and hypertension due to the complications identifying the general pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus the long term complications that may transpire. Epidemiology of Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Mellitus is one of the very prevalent metabolic diseases thatRead MoreFactors Contributing Risk Factors For Diabetes Mellitus802 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is an endocrinal disease characterized by elevated blood glucose level, diagnosed by laboratory blood analysis with random glucose level 200mg/dL and fasting blood glucose of ≠¥126mg/dL.1 Risk factors The risk factors of T2DM are mainly attributed to the lifestyles and behavioral factors. Although the etiology cannot be pinpointed on a single cause it is proved that obesity, socioeconomic conditions and genetic factors increase the risk of T2DM. (Cite)Read MoreEssay on Diabetes898 Words  | 4 PagesDiabetes Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that occurs when the body is unable to produce or respond to insulin, a hormone that allows blood glucose to enter the cells of the body and generate the bodys energy (Ebony, 115). 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Inclusion criteriaRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus ( Iddm )1369 Words  | 6 PagesDiabetes Mellitus In the pancreas, there are specialized cells that form small islands of cells, called islets of Langerhans, that are alpha cells and beta cells. In these endocrine cells, they release pancreatic hormones, such as insulin and glucagon that diffuse into the bloodstream to regulate glucose levels. Beta cells secretes insulin, which regulates carbohydrate, protein, fat metabolism and storage. On the other hand, alpha cells secrete glucagon, in which it breaks down stored sugar (glycogenolysis)Read MoreRenal Microvascular Complications Of Type 2 Diabetes Essay1105 Words  | 5 PagesMicrovascular Complications of Type 2 Diabetes: Aetiology and Pathogenesis Abstract There have been a number of manuscripts reporting on the association of complications in type 2 diabetes with high glucose blood levels, high levels of C-Peptide, high advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) and oxidative stress. In order to further investigate the aetiology and pathophysiology of renal microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes, papers were reviewed throughRead MoreDiabetes : The Common Chronic Disorders1737 Words  | 7 PagesINTRODUCTION: Diabetes is one of the most common chronic disorders in UK [1]. 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Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher in the Life Long Free Essays
Case study Role of a teacher in the lifelong learning sector This case study investigates the role and responsibilities of a teacher in the lifelong learning sector. I am a piano and guitar tutor on a one to one basis, so I have my own views and methods on teaching. However, I thought it would be interesting to study how a teacher deals with a whole class, as opposed to just one pupil. We will write a custom essay sample on Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher in the Life Long or any similar topic only for you Order Now Further to the research for the study, an interview was conducted with Joe Bloggs, a teacher in School X. The interview examined a number of areas including: roles and responsibilities, boundaries, promoting equality and diversity, safe and supportive learning environments, promoting appropriate behaviour, legal and moral responsibilities, the challenges and rewards of the role and how Joe has had to adapt and respond to the ongoing changes in the lifelong learning sector. The first question covered what Joe considered to be his main responsibility as a teacher; to engage and motivate young people in the subject of music and learning in general. He uses a variety of methods to accomplish this. Also read: Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher PTLLS Assignment For example, practical sessions/role play and getting everyone involved, as well as written assessments, presentations and various visual tasks to ensure all different types of learners are accounted for. This is effective when teaching music history /theory, however, when a student is learning to play an instrument, all these areas are covered naturally. Joe allows his pupils to make mistakes, for example, if a pupil is playing a piece of music and they hit a wrong note, he will wait to see if they can identify that they were out of tune first. This is another way of working on their aural skills. If they do not pick up on it he ensures the mistakes are addressed and provides help and advice to rectify the problem. Conjointly, we addressed the topic of promoting equality and diversity. Joe feels strongly about this and his approach is through film/music stimulation, with focus on a particular character or topic. Two popular examples of this are Forest Gump, where the main character has a disability and the film ‘The Island’ which deals with