Friday, November 29, 2019
Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab Essay Example
Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab Essay Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab Name: Course: Institution: We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Tutor: Date: Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab Step 5: Creating a Brand Identity Rational Branding Samsung Galaxy Tab can use several rational brand identities. It can use the Quality identity to influence the consumers based on its appearance, performance and results. The Galaxy Tab has some of the best features in terms of performance and results. It has improved on some of the weaknesses of the previous tablets from the same company, and from the competitors. The quality identity is specifically suited for the galaxy tab since it allows the marketers to convince the consumers to purchase the products based on what they can see. The galaxy tab as received many positive reviews on its performance. It has both cellular and wireless features. It has EDGE/GPRS, HSPA+ and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections (Pogue, 2010). It has both front and back cameras and full HD video playback. Many consumers are especially impressed with the speed at which the tablet performs and the clarity and ease of use of many of the features. Quality The galaxy tab can also use the feature identity. The tab has several applications and features which make it versatile to use. Consumers can use the tab for both business and entertainment functions. For instance, the high quality resolution and the wide screen on the tablet make it easy for consumers to watch movies. Users can also send and receive emails and make video calls. Although it has many applications, the features are made in such a way that the tablet is easy to use. The tab has been made using one of the latest technologies in the markets. It has a 1GHz dual-core NVIDIA processor, 1GB RAM and 16GB ROM, a ten-inch widescreen and a long lasting battery making it one of the most durable phones in the market. The RAM ensures that there is enough memory for users to multitask. Convenience Another brand identity that is especially suited for the galaxy tab is convenience identity. The tablet is widely available and easy to purchase. The tablet is available for sale through popular online stores such as Amazon. This means that consumers are not restricted by the location. They can buy products online and the stores can ship it to them. Moreover, consumers have the chance to learn about the product before purchase (Samsung, 2011). They can do this through the internet or in the retail shops. This enables consumers to know how the phone works and to clarify any issues they might have. Consumers can also return the tab incase of any malfunction. Outlet Marketers can take advantage of the outlet identity. The Samsung galaxy tabs are used by consumers from different target groups. This includes the teenagers and the youth, people in from the ages of 40 to mid 50s. Each of these target groups visit and shop in specific locations. The location and type of outlet matters a lot. The galaxy tabs are usually sold in all types of locations, but they are mostly targeted at the young people. The marketers can identify areas where there are low concentrations and where a specific market has largely been ignored. Samsung offers warranties on all its products. It offers one-year warranty for the Samsung tablets and one-year warranty for the batteries. It also offers ninety days warranty for the case and one-year warranty for other accessories included in the tablet. Samsung repairs the products that have been returned by the consumers. The process involves returning the product with the proof of purchase. The marketer can therefore, utilize the service and proof of claims identities. The marketer can take advantage of the noncommercial endorsements such as media editorials to market the galaxy tab. Some consumers have used the internet to note the positive effects of the galaxy tab, and this is beneficial since it acts as a form of advertising. Emotional Branding One of the advantages of the galaxy tabs is that it offers the marketer the chance to use both the emotional and rational branding. Although marketers can utilize different rational brand identities, they can also use emotional branding for the product. One of the common methods which marketers have found beneficial is associating a product with a public figure such as a celebrity. Many celebrities want to be associated with a high quality product that is in their class range. The Samsung galaxy tab ensures that it enhances a celebrity’s image by offering a stylish tablet that has a high performance and produces quality results (Willmont, 2010). With such qualities, it will not be hard to identify a celebrity who will be associated with the tablet. As is well noted, the football celebrity by the name Didier Drogba playing for the Chelsea Club has become ambassador of Samsung product which includes this Galaxy tab. Although this is a strong emotional branding strategy, other effects need to be put in place. The consumers need to know how this phone will affect their social life and personal life. The phone can be used to take a family through the various emotions they face in life even though they are apart. Through its wide screen, they can be able to talk to each other face to face rather than talking to each other verbally. Based on the twelve archetypal personalities, I think that the most appropriate emotional brand identity for the Samsung galaxy tab is the explorer. The explorer is not satisfied with the ordinary. Explorers seek ways of doing more as they strive for perfection. It is clear that the Samsung galaxy tab is on its way to perfection as it continues to look for the ideal. The Samsung galaxy tab has evolved to include different models based on size and continued perfection of features. The galaxy tab now includes different versions of the Samsung galaxy tab 7.0†, 8.9†and the latest version of 10.1†. Additionally, the phone industry is changing as need arises and so are the consumers changing with. Picking the explorer will be able to pave the way for any changes that need to be put in place. Samsung has different types of phones, and each of the phones has its unique quality. It