Monday, September 2, 2019
Final Exam Review
The treaty was significant because it gave Florida to the United States and created a boundary line between Spanish territory and the US, which solved rewriter disputes about the Louisiana Purchase up until the Noncommercial n War. 2. The Bank Veto (1832) On July 10, 1 832 Jackson vetoed the recharging bill for the bank of the United States in a message that appealed both to state bankers and to foes of all banks.Henry Clay convinced Nicholas Fiddle, President of the Bank, to apply to congress for a new charter, even though the current one wouldn't expire for another 4 years, in order to create an issue to use against Jackson in the presidential campaign of 1832. His plan backfired. Congress failed to override Jackson's veto and afterwards Jackson went on to story the National Bank.Jackson won the campaign and the Bank war, but he left the impression that the Democrats had played fast and loose with the Nat ion's credit system. By the end of Jackson's presidency the country was in th e economic panic of 1837. (page 264265) 3. Gag Rule (Passed in 1 836) The third resolution of the Pinkeye Resolutions. Northern abolitionists were using new advances in the printing industry were able to spread more than a million pieces of antislavery literature, much of which went to the south via US mail.Southern slave owners insisted that they were enticing the slaves to revolt, abolitionist tracts were burned and the President Van Burn was the President at the time not Jackson (Jackson was the president that allowed the US postmasters to censor the mail, and the gag rule was passed during his presidency in 1 836, the campaign by the abolitionists continue past his presidency and into Van Burns presidency, who took office March, 1837. Allowed for US postmasters to censor the mail. The gag rule was first passed in 1836 and was debated heavily through 1844.It said that any antislavery petitions would be automatically tabled with o discussion, as the abolitionists were viewed as fa natics. 4. John Tyler (1841) The 10th President of the United States. Became president in 1841, after William Henry Harrison died, and was the first UP to do this. Was known as â€Å"his accidence'. Tyler used the negative power of presidential veto t stymie the Whig program. In the end Clay (leader of the Whig) had no nation I bank, no funds for internal improvements, and only a slightly higher tariff.Although Clays leadership of the Whig was strengthened, Tyler had deprived that leadership of meaning by denying the Whig the legislative fruits of their victory in 1840 . Willow Proviso (1846) In August David Willow, a Pennsylvania democrat, offered an amendment to an appropriations bill for the Mexican war, that any territory gained would be free of slavery. He stated that this was to preserve t freedom of White people, and thereby infuriated southern shallowness, due t the implication that the mere proximity of slavery was degrading and that hi et southerners were a degraded peopl e.The proviso was consistently rejected a ND never became law. The debate began a deep distrust between northerners a southerners. Led to the Compromise of 1850 and the Free Soil party being established. . Free Soil Party (1 8481 854) Formed by dissidents Of the Whig, Old Liberty Party, and a few Northern Democrats. Vowed to keep new territories free. The motto said that free labor couldn't compete with bonded labor. Nominated M artic Van Burn for candidacy but lost to Taylor in election. The party distanced itself from abolitionism and avoided the moral problems implicit in slavery.Members emphasized instead the threat slavery would pose to free white labor and northern businessmen in the new western territories. The Compromise of 1850 temporarily neutralized the issue of slavery, and the Free Soil Party became nominated by ardent antislavery leaders. The party ran John P. Hale in the 1852 presidential election , but its share of the popular vote shrank to less than 5%. However, tw o years later, after enormous outrage over the Canebrake's Act of 1854, the remains of the Free Soil party helped form the Republican Party. 7.Compromise of 1850 (1850) If California was accepted as a free slave State into the union then there would be 16 free states and 15 slave states and the southerners saw their power slipping away. President Taylor owned slaves b UT sought a continental empire, he vowed to stand up to anything that threaten d he Union. 5 steps Henry Clay came in with his last great compromise and suggested Admit California as a free state, as it's residents clearly preferred. B. Allow the residents of the New Mexico and Utah territories to decide the slave ray issue for themselves End the Slave trade in the district of Columbia d.Pass a new fugitive state law that said that if a slave had escaped to another s Tate, then they were to be returned to their owners. Set the boundary between Texas and New Mexico and pay Texas $10 million f or the territory given up t o New Mexico. The compromise was initially rejected, however Stephen Douglas kept it alive, earning the future of the union if it did not pass. He broke it up into smaller bills, know wing that it would never pass as a package. Douglas engineered a majority vote for the compromise and President Fillmore signed it. 14. 