race issues. Using this method has proven effective, as Joe has found through reflective discussions with the class after watching the film. One of the challenges that Joe has had to face during his time in the teaching profession is behaviour problems with the pupils. This covered a whole spectrum of issues such as disruptions, bad attitude, pupils refusing to complete tasks and even verbal abuse and physical threats. The methods in which Joe deals with this brings me onto the field of boundaries between the teacher and pupil. Along with legal boundaries, and following rules and regulations according to the Code of Conduct and Data Protection Act – physical boundaries are extremely important. When teaching/dealing with a pupil, he says distance must be kept, however, he feels that in most cases, experience will enable friendly and approachable relationships. If a matter was to arise that was out of his hands, it would be his duty to report it to the school safeguarding officer/counsellor. Another way in which he deals with this is to set a good example to the pupils, as ensuring appropriate behaviour is a major factor in maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment. Joe adopts a friendly and positive attitude towards his pupils, ensuring that he never raises his voice, yet be firm and serious where necessary. The aim of this is so that the pupils’ perception of their teacher is approachable, but at the same time they see their teacher as a figure of authority. Although this has proved quite demanding, the biggest challenge Joe has had to face is the ever-changing development in technology. He tried to continue his teaching without it but this became increasingly difficult due to changes in assessment criteria and the demand of technology in general, particularly in music. Music has developed throughout the years, for example, we don’t need to compose music for ourselves these days. We can use music programs to do that for us, such as Garageband or Sibelius. Joe decided the only way to tackle this is to embrace it. This has helped a great deal with teaching and by doing this he has furthered his own education. The school that Joe teaches at has recently become an academy, so it is now more performing arts-orientated where as before, the school focused more on the academic side of things. This has forced him to take on a bigger work load and thus proved his capability to adapt and respond to changes quickly. Joe’s response to a lot of the questions portrays how education in music and generally has evolved with respect to time and the steps he has had to take in order to meet the requirements of his role and adapt to the ongoing changes. When faced with the question regarding ethical responsibilities, he had some interesting techniques on how he engaged this topic with his pupils. Practice is an essential for learning an instrument, Joe motivates and encourages his pupils that regular practice is the key to progression. He evaluates progress with tests covering all different types of learning such as aural, sight reading, written, and through practical tests. Both Joe and I have found that through music, it is easy to distinguish the strengths and weaknesses of our pupils and how they best learn. For example, one person may be able to listen to a piece of music and play by ear, whereas the next pupil will not be able to do that, but will excel in reading the music. Joe understands it is important to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of each individual and sees that each pupil is facilitated for in order to help them achieve their full potential. Joe mentioned various internal and external points of referral, for example, the awarding bodies, and the Academy’s safeguarding officers/counsellors. It is evident that he has a strong passion for music as he gave up his career as a pilot in order to pursue his music career. In defiance of the challenges Joe has been faced with, his subtle, yet dynamic and enthusiastic approach helped him to overcome them. I found during my time with Joe, that although there are many generic rules, responsibilities and boundaries that all teachers/tutors have to adhere to, there are also those that are specific and subject to the area of study. It is imperative that these are recognised in order to achieve a finer understanding of the role of the teacher. How to cite Roles and Responsibilities of a Teacher in the Life Long, Essay examples
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Kohlbergs Moral Development Concept
