Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The United States Should Provide Less Funding For...
Poverty in the United States has been on the rise for many years, especially after the 2007 recession. The nation s poverty rate is currently 15.1% which is the highest since 1993. Ever since the recession, the poverty rate has gone up 2.6% from 2007 through 2009. In 2006, 36 million Americans were living under poverty but that number rapidly rose to 46 million in 2012. The United States continues to provide billions of dollars in foreign aid to other countries even though 46 million Americans are living under poverty. The United States should provide less funding for international foreign policy because it is statistically proven that money spent on foreign aid is not as effective as money spent on programs in the United States.†¦show more content†¦Banks failed due to their lending practices and all credit standards where just thrown away. By 2009, over eight million jobs were lost and the unemployment rate rose 8.5% while some states had their unemployment rates at 10%. The Government itself is using trillions of taxpayer dollars to make programs which will prevent similar catastrophes from occurring. These decisions turn out to be beneficial because the government is spending money on programs that help Americans which decreases the poverty rates(The Great Depression Causes And Effects). The recession affected all age groups especially the elderly. People who are aged 53-58 lost 2.8% of their retirement wealth in 2010. Statistics show that before the recession, 84.6% Americans changed homes, while in 2009 only 83.2% changed homes. The recession caused jobs to be unstable so people are less likely to take financial risks. According to USA Today, A lot of these young adults are choosing to live together rather than get married. It s kind of an adaptive response to the lack of jobs and economic uncertainty (Nasser). The percentage of adults who have never married was 34.5% in 2000 but was 46.3% in 2009. Instead of showing good results after the recession, the results have continued to be negative. The government still provides a vast amount of aid to foreign countries even though the results are not always great (Nasser). The poverty rate in 2010 was the highest since 1993. There are a total of
Monday, December 23, 2019
Choosing A City For Comparison With Auckland Essay
Choose a city for comparison with Auckland. Discuss the development of each city in the 50 year period between 1880-1930, highlighting the pressures and opportunities created by new technology and urbanisation. Include a timeline in your essay. Denver D’souza Student I.D- 774052033 Word Count- 1459 The Industrial Revolution was a period of transition to many practises within developing cities. For Auckland, New Zealand, the Second Industrial Revolution (1840-1870) influenced rapid development with a growth in transport, factored by a new ideological theory which promoted productivity, through advancements in technology. These factors helped change the status of Auckland, known as the â€Å"oldest city in New Zealand†(Bloomfield.G 1967), to the â€Å"largest and most modern city†(Bloomfield,G 1967) in New Zealand, influencing the role of urbanisation to the economic and social stature of the city through till the early 20th century. Conversely, London also developed through the Industrial Revolution with similar trends in development but to a greater extent given its status as a trade capital and the population density influencing the process of urbanisation. Through strict comparison of both cities, this essay will provide a thorough analysis of the pressures an d opportunities created by the advancements in transport, through the time period of 1880 to 1930. Transport was a growing industry through the late 19th century. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Welfare Who Does It Benefit Free Essays
What happens if someone was to lose their job? What happens if there is not enough money at the end of the month? What happens if someone does not have enough money to feed their children? Luckily, there is a program that can help these people that fit in these categories. The name of this program is called The Welfare Reform. Being on welfare is nothing to be ashamed of. We will write a custom essay sample on Welfare: Who Does It Benefit or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many people feel that welfare benefits the poor, but that is not true at all. Welfare benefits those who are in need of it. In today’s economy, millions of former CEOs, presidents of companies, and business owners are now suffering severe pay cuts. Now, they may not be able support their families financially like they use to. They might have to turn to being on welfare to help their families. This example shows that welfare not only helps the less fortunate, but it helps everyone in need. My primary focus of this paper is to illustrate how welfare helps everyone, and it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Welfare Reform: The Untold Story was a very informative article about the use of the welfare reform. This article discussed the problems with the welfare legislation. It talks about how some people are abusing the welfare system. Also, it talks about how the welfare system has helped other major programs. A program that has been helped by the Welfare Reform is the funding of child care. It talks about what prompted the need of the Welfare Reform. It provides data on how long people are usually on welfare. The article talks about how minimum wage, child support, and a rise in income tax credit have benefited the people on welfare. The article also explains why numerous people on welfare got off the program. It talks about how welfare has affected teen pregnancy. Finally, it gives the reader the advantages and disadvantages brought by the Welfare Reform. Robert Cherry stated that, â€Å"But the strong economy and funding provisions of welfare legislation led almost all states to enhance child care funding, provide tax subsidies to supplement wages, and to fund educational initiatives†(Cherry 79). In this statement alone can answer my soul purpose of the paper. That purpose was does the Welfare Reform benefit the poor? This statement gives the answer as yes, but while doing so; the Welfare Reform has helped millions of people who are not poor. Another great point Robert Cherry made was, â€Å"During the economic expansion, the vast majority of welfare leavers found paid employment†(Cherry 81). This explains, while the economy is doing great; there are numerous people that are on welfare who are getting off. To go a little further, if the economy is not doing well, this is what caused people to turn towards welfare. Once again, this has supported the idea that welfare does not just benefit the less fortunate. Has the Welfare Reform benefited the poor? Yes, but while the reform was geared toward the people who fit the poor profile, however, it has benefited the very people who look down on welfare. Single working mothers are a group that does not fit the poor profile, but the Welfare Reform has helped them tremendously. Robert Cherry supported my claim by saying, â€Å"Today, if a single mother with two children earns $13,000, she qualifies for an earned income tax credit (EITC) of $4,000 at the federal level, and $900 at the state level in a number of states†(Cherry 81). With the tax credit, which is a part of the Welfare Reform; their yearly income has risen to over $ 17,000. The book Evaluating Food Assistance Programs in an Era of Welfare Reform: Summary of a Workshop gives information that many Americans do not know about. The book talks about the different programs that are within the Welfare Reform. It also talks about the work requirements that come with being on welfare. It also discusses the funds that are set aside for welfare. To elaborate on the different programs, the book not only gives us the names of the program, but the book goes in detail pertaining to the programs. The book talks about the research that was needed, so that there could be improvements for welfare. The editors discussed a program called the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. â€Å"PRWORA emphasizes welfare to work concept, including time limits for assistance, strong work requirements, a performance bonus to reward states for moving welfare recipients into jobs, and increased funding for child care†(Evaluating vii). This shows that welfare does not mean taking care of lazy people. It is also saying that the states would benefit from those on welfare. This program gears to help people work, and to take care of themselves, so that is why there is a limit for assistance. The Food and Nutrition Service serves an enormous part to the Welfare Reform. The editors