is therefore significant that the Galaxy tab be branded in a way that brings out its unique effect to the rest of the world instead of conforming it to the other types. Step 6: Telling a Selling Story The release of the Samsung galaxy tab has been controversial in different parts of the world. The company has had to contend court cases with Apple, which is its most competitive rival, in order to release the galaxy tab (Samsung, 2011). This has affected the sale of the tablets in different parts of the world. The characters in the story are the Samsung galaxy tab, Apple, and the users. In order for marketing communications to improve, the galaxy tab has to overcome the different controversies it faces with Apple, so that users can enjoy the Samsung galaxy tab. The recent victory in an Australian court regarding the release and sale of the galaxy tab in the country was a significant boost to Samsung. Apple had sued Samsung for stealing some of its designs, and it described the similarities of some of the designs in the products. Apple has cited the fact that the tablets are similar in shape. Samsung has to overcome this conflict because it continues to incur more losses in terms of loss of sales and court cases. The potential users of the Samsung galaxy tabs have suffered because they cannot get the tablet. They are left out as others enjoy the benefits using the Samsung galaxy tabs. Some people wait to purchase the latest gadgets, but because of the ban of the tablet, they cannot do so. The conflict between the two companies has cost a lot to both companies. In order for the marketing communications to improve, the marketers have to identify ways of ensuring that the conflict is resolved. The company lost some customers as the cases were ongoing. Some of the cases have not been resolved, as Apple continues to press Samsung not to release the galaxy tabs on the market. Some of the customers opted to purchase the products that are available in the market. The company has embarked on a marketing campaign aimed at making the customers aware about its products. However, it has to put more effort so that customers can regain and retain their loyalty. It has to do this by showing the different features and software used in the tablets. Whereas the Apple’s iPad uses the IOS software, Samsung uses Android. The features are also different. The Samsung galaxy tab and the Apple iPad have different features such as size and weight of the tablets, different applications and accessories, and different storage memories. The marketing communicatio ns of the Samsung galaxy tab will improve when the marketers emphasize the different product features and specifications in the two tablets. Step 8: The IMC Campaign: Developing Short-term Sales Communications In order to improve the marketing communications for the Samsung galaxy tab, the marketers have to use different consumer promotions. The main goal is to ensure that marketing communication for the tablet improves. This means that the marketers have to use various ways to ensure that the consumers remember the product and the brand name for the company. Marketers can use specialties, coupons and price reduction to encourage consumers to buy the products (Egan, 2007). The three types of promotions will ensure that consumers try new products, buy more of the products and retain their loyalty. Specialties One of the ways through which it can do this is to use specialties. Consumers can receive specialties with every purchase of the tab. The specialties can be in the form of different accessories (Egan, 2007). Many users are concerned about the safety and the durability of their tablets. The consumers can receive a book cover case with every purchase of the tablet. The case protects the tablet from any damage and ensures that it lasts longer. The users will constantly be reminded of the product since the specialty received is tangible. This is one of the advantages of using a specialty as a promotion since the users will constantly remember the product. Additionally, the consumers may be given security offers for their phones. Samsung has technology that can be used to track the phone or even be used to prevent other people from using the phone in case of any loss or other unexpected happenings. Such a service may be offered for free for all those who purchase the Galaxy tab. The company may also offer free internet connection or other promotional activities such as winning a second phone that may be similar or different. Coupons Marketers can also use coupons as a way of promoting the tablet. Coupons usually encourage consumers to try a new brand (Egan, 2007). Marketers can offer consumers coupons in the way of price reductions. They can reduce the price of the tablet to be in level with, or below the price of similar products from rival brands. Since the tablet is already a high quality product, consumers will be encouraged to purchase the product instead of buying from another brand. The most appropriate types of coupons to use in this case are the instant redemption coupon, where the customers redeem the coupon when they are making the purchase, or the scanner-delivered coupon, where the customer receives the coupon as the cashier scans his items. Some of the advantages of using coupons is that it encourages customers to go place more orders and try new products in the same brand. This is especially useful in the case of the tablet, where customers do not go back often to buy the product. It can encourage consumers to try out the different models of the Samsung galaxy tab. Price Reductions/Price Cut-offs Another promotion that can be especially useful in this case is price reductions or price-offs. This applies to the selling channels and the end users. Although the cutting off prices questions the quality of the product, the prices should not be cut off too low. Lower prices attract majority well-earning customers as compared to the high prices that attract the minority wealthy customers. The company may sell to the distributors and wholesalers at reduced or discounted prices as they buy in bulk (Egan, 2007). Retailers can offer reduced prices of the products especially in the earlier versions or models of the Samsung galaxy tab. With the current economy, consumers prefer cheap prices to quality. When the cheap commodity is of quality, the consumers are attracted all