Table of Contents Introduction Kohlberg’s Moral Development Concept Childhood Adolescence Adulthood Conclusion References Introduction The lives of human beings are marked by milestones throughout the time they are alive. These milestones are marked by changes in both the biological and psychological processes that have been beforehand studied by psychologists. Early psychologists came up with theories that expound on the developmental differences across the lifespan of human beings; notable being Sigmund Freud.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Kohlberg’s Moral Development Concept specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More He is deemed as the father of psychoanalysis since he influenced psychologists into thinking deeper into the development differences. Freud is renowned for finding a sexual cause to most psychological problems, and some psychologists like Erikson agreed with this school of thought, othe rs like Kohlberg felt there were other developmental differences. Kohlberg developed the moral development theory looking at the progress made in the development. His theories on the development of the morals contributed to contemporary psychologists’ researches in using variables that may affect the moral development theory (Kenyon, 2009). This paper looks into the process of moral development as explained by Kohlberg’s theory. Kohlberg’s Moral Development Concept The moral development theory that Kohlberg came up with was based on creating a moral dilemma and asking people’s opinion on the justification of the acts. In his theory, the analogy he used frequently was the story of a man who broke into the shop of a druggist that had discovered a drug that could cure his wife’s cancer. In Kohlberg’s theory, he asks if the act of breaking into the store is right or wrong. He asks if the husband’s acts are justified by the fact that he lo ved his wife so much that he would do anything to ensure she lived. He states that the primary objective of humanity is preserving the life of human beings (Shaffer and Kipp, 2009). The strength of his theory lies in being able to classify the moral development process into stages that show how development progresses. He also introduces the three stages of moral development progress, the first being the pre-conventional stage. In this stage, he explains that the moral reasoning is from an egocentric point of view as will be discussed further in this paper. The second is the conventional stage where the moral argument is based on role taking abilities to determine what is right and what is wrong. The third stage is the post-conventional where moral reasoning requires formal operations (Kenyon, 2009). Kohlberg theory shows a continuous view of development with each stage giving way for another stage in the process. This is continuous because, in every stage of the moral development, t he moral reasoning changes to become increasingly complex over the years. Childhood This is the first stage of the developmental process in the life of a human being at 0 years top about 6years. It is characterized by Cognition where the brain goes through extensive changes as they learn things around their environment (Sigelman and Rider, 2008). This stage is also characterized by self regulation where the child learns how to stop doing some things in public such as fondling their private parts.Advertising Looking for report on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Moral reasoning of the child is determined by his or her response to cultural norms, interpreted by the physical consequences of the action. During the egocentric judgment, the child has no concept of rules and thus judges what is right on what he enjoys doing and the wrong on that which hurts him. Another stage described by Kohlberg includes the punishment a nd obedience orientation, signifying the goodness or severity of an action is determined by the physical consequence of the action. There are factors that influence the progress of the developmental process, habitually classified as hereditary and environmental. The hereditary factors include prenatal defects that may affect adversely the child’s cognitive growth and hence its moral development. An example of environmental factors is the diet or a disease that stunts the child’s growth process, making it have problems in the process of moral development since they fail to relate with the cultural rules. Adolescence This stage is among those which most people rarely tackle efficiently, since it is marked with extremities of emotions and attitude as the adolescents try to define and adapt themselves. The stage sets in at age 10 to about 14 years on average. It is characterized by a growth spurt that is marked in height and size of the person, as well as hormonal changes that bring out a young woman or man. This stage also shows an increased ability to use abstract thoughts. The adolescents start to recognize the preservation of the expectations of his family as precious regardless of the instantaneous consequences. This stage enforces conformity and loyalty to personal expectations and social order among societies (Newman and Newman, 2008). This is the conventional level, and it constitutes two levels. The first is the interpersonal concordance orientation, which justifies the correct action as that which is widely accepted in the societal context. In this stage of orientation, the behavior is normally judged by the intention of the person. The second stage of this level is law and order orientation, where the individual is oriented into respecting