15. Uncle Tom's cabin (1851) A novel written by Harriet Beechen Stows about southern slavery that caused a firestorm of controversy. Tom in the book is s old with 2 other mulatto slaves who escape. The presence of mulatto slaves indict the widespread interracial and extramarital sex that northerners, in the midst of a religious revival, viewed as a terrible sin. Tom is beaten to death by his master Leggier, when Tom refuses to whip another slave. By the time of the Civil War the book had sold an unprecedented 3 million copies and thousands more in Europe.The book gave slavery a face and transformed the abolitionist movement from being viewed as extremist to most northe rners to the edge o respectability. To the southerners the book was a damnable lie, a political trap CT disguised as literature. Despite the book's reception in the north, African Americans in the north continued to face voting restrictions, segregation, and official harassment. Canebrake's Act (1854) In January 1 854 Stephen Douglas rewrote his railroad proposal that would've called for a transcontinental railroad and a to establish a government in the Nebraska territory.Since the railroad would've been a northern route instead of a southern route, and because the new terrier Tory was above the Missouri compromise line southern senators rejected it. Dough altered the bill to split the territory into two, Kansas a slave state and Nebraska AAA free state, but left the actual decision of slavery up to the residents of the territories, it also repealed the Missouri compromise. This threatened the laypeople, but President Pierce backed the bill which garnered enough sup port from northe rn democrats that it did pass. Was the catalyst for a brand new party, Lincoln Republican party.Most explosive piece of legislation in history†¦ IT lead to Bleeding Kansas! 16. 17. 18. John Brown (1859) Was a political terrorist and an abolitionist that led groups of volunteers in Bleeding Kansas. He attempted to raid the arsenal at Harpers F err to start a slave revolt in 1859. This was put down by the Marines (led by future Confederate commander Robert E Lee) and Brown was sentenced to death by hanging. The Harpers Ferry raid in 1859 resulted in Southern calling for the f deader slave codes to be taken down and it escalated tensions, that a year later, led t o secession and the American Civil War.Federal Slave Code (Around 1 860) Southerners demand to make Dried Scott ruling an official law to protect slavery in territories was the driving force behind the Federal Slave Codes. Effectively would have made it possible for shallowness to travel at will while their slaves remaine d property, regardless of the local laws. Most import Tanta as an issue that the Democrats would split over in 1 860, removing their national unity and hastening the coming of the Civil War. Intimate (September 17, 1 862) Also commonly referred to as the Battle Of Sharpeners. Final Exam Review The treaty was significant because it gave Florida to the United States and created a boundary line between Spanish territory and the US, which solved rewriter disputes about the Louisiana Purchase up until the Noncommercial n War. 2. The Bank Veto (1832) On July 10, 1 832 Jackson vetoed the recharging bill for the bank of the United States in a message that appealed both to state bankers and to foes of all banks.Henry Clay convinced Nicholas Fiddle, President of the Bank, to apply to congress for a new charter, even though the current one wouldn't expire for another 4 years, in order to create an issue to use against Jackson in the presidential campaign of 1832. His plan backfired. Congress failed to override Jackson's veto and afterwards Jackson went on to story the National Bank.Jackson won the campaign and the Bank war, but he left the impression that the Democrats had played fast and loose with the Nat ion's credit system. By the end of Jackson's presidency the country was in th e economic panic of 1837. (page 264265) 3. Gag Rule (Passed in 1 836) The third resolution of the Pinkeye Resolutions. Northern abolitionists were using new advances in the printing industry were able to spread more than a million pieces of antislavery literature, much of which went to the south via US mail.Southern slave owners insisted that they were enticing the slaves to revolt, abolitionist tracts were burned and the President Van Burn was the President at the time not Jackson (Jackson was the president that allowed the US postmasters to censor the mail, and the gag rule was passed during his presidency in 1 836, the campaign by the abolitionists continue past his presidency and into Van Burns presidency, who took office March, 1837. Allowed for US postmasters to censor the mail. The gag rule was first passed in 1836 and was debated heavily through 1844.It said that any antislavery petitions would be automatically tabled with o discussion, as the abolitionists were viewed as fa natics. 