the more. The price reductions will ensure faster sale of the specific goods. It will encourage customers who have never used the tablet to try the specific brand since it will be on offer at a lower price. Price reduct ions are not complicated, and they ensure that the products move quickly. Step 9: The IMC Campaign: Developing long-term Branding Communications Although the Samsung galaxy tab offers several advantages, it has entered a market that other such products have already penetrated. It therefore, requires aggressive and effective marketing campaign to ensure that it persuades more consumers to purchase its products, so that it can take a larger share of the market. The integrated marketing campaign will include advertising, using the internet and public relations. Advertising Advertising is one of the most effective marketing tools. Marketers can advertise the Samsung galaxy tabs in the television and the print media. Since the marketers are not interested in one group, they can choose different types of channels, newspapers and magazines (Willmont, 2010). They can use different news sites, channels and newspapers so that they can reach people in their forties and fifties who are interested in catching up with the latest news. They can use entertainment and sports magazine so that they can attract the younger generation. They can also use television channels that are exclusively dedicated to offering entertainment so that they can reach the younger generations. Including a wide range of channels, will ensure that more people know about the product. Know what is happening Retrieved from The marketers have to ensure that they display the wide range of features. They have to advertise and make the consumers aware of its stylish design. The marketers have to include the fact that the product is relatively easy to use and carry at any time and place. Advertising not only creates awareness about a specific product, but also ensures that a company builds on its brand. It makes the consumers want to buy more of the product. In its quest of including football celebrity Didier Drogba in the advertisement of Samsung products, the company can advertisement how one can replay all Drogba’s goals using the Galaxy Tab. This will not only attract the young people, but it will also attract people who are funs of Drogba and football in general. All these consumers are in the diverse age groups. Drogba’s goals. Retrieved from Public Relations The release of the Samsung galaxy tab was in most cases controversial, especially because of the legal issues with Apple. The legal issues ensured that Samsung lost many of its potential clients, and it is therefore necessary for the firm to look for ways through which they can repair the damage that was done. It is necessary for marketers to include public relations in their marketing campaign. Public relations ensure that there is goodwill between a firm and all the stakeholders involved. Public relations are aimed at various people such as stockholders, suppliers, employees, the government, consumers and labor groups among other activists. The consumers find public relations more credible since the company gets the chance to inform the public about its products (Egan, 2007). One of the most effective ways of ensuring that the product gets a good PR is through sponsorship. The marketers can choose to sponsor events such as sports and games. It can choose to sponsor different sporting events such as baseball and basketball. This will ensure that a wide variety of people of all ages and from various groups are made aware of the product. For starters, Samsung is the sponsor for the Chelsea Football Club. Although this is a significant positive step, the company needs to get more involved with other events that are of benefit to consumers. There are countries where Samsung targets on selling this phone and yet some consumers in these regions have trouble accessing clean water, good school structures, medical care and facilities just to mention but a few. While the company can choose to sponsor a football club in the developed countries, it can also pick on one or more of these basic necessities and facilitate their abundance. Such actions will have been of significance to both the developing and the developed countries. Direct Marketing In most cases, direct marketing is sometimes taken as a form of advertising. However, it carries its own effects as it is. Consumers like to be communicated as though they were extremely significant to the company and not just part of a large audience (Egan, 2007). This is how direct marketing is significance. It communicates directly to customers. The use of text mobile messages, promotional letters, fliers, emails, interactive consumer websites, amongst others, are ways of direct interacting with the consumers. This direct interaction can be accomplished through the collaboration of other communication companies such as mobile network service providers. They can be used to deliver direct text messages to the mobile users which will advertise the Galaxy Tab as it values the consumers themselves. Using search email engines such as Yahoo and Gmail can also come in handy in delivering personified messages to users. Hiring the people (they do not have to be employees of the company) to distribute fliers and collaborating with media stations in order to have promotional shows will of more effect to consumers as compared to having a larger bill-board with the Galaxy tab on it. Internet Communications Internet communication is exclusive on the internet use. Unlike the other forms of direct marketing, the consumers have to access the internet in order to be communicated to. This is through the use of emails, consumer websites, just to mention but a few. The pop-up advertisements on the websites and banners are all forms of advertising through the internet (Egan, 2007). This type of advertising is able to reach a wide range of consumers especially those in the developing countries or those who need to know more information concerning the Galaxy tab. It is also significance to note that most of the mobile phones have access to the internet via the different communication network companies. It is therefore easier to reach people who do not have a computer, but they have as simple as a mobile phone.
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