stated, â€Å"Today, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) administers 15 food assistance programs. These programs feed one in six Americans, serving as a natural nutrition safety net for millions of children, working families, and elderly†(Evaluating 1). This material proves that people, who work still, need some assistance. It shows that this program feeds not only the less fortune, but it feeds working Americans also. It also shows that welfare knows no upper, middle, or lower class, but it helps Americans as a whole. I know there has been a previous attempt to help people in need, but that did not work because how the money was distributed to the families. The editors supported my claim by saying, â€Å"The previous program, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), provided cash assistance directly to children and their families based on need, income, resources, family size, and family structure†(Evaluating 1). The problem with this program was because the cash was given directly to the families. This maybe the reason why many Americans started to believe welfare was a waste of money, and the money was not used for the right reasons. This also caused them to use stricter requirements, and caused PRWORA to come up with something else to replace the flaws. â€Å"PRWORA replaced AFDC with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which provides assistance and work opportunities to needy families by granting states the federal funds and wide flexibility to develop and implement their own welfare program†(Evaluating 1). The article Welfare Reform and Family Expenditures: How Are Single Mothers Adapting to the New Welfare and Work Regime provided information that I did not know. The article talks about the public welfare. It also put a light on single parents, but mainly the focus is on single mothers. The article gives graphs that illustrate single mother families, which the mother only has, a high school diploma. The graph also showed what kind of income was expected, depending on the other levels of education. The article also displays the xpenses of the needs needed in everyday life. The article also gives the reader a descriptive and multivariate analysis about expenditures. The authors stated that, â€Å"According to the U. S. Census Bureau (nd), the poverty rate among children in single-mother families declined from 54 percent in 1993 to 43 percent in 2005. This decline is due part to the economic boom of the 1900s and in part to such other factors as changes in tax and transfers programsâ₠¬ (Welfare Reform 371). This shows that while the economy is doing well, the poverty rate drops. This also shows that just because someone is living in a single parent home; it does not mean that they will be living inn poverty. I truly believe that the Welfare Reform does not encourage the welfare recipients to be on welfare. The authors supported my belief by saying, â€Å"A spate of policy changes in the 1990s shifted the focus of U. S. welfare policy from providing cash benefits for low-income single mothers to providing work incentives, and a range of supports for the working poor†(Welfare Reform 371). The government knows that life can be hard, and that is why the government created the Welfare Reform. The government encourages people to work, and to look for jobs. That is why government is making the attempt to provide help for those who need it. However, there is another side to the story. Receivers of welfare as a child has a negative outcome on the money earned as adults. People believe that the more welfare a young male receives as a child, the lower the same boy income will be as an adult. Living in a single-parent household while on welfare, the more likely a person is to have a criminal record. Also, many believe that children in households with higher income will do better in life. Some Americans believe that welfare encourages illegitimacy, and reducing illegitimacy is a more important goal in the Welfare Reform, than attempting to make single mothers self-sufficient. It has been said that modern welfare is deeply flawed and misleading, and has become a recipe for a disastrous system of aid which harms rather than helps. Many believe that welfare reduces the work effort, promotes illegitimacy, and poverty prone single parent families. There are advantages and disadvantages about the Welfare Reform, but I truly believe that the good outweigh the bad. Millions have moved from welfare to work, and this absolute proof that welfare works for the better. But some critics does not believe that because they say a lot less people are receiving cash benefits, but a lot more have signed up for other programs, including food stamps, Medicaid, and disability benefits. Being on welfare does not determine what you will become in life. The Welfare Reform provides too many benefits for everyone; however, it is looked down by many of critics. Being realistic, everyone does not graduate from high school and college, for many different reasons; however, they do not need to suffer for that. Welfare is essential for providing aid for children. The true beneficiary of the Welfare reform is not the poor, but it is the children of America. How to cite Welfare: Who Does It Benefit, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Heritage Essay Research Paper HERITAGE Heritage is free essay sample
Heritage Essay, Research Paper HERITAGE Heritage is an of import function in a individual s life. It defines who we are and what we are to go. Many people are proud to belong to a certain group or nationality. There are some yearss where these groups express their heritage and civilization through activities such as parades and carnivals. There are some people who choose to populate out their heritage and those who try to detect their heritage. In Alice Walker s narrative, Everyday Use, a girl s quest to happen her heritage leads her to return to her place that she had. In Auror Morale s verse form, Child of the Americas, the storyteller appears to hold realized her Heritage and describes it. Morale and Walker both approached Heritage in a unique and perspective manner giving interesting things to believe about. In Everyday Use, a girl returns place to recover portion of her heritage. We will write a custom essay sample on Heritage Essay Research Paper HERITAGE Heritage is or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the procedure of seeking to specify who she is, the girl named Dee, changes her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo. Besides, in this procedure, it can be assumed that Dee has taken on the Islamic faith by her visual aspect. Dee wore a long frock, which went from the cervix down to her mortise joints. Harmonizing to the Islamic faith, adult females are non allowed to demo most of their organic structure. Another ground why Dee appears to hold taken on the Islamic religion is because of her hubby uses the word, Asalamulakim ( Walker 75 ) . Asalamulakim is the customary Islamic Arabic manner of stating salutations. One of the intimations, which gave the feeling that Hakim-A-Barber, Dee s hubby was in fact her hubby, was because he said, Asalamulakim, my female parent and sister ( Walker 75 ) . This shows that Hakim-A-Barber may hold seen Dee s household as his own.Because African-Americans were originally from Africa, where Islam is one of the major faiths, Dee may hold tried to go p ortion of that heritage by accepting the Islamic religion. As the narrative progresses, Dee s mother discoveries out that Dee wanted to hold some old comforters which her expansive female parent had knitted. After happening out that her female parent had already promised to give the comforters to Dee s sister, Maggie, Dee becomes ferocious. She felt that Maggie would set them to everyday usage ( Walker 77 ) . From this line, it seems that Dee wants to repossess the comforters merely because it will assist her define her heritage. But in actuality, Dee sees the comforters as her heritage where she can hang them up any twenty-four hours. Heritage is non something that can be put up one twenty-four hours and merely be admired at. Heritage is something that must be lived to be a portion of. Alice Walker s usage of the comforter as heritage becomes symbolic. Maggie and her female parent were populating out their heritage while Dee wanted to do her heritage something touchable. Morales verse form, Child of the Americas, was narrated in a first individual s position. The storyteller is a kid of the Americas. By this, Auror Morale includes North America and South America because the storyteller is associated in some manner with both continents. The storyteller so discusses what cultures she is portion of. She is Caribena ( Morale 1032 ) , intending that she is a Caribbean adult female. She is of Latin American beginning ( Morale 1032 ) . As the