4. John Tyler (1841) The 10th President of the United States. Became president in 1841, after William Henry Harrison died, and was the first UP to do this. Was known as â€Å"his accidence'. Tyler used the negative power of presidential veto t stymie the Whig program. In the end Clay (leader of the Whig) had no nation I bank, no funds for internal improvements, and only a slightly higher tariff.Although Clays leadership of the Whig was strengthened, Tyler had deprived that leadership of meaning by denying the Whig the legislative fruits of their victory in 1840 . Willow Proviso (1846) In August David Willow, a Pennsylvania democrat, offered an amendment to an appropriations bill for the Mexican war, that any territory gained would be free of slavery. He stated that this was to preserve t freedom of White people, and thereby infuriated southern shallowness, due t the implication that the mere proximity of slavery was degrading and that hi et southerners were a degraded peopl e.The proviso was consistently rejected a ND never became law. The debate began a deep distrust between northerners a southerners. Led to the Compromise of 1850 and the Free Soil party being established. . Free Soil Party (1 8481 854) Formed by dissidents Of the Whig, Old Liberty Party, and a few Northern Democrats. Vowed to keep new territories free. The motto said that free labor couldn't compete with bonded labor. Nominated M artic Van Burn for candidacy but lost to Taylor in election. The party distanced itself from abolitionism and avoided the moral problems implicit in slavery.Members emphasized instead the threat slavery would pose to free white labor and northern businessmen in the new western territories. The Compromise of 1850 temporarily neutralized the issue of slavery, and the Free Soil Party became nominated by ardent antislavery leaders. The party ran John P. Hale in the 1852 presidential election , but its share of the popular vote shrank to less than 5%. However, tw o years later, after enormous outrage over the Canebrake's Act of 1854, the remains of the Free Soil party helped form the Republican Party. 7.Compromise of 1850 (1850) If California was accepted as a free slave State into the union then there would be 16 free states and 15 slave states and the southerners saw their power slipping away. President Taylor owned slaves b UT sought a continental empire, he vowed to stand up to anything that threaten d he Union. 5 steps Henry Clay came in with his last great compromise and suggested Admit California as a free state, as it's residents clearly preferred. B. Allow the residents of the New Mexico and Utah territories to decide the slave ray issue for themselves End the Slave trade in the district of Columbia d.Pass a new fugitive state law that said that if a slave had escaped to another s Tate, then they were to be returned to their owners. Set the boundary between Texas and New Mexico and pay Texas $10 million f or the territory given up t o New Mexico. The compromise was initially rejected, however Stephen Douglas kept it alive, earning the future of the union if it did not pass. He broke it up into smaller bills, know wing that it would never pass as a package. Douglas engineered a majority vote for the compromise and President Fillmore signed it. 14. 15. Uncle Tom's cabin (1851) A novel written by Harriet Beechen Stows about southern slavery that caused a firestorm of controversy. Tom in the book is s old with 2 other mulatto slaves who escape. The presence of mulatto slaves indict the widespread interracial and extramarital sex that northerners, in the midst of a religious revival, viewed as a terrible sin. Tom is beaten to death by his master Leggier, when Tom refuses to whip another slave. By the time of the Civil War the book had sold an unprecedented 3 million copies and thousands more in Europe.The book gave slavery a face and transformed the abolitionist movement from being viewed as extremist to most northe rners to the edge o respectability. To the southerners the book was a damnable lie, a political trap CT disguised as literature. Despite the book's reception in the north, African Americans in the north continued to face voting restrictions, segregation, and official harassment. Canebrake's Act (1854) In January 1 854 Stephen Douglas rewrote his railroad proposal that would've called for a transcontinental railroad and a to establish a government in the Nebraska territory.Since the railroad would've been a northern route instead of a southern route, and because the new terrier Tory was above the Missouri compromise line southern senators rejected it. Dough altered the bill to split the territory into two, Kansas a slave state and Nebraska AAA free state, but left the actual decision of slavery up to the residents of the territories, it also repealed the Missouri compromise. This threatened the laypeople, but President Pierce backed the bill which garnered enough sup port from northe rn democrats that it did pass. Was the catalyst for a brand new party, Lincoln Republican party.Most explosive piece of legislation in history†¦ IT lead to Bleeding Kansas! 16. 17. 18. John Brown (1859) Was a political terrorist and an abolitionist that led groups of volunteers in Bleeding Kansas. He attempted to raid the arsenal at Harpers F err to start a slave revolt in 1859. This was put down by the Marines (led by future Confederate commander Robert E Lee) and Brown was sentenced to death by hanging. The Harpers Ferry raid in 1859 resulted in Southern calling for the f deader slave codes to be taken down and it escalated tensions, that a year later, led t o secession and the American Civil War.Federal Slave Code (Around 1 860) Southerners demand to make Dried Scott ruling an official law to protect slavery in territories was the driving force behind the Federal Slave Codes. Effectively would have made it possible for shallowness to travel at will while their slaves remaine d property, regardless of the local laws. Most import Tanta as an issue that the Democrats would split over in 1 860, removing their national unity and hastening the coming of the Civil War. Intimate (September 17, 1 862) Also commonly referred to as the Battle Of Sharpeners.
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