the authority as part of right behavior (Kenyon, 2006). Similar to the childhood stage, the moral development process in this stage is influenced the hereditary factors that were established at the child hood level. Impairments such as mental disorders may inhibit an individual’s ability to abide by the social norms. Other related factors include environmental attributes such as the company that an individual keeps, owing to how it appreciably determines the conformity level of the individual. Adulthood This stage is marked from an average age of 20 years to about 50 years of the human life span. It is characterized by an ability to initiate intrinsic motivation to carry out duties. It is also marked by a heavy sense of responsibility, and the person experiences a sense of autonomy (Newman and Newman, 2008). In this stage, the adults have reached the Post–Conventional or Principled Level where the individual strive to determine ethics accepted in the societal context, distinct from the association of the individual with the group.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Kohlberg’s Moral Development Concept specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The hereditary influences on the process of growth include genetically inherited diseases such as diabetes, which may cloud a person’s judgement on what is justified or wrong. There are other environmental factors that influence the growth process such as the work place. This may be strenuous and may eventually cause psychotic disorders, affecting the person’s judgment. Conclusion In the discussion of the different developmental stages, it is clear that social interaction and cultural norms plays a pivotal role in moral growth processes of human beings. Kohlberg’s theory proves to be correct since for wholesome development of human beings, the moral aspect needs to be fully developed in order to ensure a socially balanced community. In the childhood stage, the person experiences egocentric judgment that involves judging acts as right or wrong according to how they make him feel. This gradually grows into the conventional level at adolescence where the individual resorts to conformity. It happens as the individual seeks approval from the other people. In adulthood, individuals make an effort to define moral more clearly. References Kenyon, R. (2009). Stages of Moral Development. Retrieved from: Lerner, R. (2002). Concepts and Theories of Human Development. New York: Routledge. Newman, B., and Newman, P. (2008). Development through Life: A Psychological Approach. London: Cengage Learning. Shaffer, D. and Kipp, K. (2009). Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence. London: Cengage Learning.Advertising Looking for report on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Sigelman, C., and Rider, E. (2008). Life-Span Human Development. London: Cengage Learning. This report on Kohlberg’s Moral Development Concept was written and submitted by user Nelson Madden to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Comapring Japan and Thailand essays
Comapring Japan and Thailand essays Thailand and Japan are two countries situated in the Australian, Asian and Pacific (A.A.P) region. There are many similarities and differences in their physical and human geographies. Japan is an archipelago of 3900 mountainous islands with a total land size of 377 835km2. Located in East Asia along the 'Pacific Ring of Fire' Japan ranges from North 50 30I to 210 and East 970 3I to 1030 3I. In contrast, Thailand is a larger country with a total landmass of 511 770km2. It is located in South East Asia on the Indo-China and Malayan peninsula. Thailands landmass ranges from 70 5I to 200 5I North and 970 to 105o 41 East. Thailand has a tropical climate that experiences monsoonal influences, whereas Japan has a diverse climate, ranging from sub-tropical in the south to alpine conditions on the elevated peaks. Japan has an aging population, which is twice the size of Thailand's. 90% of Japans 126 million people live on only 20% of its dry land. Dissimilarly, Thailands population is more ev enly spread with a distribution of 117 persons per km2. Japan is a More Developed country (M.D.C) with a GNP per capita of US$34 500, which makes it Asia most affluent country. Japan Economy relies on services and high technology industries. Thailand is a Less-Developed country (L.D.C) with a GNP per capita of US$8 800. Thailands population relies more on a subsistence way of life. In fact 75% of its inhabitants making their living from farming. Japan is an island archipelago with over 3900 islands. The four main islands, Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu and Shikoku stretch for over 3 800 kilometres. The country situated on the edge of large tectonic plates which are constantly moving providing an unpredictable countryside. The Pacific Ocean, Sea of Japan, Korea Strait and the East China Sea surround the Japanese archipelago. Unlike Japan, Thailand is not a group of islands, it is however a larger country with a land area of 511 770k...