verse form progresses, the storyteller begins to state what she is non. She says, I am non African. African is in me, but I can non return ( Morale 1032 ) . Latin Americans originally migrated from Africa to the Americas. However, since she has no emotional fond regard with Africa, she can non return there and be treated as an African. In line 16, she says, I am non taina. Taino is in me, but there is no manner back ( Morale 1032 ) . By this line, the storyteller means that she is non an Indian folk that was native to Puerto Rico, but she is still portion of them. Unfortunately, it is non possible for her to go portion of the Indian folk. Line 17 goes on to state that she is non European. Europe lives in me, but I have no place at that place ( Morale 1032 ) . Harmonizing to Spanish Europeans, those who migrated to the Americas are no longer considered Europeans. The storyteller is of European decent, but there is no topographic point for her to go accepted as a European. She would merely be seen as a alien to a new land. Child of the Americas discusses a adult female s realisation of her heritage and civilization. She is proud of her heritage, which can be shown by the last line in the verse form, and I am whole ( Morale 1032 ) . It is of import to recognize where we are from through our Heritage. A individual s heritage will specify who he or she is and will go. Heritage is about like a defining personality. Unfortunately, some people can travel through life, without caring what their heritage i s or was. Others, like Dee from Everyday Use, tried to happen themselves spiritually in hunt to going whole. Yet, there are some persons, such as the storyteller from Child of the Americas, who have sought out their heritage and have eventually become spiritually whole.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab Essay Example
Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab Essay Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab Name: Course: Institution: We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Tutor: Date: Marketing Communications for Samsung Galaxy Tab Step 5: Creating a Brand Identity Rational Branding Samsung Galaxy Tab can use several rational brand identities. It can use the Quality identity to influence the consumers based on its appearance, performance and results. The Galaxy Tab has some of the best features in terms of performance and results. It has improved on some of the weaknesses of the previous tablets from the same company, and from the competitors. The quality identity is specifically suited for the galaxy tab since it allows the marketers to convince the consumers to purchase the products based on what they can see. The galaxy tab as received many positive reviews on its performance. It has both cellular and wireless features. It has EDGE/GPRS, HSPA+ and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections (Pogue, 2010). It has both front and back cameras and full HD video playback. Many consumers are especially impressed with the speed at which the tablet performs and the clarity and ease of use of many of the features. Quality The galaxy tab can also use the feature identity. The tab has several applications and features which make it versatile to use. Consumers can use the tab for both business and entertainment functions. For instance, the high quality resolution and the wide screen on the tablet make it easy for consumers to watch movies. Users can also send and receive emails and make video calls. Although it has many applications, the features are made in such a way that the tablet is easy to use. The tab has been made using one of the latest technologies in the markets. It has a 1GHz dual-core NVIDIA processor, 1GB RAM and 16GB ROM, a ten-inch widescreen and a long lasting battery making it one of the most durable phones in the market. The RAM ensures that there is enough memory for users to multitask. Convenience Another brand identity that is especially suited for the galaxy tab is convenience identity. The tablet is widely available and easy to purchase. The tablet is available for sale through popular online stores such as Amazon. This means that consumers are not restricted by the location. They can buy products online and the stores can ship it to them. Moreover, consumers have the chance to learn about the product before purchase (Samsung, 2011). They can do this through the internet or in the retail shops. This enables consumers to know how the phone works and to clarify any issues they might have. Consumers can also return the tab incase of any malfunction. Outlet Marketers can take advantage of the outlet identity. The Samsung galaxy tabs are used by consumers from different target groups. This includes the teenagers and the youth, people in from the ages of 40 to mid 50s. Each of these target groups visit and shop in specific locations. The location and type of outlet matters a lot. The galaxy tabs are usually sold in all types of locations, but they are mostly targeted at the young people. The marketers can identify areas where there are low concentrations and where a specific market has largely been ignored. Samsung offers warranties on all its products. It offers one-year warranty for the Samsung tablets and one-year warranty for the batteries. It also offers ninety days warranty for the case and one-year warranty for other accessories included in the tablet. Samsung repairs the products that have been returned by the consumers. The process involves returning the product with the proof of purchase. The marketer can therefore, utilize the service and proof of claims identities. The marketer can take advantage of the noncommercial endorsements such as media editorials to market the galaxy tab. Some consumers have used the internet to note the positive effects of the galaxy tab, and this is beneficial since it acts as a form of advertising. Emotional Branding One of the advantages of the galaxy tabs is that it offers the marketer the chance to use both the emotional and rational branding. Although marketers can utilize different rational brand identities, they can also use emotional branding for the product. One of the common methods which marketers have found beneficial is associating a product with a public figure such as a celebrity. Many celebrities want to be associated with a high quality product that is in their class range. The Samsung galaxy tab ensures that it enhances a celebrity’s image by offering a stylish tablet that has a high performance and produces quality results (Willmont, 2010). With such qualities, it will not be hard to identify a celebrity who will be associated with the tablet. As is well noted, the football celebrity by the name Didier Drogba playing for the Chelsea Club has become ambassador of Samsung product which includes this Galaxy tab. Although this is a strong emotional branding strategy, other effects need to be put in place. The consumers need to know how this phone will affect their social life and personal life. The phone can be used to take a family through the various emotions they face in life even though they are apart. Through its wide screen, they can be able to talk to each other face to face rather than talking to each other verbally. Based on the twelve archetypal personalities, I think that the most appropriate emotional brand identity for the Samsung galaxy tab is the explorer. The explorer is not satisfied with the ordinary. Explorers seek ways of doing more as they strive for perfection. It is clear that the Samsung galaxy tab is on its way to perfection as it continues to look for the ideal. The Samsung galaxy tab has evolved to include different models based on size and continued perfection of features. The galaxy tab now includes different versions of the Samsung galaxy tab 7.0†, 8.9†and the latest version of 10.1†. Additionally, the phone industry is changing as need arises and so are the consumers changing with. Picking the explorer will be able to pave the way for any changes that need to be put in place. Samsung has different types of phones, and each of the phones has its unique quality. It is therefore significant that the Galaxy tab be branded in a way that brings out its unique effect to the rest of the world instead of conforming it to the other types. Step 6: Telling a Selling Story The release of the Samsung galaxy tab has been controversial in different parts of the world. The company has had to contend court cases with Apple, which is its most competitive rival, in order to release the galaxy tab (Samsung, 2011). This has affected the sale of the tablets in different parts of the world. The characters in the story are the Samsung galaxy tab, Apple, and the users. In order for marketing communications to improve, the galaxy tab has to overcome the different controversies it faces with Apple, so that users can enjoy the Samsung galaxy tab. The recent victory in an Australian court regarding the release and sale of the galaxy tab in the country was a significant boost to Samsung. Apple had sued Samsung for stealing some of its designs, and it described the similarities of some of the designs in the products. Apple has cited the fact that the tablets are similar in shape. Samsung has to overcome this conflict because it continues to incur more losses in terms of loss of sales and court cases. The potential users of the Samsung galaxy tabs have suffered because they cannot get the tablet. They are left out as others enjoy the benefits using the Samsung galaxy tabs. Some people wait to purchase the latest gadgets, but because of the ban of the tablet, they cannot do so. The conflict between the two companies has cost a lot to both companies. In order for the marketing communications to improve, the marketers have to identify ways of ensuring that the conflict is resolved. The company lost some customers as the cases were ongoing. Some of the cases have not been resolved, as Apple continues to press Samsung not to release the galaxy tabs on the market. Some of the customers opted to purchase the products that are available in the market. The company has embarked on a marketing campaign aimed at making the customers aware about its products. However, it has to put more effort so that customers can regain and retain their loyalty. It has to do this by showing the different features and software used in the tablets. Whereas the Apple’s iPad uses the IOS software, Samsung uses Android. The features are also different. The Samsung galaxy tab and the Apple iPad have different features such as size and weight of the tablets, different applications and accessories, and different storage memories. The marketing communicatio ns of the Samsung galaxy tab will improve when the marketers emphasize the different product features and specifications in the two tablets. Step 8: The IMC Campaign: Developing Short-term Sales Communications In order to improve the marketing communications for the Samsung galaxy tab, the marketers have to use different consumer promotions. The main goal is to ensure that marketing communication for the tablet improves. This means that the marketers have to use various ways to ensure that the consumers remember the product and the brand name for the company. Marketers can use specialties, coupons and price reduction to encourage consumers to buy the products (Egan, 2007). The three types of promotions will ensure that consumers try new products, buy more of the products and retain their loyalty. Specialties One of the ways through which it can do this is to use specialties. Consumers can receive specialties with every purchase of the tab. The specialties can be in the form of different accessories (Egan, 2007). Many users are concerned about the safety and the durability of their tablets. The consumers can receive a book cover case with every purchase of the tablet. The case protects the tablet from any damage and ensures that it lasts longer. The users will constantly be reminded of the product since the specialty received is tangible. This is one of the advantages of using a specialty as a promotion since the users will constantly remember the product. Additionally, the consumers may be given security offers for their phones. Samsung has technology that can be used to track the phone or even be used to prevent other people from using the phone in case of any loss or other unexpected happenings. Such a service may be offered for free for all those who purchase the Galaxy tab. The company may also offer free internet connection or other promotional activities such as winning a second phone that may be similar or different. Coupons Marketers can also use coupons as a way of promoting the tablet. Coupons usually encourage consumers to try a new brand (Egan, 2007). Marketers can offer consumers coupons in the way of price reductions. They can reduce the price of the tablet to be in level with, or below the price of similar products from rival brands. Since the tablet is already a high quality product, consumers will be encouraged to purchase the product instead of buying from another brand. The most appropriate types of coupons to use in this case are the instant redemption coupon, where the customers redeem the coupon when they are making the purchase, or the scanner-delivered coupon, where the customer receives the coupon as the cashier scans his items. Some of the advantages of using coupons is that it encourages customers to go place more orders and try new products in the same brand. This is especially useful in the case of the tablet, where customers do not go back often to buy the product. It can encourage consumers to try out the different models of the Samsung galaxy tab. Price Reductions/Price Cut-offs Another promotion that can be especially useful in this case is price reductions or price-offs. This applies to the selling channels and the end users. Although the cutting off prices questions the quality of the product, the prices should not be cut off too low. Lower prices attract majority well-earning customers as compared to the high prices that attract the minority wealthy customers. The company may sell to the distributors and wholesalers at reduced or discounted prices as they buy in bulk (Egan, 2007). Retailers can offer reduced prices of the products especially in the earlier versions or models of the Samsung galaxy tab. With the current economy, consumers prefer cheap prices to quality. When the cheap commodity is of quality, the consumers are attracted all the more. The price reductions will ensure faster sale of the specific goods. It will encourage customers who have never used the tablet to try the specific brand since it will be on offer at a lower price. Price reduct ions are not complicated, and they ensure that the products move quickly. Step 9: The IMC Campaign: Developing long-term Branding Communications Although the Samsung galaxy tab offers several advantages, it has entered a market that other such products have already penetrated. It therefore, requires aggressive and effective marketing campaign to ensure that it persuades more consumers to purchase its products, so that it can take a larger share of the market. The integrated marketing campaign will include advertising, using the internet and public relations. Advertising Advertising is one of the most effective marketing tools. Marketers can advertise the Samsung galaxy tabs in the television and the print media. Since the marketers are not interested in one group, they can choose different types of channels, newspapers and magazines (Willmont, 2010). They can use different news sites, channels and newspapers so that they can reach people in their forties and fifties who are interested in catching up with the latest news. They can use entertainment and sports magazine so that they can attract the younger generation. They can also use television channels that are exclusively dedicated to offering entertainment so that they can reach the younger generations. Including a wide range of channels, will ensure that more people know about the product. Know what is happening Retrieved from http://www.engadget.com/2010/11/01/samsung-galaxy-tab-review/ The marketers have to ensure that they display the wide range of features. They have to advertise and make the consumers aware of its stylish design. The marketers have to include the fact that the product is relatively easy to use and carry at any time and place. Advertising not only creates awareness about a specific product, but also ensures that a company builds on its brand. It makes the consumers want to buy more of the product. In its quest of including football celebrity Didier Drogba in the advertisement of Samsung products, the company can advertisement how one can replay all Drogba’s goals using the Galaxy Tab. This will not only attract the young people, but it will also attract people who are funs of Drogba and football in general. All these consumers are in the diverse age groups. Drogba’s goals. Retrieved from http://www.onsmartphone.com/download-drogba-107071-for-samsung-i8910-omnia-hd Public Relations The release of the Samsung galaxy tab was in most cases controversial, especially because of the legal issues with Apple. The legal issues ensured that Samsung lost many of its potential clients, and it is therefore necessary for the firm to look for ways through which they can repair the damage that was done. It is necessary for marketers to include public relations in their marketing campaign. Public relations ensure that there is goodwill between a firm and all the stakeholders involved. Public relations are aimed at various people such as stockholders, suppliers, employees, the government, consumers