Monday, March 2, 2020
Suffolk University Admissions and Acceptance Rate
Suffolk University Admissions and Acceptance Rate With an acceptance rate of 84 percent, Suffolk University is largely accessible school. Students with solid grades and test scores within (or above) the ranges listed below have a good chance of being admitted each year. To apply, prospective students will need to submit an application, high school transcripts, letters of recommendation, and an essay/personal statement. If you have any questions about applying, be sure to contact the admissions office at Suffolk. Calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) Suffolk University Acceptance Rate: 84 percentGPA, SAT and ACT Graph for Suffolk AdmissionsTest Scores 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 450 / 560SAT Math: 460 / 560SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: 20 / 25What these ACT numbers mean Suffolk University Description Suffolk University is a private university located in Boston, Massachusetts. Originally founded as a law school, the university has expanded to include colleges of arts and sciences, business and art and design. The urban campus is right in the heart of downtown Boston on Beacon Hill. The university also has two satellite campuses in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and Madrid, Spain. Suffolk has a student-faculty ratio of 12 to 1 for its undergraduate school and 17 to 1 in the law school. Its academic offerings include 41 undergraduate majors and 20 graduate programs in addition to the law school’s Juris Doctor, Master of Laws and Doctor of Juridicial Science degrees. Other popular areas of study include marketing, finance and communication/journalism. Outside of academics, students are actively involved in campus life, participating in nearly 90 clubs and organizations. The Suffolk University Rams compete in the NCAA Division III Great Northeast Athletic Conference. Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 7,461 (5,191 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 45 percent male / 55 percent female95 percent full-time Costs (2016 -17) Tuition and Fees: $35,578Books: $1,200 (why so much?)Room and Board: $14,730Other Expenses: $2,525Total Cost: $54,033 Suffolk University Financial Aid (2015 -16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 93 percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 93 percentLoans: 60 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $18,575Loans: $9,127 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors: Accounting, Business Administration, Crime and Justice, Finance, Marketing, Psychology, Public RelationsWhat major is right for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 75 percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 45 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 59 percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Baseball, Golf, Basketball, Hockey, Tennis, Cross Country, SoccerWomens Sports: Soccer, Tennis, Softball, Volleyball, Basketball, Track and Field If You Like Suffolk University, You May Also Like These Schools: Bridgewater State University: Profile Boston College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUMass - Amherst: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphMerrimack College: Profile Roger Williams University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCurry College: Profile New York University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphHofstra University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphEmerson College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphNortheastern University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of Rhode Island: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphEndicott College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics
Friday, February 14, 2020
Regression Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Regression Analysis - Research Paper Example It is an effective tool of mathematical analysis, which allows estimation and evaluation to the nearest proximity compared to the past. It also allows predicting a certain future value through comparison and combination of two or more variables. Usually, hypotheses are taken up for case estimation and evaluation which involve plotting of various variables dependent on the time factor. Regression models can be both linear and non linear in nature. Response variables are generated by the comparison of numerous variables that are involved in the computational process. Response variable is of quantitative nature and derived as result of other variables tested and compared amongst each other. Regression analysis is used for predicting certain event (mostly the dependent variable), its outcome in terms of numerical percentage and value in combination with other variables (independent) which might be elements of the present time (Seber & Lee, 2012). Equations are derived which contain both the dependent and independent variables, against some constant. Regression analysis equations are linear in nature. The function so obtained is a straight line, in form of linear equation. Often the natures of the dependent variables have direct impact on the kind of final linear equation being yielded. In case of the dependent variable being dichotomous, the logistic form of regression is handy in such cases for evaluation of the linear plots. When multiple independent variables are up against one dependent variable, it constitutes standard linear multiple regression (Hill & Lewicki, 2006). In such cases, the single dependent variable can be compared one on one against the respective independent variable. Numbers of variables are set against each other and each of them affects the other directly. For example in case of stock exchange the stability of and