and labor groups among other activists. The consumers find public relations more credible since the company gets the chance to inform the public about its products (Egan, 2007). One of the most effective ways of ensuring that the product gets a good PR is through sponsorship. The marketers can choose to sponsor events such as sports and games. It can choose to sponsor different sporting events such as baseball and basketball. This will ensure that a wide variety of people of all ages and from various groups are made aware of the product. For starters, Samsung is the sponsor for the Chelsea Football Club. Although this is a significant positive step, the company needs to get more involved with other events that are of benefit to consumers. There are countries where Samsung targets on selling this phone and yet some consumers in these regions have trouble accessing clean water, good school structures, medical care and facilities just to mention but a few. While the company can choose to sponsor a football club in the developed countries, it can also pick on one or more of these basic necessities and facilitate their abundance. Such actions will have been of significance to both the developing and the developed countries. Direct Marketing In most cases, direct marketing is sometimes taken as a form of advertising. However, it carries its own effects as it is. Consumers like to be communicated as though they were extremely significant to the company and not just part of a large audience (Egan, 2007). This is how direct marketing is significance. It communicates directly to customers. The use of text mobile messages, promotional letters, fliers, emails, interactive consumer websites, amongst others, are ways of direct interacting with the consumers. This direct interaction can be accomplished through the collaboration of other communication companies such as mobile network service providers. They can be used to deliver direct text messages to the mobile users which will advertise the Galaxy Tab as it values the consumers themselves. Using search email engines such as Yahoo and Gmail can also come in handy in delivering personified messages to users. Hiring the people (they do not have to be employees of the company) to distribute fliers and collaborating with media stations in order to have promotional shows will of more effect to consumers as compared to having a larger bill-board with the Galaxy tab on it. Internet Communications Internet communication is exclusive on the internet use. Unlike the other forms of direct marketing, the consumers have to access the internet in order to be communicated to. This is through the use of emails, consumer websites, just to mention but a few. The pop-up advertisements on the websites and banners are all forms of advertising through the internet (Egan, 2007). This type of advertising is able to reach a wide range of consumers especially those in the developing countries or those who need to know more information concerning the Galaxy tab. It is also significance to note that most of the mobile phones have access to the internet via the different communication network companies. It is therefore easier to reach people who do not have a computer, but they have as simple as a mobile phone.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Juvenile Punishment essays
Juvenile Punishment essays A serious question has been posed as to whether or not children should be treated as adults when they commit serious crimes. Unfortunately, no one knows the answer. Each case should be handled based on its own facts and circumstances surrounding the crime that was committed. Should we as society allow children to commit serious crimes and get away with them? Are the parents the ones who should be held responsible? Should we allow a 15 year old who has committed murder to run free through our neighborhoods and schools? What punishment should a juvenile receive for raping their next-door neighbor? The juvenile crime problem is not a new issue; it has been on the rise for a long time. With the FBI reporting a nearly fourfold increase in the murder arrest rate of people under 17 from 1965 to 1992, juvenile justice reform has become a national obsession. (Matza 1) People are now looking at what should be done about this problem, when they should have thought about that long ago. New laws are being passed everyday and new programs put into place to try to lower the numbers of crimes committed by juveniles, but how many are really working? Juveniles who commit serious crimes should receive more serious punishments. Some of the children come from abusive homes and a person could say this is part of the problem. However, should we blame the parents or punish the parents for the actions of their children? Some people argue that children are not mature enough to be held accountable for their actions. The fact that they were mature enough to commit the crime in the first place says that they are mature enough to take responsibility for their actions. Some say that children are not capable of understanding and do not develop mentally until between the ages of 18 and 21. So how are juveniles allowed to drive if this is the case? Serious crimes should receive serious punishments regardless of whom or how old the per...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Law statement of purpose Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Law statement of purpose - Essay Example eveloped an interest in law during my elementary school years, following an interesting legal argument at the United States Supreme Court, I aligned my interest to studying law and was already biased to law related subjects during my high school. This further influenced my decision to study Islamic law at the undergraduate level. Studying law at the graduate level will also offer me an opportunity to work with my former University. In addition, my interest in human rights has motivated my intention to study law at the graduate level for a better understanding of laws on the rights and possible gaps that exists in the laws for improvements. My experience in law includes internships with law firms and volunteer work with human rights based nongovernmental organizations. Upon completing the graduate program, I will establish myself in the legal profession and use my professional and social position to inform legal policies and to advocate for greater recognition of human rights, especially rights of marginalized populations. Besides my intrinsic motivation into the graduate program and my academic background in law, I have availed resources and planned my schedule to ensure successful completion of the program. I look forward to your
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
The T Test and the Chi-square Test Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The T Test and the Chi-square Test - Article Example That is the significant differences in the means of two independently sampled populations can be evaluated. The two assumptions are the independence of population and within each population, the variable of interest is normally distributed with equal variances. The mathematical derivation of this test statistic is as follows: where n1 and n2 are the numbers of observations in each of the two groups; x1 and x2 are the means of the two groups. is the estimate of the standard deviation of (á ºâ€¹1 - á ºâ€¹2) and is calculated using the formula: Consider the situation when we would like to determine whether there was a significant difference in the infant birth weight between mothers who smoked during pregnancy and those who did not. The mean birth weight measured among ten infants whose mothers smoked was 5 lbs., while the mean birth weight measured among the same number of infants whose mothers did not smoke was 8 lbs. Based on the weight measurements of the 20 infants, the pooled sample variance was obtained as 3 lbs. Using the above formula, the calculated t-test statistic was approximately 3.9 with 18 degrees of freedom. The two-sided p-value associated with this test is approximately 0.0006. In other words, even if there was no connection between birth weight and maternal smoking, it could be said that there is a 6 out of 10,000 chance of observing a difference at least as large as 3 lbs. by chance alone. Hence we would conclude that the observed mean difference of 3 lbs. was statistically significant as it could not b e explained as to be by chance. The chi-square test is used to compare the observed data with data expected to obtain according to a specific hypothesis. The data involves categorical variables only. It requires the observed data in a tabular format containing the categories in rows and columns. Thus chi-square test statistic is designed to test the null hypothesis that there is no association between the rows and columns.