sound running of stocks are dependent on various external factors, which can include the economic condition, the security and saf ety, any major political decisions in the governmental corridors. Any unexpected decisions are ascribed to the rise or fall in the stocks value. In this case, the stock market is one variable which is dependent on number of variables that are aforementioned. Each of these variables, both dependent and independent are plotted against a graph with x-axis representation and y-axis along a straight linear line. Stocks standing = Stable Market, Political decisions, other variables plus a Constant. For any economic factor indication, the variables that can be taken in to account include the net flow of income at a particular instance of time, the dependent variables on the fixed amount, the surplus amount in form of the revenue generated and the possible depreciation of the capital. All these are equated and compared against each other in form of plot to estimate the future trends. Mostly, it involves number of variables being operated upon; however at a particular instance of time when o ne variable is under observation, it constitutes a simple regression analysis scenario. For example in case of an individual’s average spending against his profession, his resources, his requirements, all these alone make for attributes which are evaluated and analyzed for a certain desired future scenario through the regression tool of estimation. If for a given scenario, more number of
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Ethics in Law Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethics in Law - Research Paper Example The underlying principle of ethics in law enforcement entails stipulation of responsibilities of a police officer. A police officer is mandated with the responsibility of working within the law. His powers and duties must conform to the provisions of statute that outlines their responsibilities. Their fundamental duties includes serving people, maintaining peace, protecting lives and properties as well as ensuring that there is equality in the service delivery to all citizens (Moore and Perez 11). Nevertheless, some police officers conduct themselves in unprofessional manner both in their line of duty and while not working. People have a tendency of monitoring every conduct of police officers perhaps because they are expected to lead by example. Any actions that deviate from what they are expected to do, they are criticized and condemned. However, not every conduct of police officers can be well articulated or stipulated in the law. For instance, there has always been a great debate on whether police officers should take gratuities from the public. However, determination of the ethical issue involved in such a deed goes beyond what law provides. For instance, the issue of the intention of the officer when receiving the gratuity comes in. Some people argue that an officer can accept gratuity from members of the public only if they do not ask for it. Conversely, the issue of human rights and how suspects need to be handled by police officers during arrest has always been contentious. For instance, it has always remained ethical dilemma on what a police officer should do to suspects that resist arrest. It is apparent that lawyers have always had issues with their clients in regard to their conduct during judicial proceedings. However, law societies have with time provided leadership in legal issues by designing professional standards that governs lawyers. Values have been argued
Friday, January 24, 2020
Adventures of Huck in Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, is based on a young boy's coming of age in Missouri of the mid-1800s. This story depicts many serious issues that occur on the "dry land of civilization" better known as society. As these somber events following the Civil War are told through the young eyes of Huckleberry Finn, he unknowingly develops morally from both the conforming and non-conforming influences surrounding him on his journey to freedom. Huck's moral evolution begins before he ever sets foot on the raft down the Mississippi. His mother has died, and his father is constantly in a drunken state. Huck grows up following his own rules until he moves in with the Widow Douglas and her sister, Miss Watson. Together, the women attempt to civilize Huck by making him attend school, study religion, and act in a way the women find socially acceptable. However, Huck's free-spirited soul keeps him from joining the constraining and lonely life the two women have in store for him. The freedom Huck seeks in Tom Sawyer's gang is nothing more than romantic child's-play. Raiding a caravan of Arabs really means terrorizing young children on a Sunday school picnic, and the stolen "joolry" is nothing more than turnips or rocks. Huck is disappointed that the adventures Tom promises are not real and so, along with the other members, he resigns from the gang. Still, he ignorantly assumes that Tom is superior to him because of his more suitable family background and fascination with Romantic literature (Twain). Pap and "the kidnapping" play another big role in Huck's moral development. Pap is completely antisocial and wishes to undo all of the civilizing effects that the Widow and Miss Watson have attempted to instill in him. However, Pap does not symbolize freedom; he promotes drunkenness, prejudice, and abuse. Huck escapes the cabin to search for the freedom he yearns for. It is after he escapes to Jackson Island that he meets the most i nfluential character of the novel, Jim. After conversing, Huck learns things about the runaway slave that he had never been aware of. Jim has a family, dreams, and talents such as knowing "all kinds of signs about the future," people's personalities, and weather forecasting (Twain 69).