Monday, November 18, 2019
My life would be like if all my wishes came true Essay
My life would be like if all my wishes came true - Essay Example I find it extremely disturbing that there are so many people who suffer on and off our streets because they cannot afford a meal or a roof over their heads, many times I walk home in the evenings I run into them waiting for soup kitchens to open, sleeping on park benches and sometimes under culverts. I have always wished there was a way I could help them and if may wishes were to come true, such people would get second or third shot at life, and they would be off the streets and with their families once again. I dislike and always try to avoid conflict situation be it with my friend’s parents, or teacher, I feel that most arguments and disagreements are because people misunderstand me. As a result, I have always wished I could read minds, that way I would know what my teachers want and what they are thinking so I can react accordingly. Mind reading would also help keep me safe since I would know what everyone around me is thinking, and this is would be very useful to avoid getting into dangerous situations by avoiding people with violent thoughts. I would generally have more money, friends and my life would change in so many ways, I would never have to ask for money from my parents and I could just go to the mall and pick out the latest gear without worrying about the price tags. I would be more comfortable around my friends since they would be loyal and I would not have to worry about being backstabbed or betrayed. Furthermore, I have always wished to travel around the world and see the wonders one summer, I would have the time of my life vesting the pyramids the great wall of China, as well as the all the other famous sites. I would go back in time and try to undo the mistakes I have made and also prevent major disasters such as September 2011s terrorist attacks. I would also travel forward in time so I could see how the future will look like especially the levels of technology which I would bring back and try to develop today’s
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Porters Five Forces Study of Starbucks
Porters Five Forces Study of Starbucks Executive Summary: Given case study maps the situation of the company in 2009. In this assignment we will date back to a timeline of about 25 years and see how Starbucks developed their business. We will also see the strategies applied and the present situation of the company with the application of Porters five competitive forces. Finally we will have a look at the future recommendations to reap a profit from the business Part: 1 Starbucks Coffee Company Founded in year 1971 First headquarter in Seattle USA Business in 37 countries Expansion started 1982 with Howard Schultz joined Starbucks has evolved from being a $.50 million business to a business that worth $6.4 billion Howard Schultz is the Chairman, President Chief executive officer History: 1971: Pike Place Market in Seattle was the first place where Starbucks store was settled 1982: Howard Schultz joined the company as marketing and retailing head 1985: Espresso bar concept 1987: Schultz purchased Starbucks and merged his business Giornale Coffee House with Starbucks 1987: Expands Business in the American market by starting outlets in British Columbia and Chicago 1992: With a business comprising of 165 outlets, Starbucks gets listed with its first public stock offering. 1996: Expands business to Japan, Tokyo was the first place. 2003: Starbucks expansion continues at a robust rate and it translates into a company with 6400 outlets worldwide. 2008: Global economic meltdown resulted loss in profitability, Starbucks decided to shuts down 600 outlets across the world and also exits the Australian market. Howard Schultz Chairman, President Chief executive officer VISION, OBJECTIVES AND MISSION Vision Statement: To establish Starbucks as most familiar and appreciated brand in the world and become a national business with values and guiding principles that employee could be proud of The vision statement clearly describes the dream or the future of the company that is to be the worlds most well known coffeehouse and also to be the most appreciated and positively graded brand by all levels of people around the world. The company also focuses its vision to employee satisfactions, so that the employees will be happy. Objectives of Starbucks: Is to grow by making employees feel valued Is to recognize that every dollar earned passes through employees hands The Six principles are: Respect and dignity Quality Diversity Profitability Satisfied customers Commitment Corporate Values and Business Principles: Building a Company with Soul Opposing Franchising because of Quality Control and Culture Only selling coffee beans without artificial flavors. Satisfy customers by all means. Employees contribution and involvement in making Starbucks a better company Corporate Social Responsibility: Establish the Starbucks Foundation in 1997 A major contributor of CARE, worldwide relief and development organization (Health, Education, and Humanitarian aid) Participate in local charitable projects. Provides financial support to community literacy organizations 2004 EnviroStars Recognized Leader Award for its community service and environmental activities Value Chain: Starbucks do not have a vertically integrated supply chain. It always works at increasing its relationship with its suppliers through the fair trade initiative Success Factors for Starbucks: Factors which helped Starbucks to gain success Starbucks were the first coffee makers in business Starbucks started their operation in the year 1987 under Howard Schultz Within the first five years they had 150 stores. First specialty coffee retailing chain in the market. First move advantage gave Starbucks a reason to establish a value proposition within customers and comes with a unique brand positioning. Profits were huge enough to allow them invest in their expansion plans. Market Research: Starbucks performed comprehensively study for expansion and enter into new markets. 1991 was the year in Starbucks moved to California resulted after a lot of market research. The reason why California people adapt quickly to changing lifestyle and that is the reason of choosing California. Employee Satisfaction Motivation: Starbucks played a major role in this aspect. Highly motivated and well trained staff resulted the high level of employee satisfaction. Starbucks offered health benefits to their employees for employees who worked more than twenty hours in a week. Starbucks Strategies (1983- 2008) Schultz restored the old and honest employees of Starbucks to give the best service to the customers. Dave Lawrence was hired as a executive vice presented and charged with leading operation, finance and human resources. In order to increase the market share, Starbucks has differentiated itself in providing a unique experience to its customers. In order to create a unique value proposition, Starbucks have created stores with specific themes. Secondly they have a focus on different flavors of beverages to suit peoples needs. Starbucks have developed the market for specialty coffee industry for America. In this context, Starbucks have created brand awareness and henceforth have created a demand for coffee stores amongst American population. Therefore, they have taken coffee from a commodity market to a specialty item. New logo was invented to match the culture of the Starbucks and Giornale. New espresso machines were equipped and look more Italian than old world nautical Chicago store opened in October 1987 as per expansion strategy Identifying inability of the customers for having a cup of coffee in the winter season in Chicago, Schultz solved the problem of freshness and quality assurance by putting freshly roasted beans in special flavor lock bags that used vacuum packaging technique. Portland, oregon was the next market the company entered. Entered in L.A in late 1991. Opened 15 new stores in 1988, 20 in 1989, 30 in 1990, and 53 in 1992, producing a total of 161 stores in US. Also went for franchising concept to retrieve the cost for new store expansion. In order to make Starbucks a great place to work Schultz accepted to expand healthcare coverage to include part-time workers. To oversee the expansion process Starbucks created zone wise vice presidents to direct the development of each region and to implant the Starbucks culture in the newly opened stores. Starbucks had created