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Blackadder Goes Forth and Journey’s End Essay
The ending scene for both Journey’s End and Black Adder Goes Forth are similar and different in many ways. For example, the last episode of Black Adder Goes Forth greatly affects the viewer by pursuing the idea that history as it was written and has been taught is incorrectly. In having this approach, it is like the audience is rediscovering history and uncovering the truth of our ancestors for the first time. Not only does this capture the viewer’s attention, but it entertains them as well as touching them on an emotional and comedic level by showing the real life orders trench’s but deliberately miss hearing what the orders were. Viewers, however, also know that these orders are not to be taken seriously and are only there for the comedy value. An example of this is when one soldier states that the reason for the war was because someone shot an ostrich out of hunger. The majority of viewers know this is not true, but the episode and character plays the comic seriousness to perfection. However, Journey’s End shows the more serious side of the war and trench life by being a serious side of the war and trench life by being a serious play with no real comedic value. One soldier is very excited about the idea of defending his country; in fact he is so honoured by this chance, that he does not accept a way out of the trenches when he is offered; even though Blackadder realizes their fate when the go above the trenches and tries to explain he will die. I never imagined anything as awful as war†this also shows the serious nature that war has on its soldiers, this is also shown when another soldier states that he wants the dying to stop, and everyone to go home, because he cannot see a reason for war, this links in Sassoon’s declaration where he states war has gone from one of â€Å"defence and liberation†to one of â€Å"aggression and conquest†. Even George has to try and push these thoughts out of his mind and replace them with thought s of patriotism and the great honour dying for ones county has. This is much like Raleigh in Journey’s End when he first enters the battalion and his innocence is intact because he does not know the true horrors of war yet. Act three scene three of Journey’s End is the very last scene of the play. From almost the very beginning we have known that an attack from the German opposition is inevitable. However, the character in the play are not sure when it will take place or what form it will take place in, as the attack could happen in any moment meaning the ension is high throughout and especially in the final scene. This is not the only tension in the script. At the beginning of act three scene three, Raleigh and Stanhope, two of the most prominent characters, have had a large argument about the death of a mutual friend, which is not resolved until the beginning of the final scene. The strain on their relationship has been tense for the duration of the play and was heightened by the hero worshipping Raleigh did for Stanhope. As they were previously well acquainted before they were both in the battalion Stanhope fears that Raleigh would look at him badly and tell people on the home front what he has become, an alcoholic, and Stanhope chooses to ignore their previous relationship and address him as a new Officer. This contrasts with Blackadder Goes Forth, because as Colonel Melchett knows George he uses this to his advantage by manipulating him into showing propaganda to the men; however Colonel Melchett also has an underlying theme of worry for George and seems to offer him many ways out of fighting the war because he knows his death is inevitable. To conclude I feel that Blackadder Goes Forth and Journey’s End and two completely different plays. However, they both share few similar themes, for example they both share the theme of hero worship, where soldiers look o authority figures for guidance which again opposes the view that Sassoon has on the war. They also share the theme of waiting, because both plays are waiting to ‘go over the top’ and neither plays want to because they know that your death was sure if you do so due to the heavy equipment the Germans have. Although, I believe Journey’s End is much more a serious play whereas Blackadder Goes Forth uses comedy and takes from the impact it could truly have if it was more realistic to trench life, but it still shows the fear and anger of many men when regarding the war.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
My Thoughts On My Brain - 984 Words
Before this psychology class I never really thought about how our brain works and the different components that it controlled. I just kind of figured it was there and it did things automatically beyond my control. I knew that your brain in the key component of your body that made everything function and controlled every little detail of our bodies. The brain is something that’s always been just the brain to me, there was no real detail beyond that. I never really gone in depth with the different things that it controls and how it works. Memory, sleep, learning, emotions, etc. has always been just words that I knew the basics of. The way our memory works has always been something that I never thought about in great detail. I always just thought it was something that our brain did automatically. I just knew that I had moments in my life that always pops up or I could think about in my head. There would be small flashbacks from when I was younger that to this day I still remember . I remember waking up on Christmas morning when I was three and running down the stairs. I remember falling off my bike when I was five because I was too scared to ride down a hill. I remember all these things and never really knew why I remember so many random portions of time while everything else was just kind of jumbled up into this ball of stuff I don’t remember. There would be these memories that are so vivid and clear while others would be kind of fuzzy. It is also a way to recall informationShow MoreRelatedMy Thoughts About My Brain1172 Words  | 5 Pagescrazy! I know my colors, I aced those in kindergarten. Well I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you’ve been wrong your whole life. You have been tricked by your own brain. So now, I’m sure you’re wondering well if a banana is not yellow†¦what the heck color is it then? And how can I be tricked by my own brain†¦after all it is MY brain. Believe me if you are confused, you have a lot of company with you. Myself included. 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