a new subsidiary, Starbucks coffee international, to orchestrate overseas expansion and build the Starbucks brand name globally via license. To accommodate its strategy of rapid store expansion. In august 2002 Starbucks teamed up with T-mobile USA, the largest carrier-owned Wi-Fi services, to experiment with Providing internet access and enhanced digital entertainment to patrons at over 1200 Starbucks locations. Part 2 Starbucks Performance (Fiscal 2009 Annual Report) Stores Open : Store Sales Growth: (1) Store openings are reported net of closures. (2) Of the approximately 800 total US stores identified for closure, 566 stores and 205 stores were closed in fiscal 2009 and 2008, respectively. (3) Starbucks restructured its Australia market by closing 61 stores in fiscal 2008. Of the approximately 100 International stores (incremental to the Australia closures in fiscal 2008) identified for closure, 41 stores were closed in various markets in fiscal 2009. Net Revenues: Operating Cash Flow Capital Expenditures: Company revenues decreased from fiscal 2008, primarily attributable to a 6% decline in comparable store sales, comprised of a 4% decline in transactions and a 2% decline in the average value per transaction. Foreign currency translation also contributed to the decline with the effects of a stronger US dollar relative to the British pound and Canadian dollar. The weakness in consolidated comparable store sales was driven by the US segment, with a comparable store sales decline of 6% for the year. The International segment experienced a 2% decline in comparable store sales. The Company derived 16% of total net revenues from channels outside the Company-operated retail stores, collectively known as specialty operations. The decrease in Foodservice and other revenue was primarily due to the softness in the hospitality industry. Schultzs Actions in 2008/2009 Retrained all the store employees They reduced operating costs by $600m per anum Simplified the product range They Closed 1,000 worst-performing stores Introduced Fairtrade coffee Started advertising Porters Five Forces Potential entry of Competitors (Low). Differentiation: Coffee industry companies tries to achieve differentiation in their service qualities through stores ambience, staff and complimentary products. Hence it becomes difficult for new players to imitate the existing business models. Potential development of substitute products (Low) Companies such as Pepsi and Coca Cola have been a threat to specialty coffee retailing from a substitute perspective. In the current situation this threat has been lowered considerably Bargaining power of suppliers (High) Trade Policy Farmers associations that practice the fair trade policy. In US this initiative is called the TransFair initiative. Users of these are certified coffee beans are regarded as more reputed by customers and hence most companies such as Starbucks are forced to buy from these farmers. This increases the bargaining power of suppliers. Differentiation Because of the taste differentiation companies need to procure an assortment of different varieties of coffee beans from different specialized farmers. This results the increase in the bargaining power of suppliers. Rivalry among competing firms (High) It faces tough competition from local baristas due to price factor. Starbucks is priced higher than these local players. Starbucks faces stiff competition from McDonalds, Dunkin Donuts and a number of players. Overall the industry is growing but at a slow rate and there are lot of players. Cost: In terms of switching cost, consumers do not pay a high amount when they needs to switch their preferences from Starbucks to other coffee shops. Starbucks have lost a number of its customers because of the high prices. Customers opine that they get the same coffee in other places at lower prices. Bargaining power of consumer (Moderate) Loyalty Programs: Repeated purchases from a single customer become guaranteed customers are bounded to the organization through Loyalty Cards Low Switching Cost It usually plays a negative factor to the companys growth by increasing the bargaining power of buyers. SWOT Analysis Strength: Starbucks has proven to give an outstanding performance in customer service and experience. It has its own unique playback songs system which can be used to listen to your choice. Starbucks have changed coffee to a recognized beverage. One of the major strategies of Starbucks is that it has never used expensive television advertising campaigns or brand ambassadors to advertise, instead it has relied more on its universally present cafes, word of mouth publicity and the ambience of its stores. It has maintained a high level of service through which it has achieved a consistent level of customer satisfaction. Weakness: Customers are never loyal to a single store and keep on changing their stores, because when ever Starbucks enters any international market it opens a large number of stores within close vicinity Sales of individual stores are never stable. Because of the recent recession, the levels of same store sales and margins have come down. The fourth quarter results have shown a loss of 70% in the companys net income and share prices have fallen by 33 cents. There has been a closure of 600 stores and lay off for 6700 stores. Opportunities: Along with coffee Starbucks has also branched out to produce DVDs, CDs, t-shirts and other proprietary food product offerings. The market for these products has grown considerably and gives a great opportunity to Starbucks for leveraging their brand. Starbucks should also look at exploring some of the emerging economies in South Eastern Asia such as India where the economy is stable. Threats: The economic recession is a threat for Starbucks since they had to close down a large number of stores leading to declining profits and large level of unemployment. McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts serve high quality green coffee also which is an impending factor on Starbucks growth. Starbucks is facing major challenges from competitors such as McDonalds and Dunkin Donuts. Strategic Synopsis: Starbucks faces an extremely challenging fiscal 2009 due to the ongoing economic slowdown. It noted that its customers may have less money for discretionary spending as a result of job losses, foreclosures, and bankruptcies. Any resulting decreases in customer traffic or average value per transaction will negatively impact the companys financial performance as reduced revenues result in sales de-leveraging which creates downward pressure on margins. The company also said it expects negative comparable store sales for fiscal 2009 and that additional restructuring measures may be needed in the future if Starbucks is unable to improve its financial performance. PART: 3 Customer, Market, Market Segment: Customer Segment: Its is well known for its coffee as well as the relationships formed with its customers. This targets college students and business people in general, as well as individuals. Target Market Starbucks us always adult -focused and look forward to aim to connect with their customers, childrens and communities through different types of advertisements tactics. College age group and post graduates are the big growing market. Market Attraction Targeting adults and young adults is a good mechanism for Starbucks because this age level has the same interests as the foundation that promotes arts, culture, education, and the environment (starbucks.com). The company satisfies their customers through their advertising, support programs and, of course, their coffee. Resources and Capabilities A: Resources, capabilities and Strategic Assets: Every company or organization needs and owns certain resources, capabilities or competencies and also assets which are a necessity to endure and prosper globally. The resources consist of: Creating Competitive Edge Intangible Resources Recipe Employee relationship Large customer base Reputation of products and services Tangible Resources Large number of outlets Machinery equipments Operations in 37 countries RESOURCES CATEGORIES STARBUCKS RESOURCES PHYSICAL RESOURCES Operation in 40 countries Conventionally taste and environment. Effective segmentation. Supply chain management. Large number of outlets. FINANCIAL RESOURCES Turnover of  £46.56 billion in 2009. Gross margins of  £4.13 billion in 2009. Profit of  £2.1 billion in 2009. HUMAN RESOURCES Greatly competent labour force. Young and prosperous. INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL Reputation for excellence Brand image built as taste, environment. Strategic capability of Starbuck: CATEGORIES STARBUCK RESOURCES THRESHOLD RESOURCES solid supply chain. Young and affluent workforces. THRESHOLD COMPETENCIES Quality. Reliability. Dealings and relationship with its employees and customers. UNIQUE RESOURCES Hi-tech coffee machines equipments. Extraordinary labour force CORE COMPETENCIES Technology. Speed of production. Known as The Best coffee provider B: Structure, Culture and organizational knowledge There are very less companies who can boast to be as consistent as Starbucks in terms of attracting the customers which is always adjusting itself for the demand of the time with seamless quality and efficiency. The adjustment which is the company is willing to accept all the time is what makes it different from the rest. Their philosophy of the Starbucks is to provide product which are marvel of taste but also come with value and satisfaction. B: STRATEGIC CHOICE Identification of Strategic Options Ansoffs Product/Market Matrix Considering the approach of STARBUCKS they should continue to go with what they are doing currently. It means stick to what they do best. I think that they do need to enter new markets for themselves and in particular ASIA. Currently STARBUCKS is not one of the most commonly used or known brands in ASIAN region. To pin point the region the areas to focus must be China and South Asian markets. STARBUCKS has set its sights on Chinese Niche market with view of the massive growth in Chinese economy and the wealth generated. Working in China would also mean that they will be able to work with the best available technology and also the fast growing consumer market that exists within China. Other region of interest can be South Asian emerging markets and in particular India who are enjoying a massive boom in economy and also buying power. In my opinion the strategy used needs to be Business to Customer or B2C as this strategy has already served STARBUCKS Group very well in the past. The benefit of the strategy will be that it will be Product driven and will also maximize the value of the transaction and plus they will have larger target markets. This will also ensure that there will be a single step buying process and will enhance brand identity and also the brand image will also work as an extra helping hand for the company. B2C strategy will ensure the brand loyalty and also will promote emotional buying decisions which will base on status, price or may be desire. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTION Starbucks should continue with its operation in the growing economies and markets and diversify themselves to new markets where ever possible. As most of markets of Europe and America are at a stage of maturity, the realistic option for growth is diversion to new markets. The markets of Europe and America are older and also are very established for the Starbucks and it also has developed a brand loyal segment of customers behind them. That is the reason they need to consolidate the work they have so far put in to the emerging markets and consumers. To put the strategy into action STARBUCKS needs to consider the below stated aspects so that the transition or change over to new markets is as smooth as it can get. The timing is one of the major aspects which need to be taken care off or estimated beforehand. Since company already has its plants based in INDIA and CHINA; they still need to develop them further to enhance production and meet the growing demand of a growing market and also a growing consumer base. The time it will take for them to either acquire or go into further and further of franchise growth model. The other important type of strategy in which STARBUCKS has been largely successful is by creating their 100% subsidiaries in the emerging markets so that it becomes a strategic asset for the company and would usually mean that it will be cost effective manufacturing by producing it in developing countries; which means that they will have relatively less expensive labour at their disposal in comparison with already developed countries and markets. The constraints for company can be the rise in prices of raw materials will definitely impact pricing and positioning of the brand. They will also have to work extensively to keep up to date with taste of consumers and also their preferences in terms of product. Another factor can be the potential of the markets suggested will definitely appeal to the competition and it might trigger a price war and fierce rivalry amongst the industry players. The fluctuation in international business will also affect STARBUCKS in particularly the international currency market. This strategic plan may be able to help STARBUCKS achieve a safer journey ahead and they will be able to sustain a strong foothold in the world. Starbucks should continue to open new locations worldwide. Starbucks is extremely dependent on its domestic success, and yet has a variety of countries it has not explored opportunities in. However, it is recommended that Starbucks tread lightly and with caution, insuring proper social and cultural analysis before plunging into a country. This is apparent in the fact that Starbucks was forced to close three retail stores in Singapore last year. ÂÂ
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Analysis of Transaction Processing Systems :: Computer Science Technology Essays
Analysis of Transaction Processing Systems It is the processing in which a system respond to a user’s command to carry out some operation to and fro. The request or command is called TRANSACTION, and the system carrying it out is called TRANSACTION PROCESSING SYSTEM e.g cash machines. Transaction processing systems are the systems working at a low level of any organizational structure being operated by data entry operators etc to collect and store data which is needed to be transported then to decisional level of organisations. But it is important to make sure nothing goes wrong at this level of handling data before it is transported to upper level to be manipulated and then making decisions based on information provided. â€Å"There is some support for the propositions that (1) Transaction processing systems should be able to be managed within each work group in an organisation, managed that is with respect to work stations in use and functionality available on those workstations. (2) exhibit very little model behaviour. (3) support a high degree of operator independence or asynchornity.†REFERNCE: http://www.csse.monash.edu.au/~cavram/papers/tp/tr94-02h.html There are 9 types of transaction processing models 1: Batch systems: 2: Monitor systems : 3: Time sharing systems 4: Advanced virtual terminal front end systems 5: Client server systems 6: Electronic mail and forms 7: Database based groupware 8: (IVR) systems 9: (EDI) systems â€Å"Transaction processing systems are information systems which collect data and distribute operational data both within and between organisations. The wide spread use of networks and personal computers (used as terminals) has provided feasible new options for the design of transaction processing systems†b. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS: â€Å"Decision Support Systems (DSS) are a class of computerized information systems that support decision-making activities. DSS are interactive computer-based systems and subsystems intended to help decision makers use communications technologies, data, documents, knowledge and/or models to successfully complete decision process tasks†Reference: http://dssresources.com/ Decision support systems are the computer information application which collects and analyze data and then present it to the decision making people of organisation i.e managers . decision support system as the name suggest help and support managers to make effective ,right and timely decisions. These systems store and process data at a much higher and efficient speed and then represent the information in multiple forms which could be regular text , graphical representation, numerical etc which really enable managers to come up with timely and right decisions. As the decision makers could be different so can be the systems as some work individually while other work in teams there are differences in decision contexts, types, and makers. â€Å"There are certain common traits that decision-making processes tend to exhibit. They typically involve the phases of intelligence, design, and
Monday, November 11, 2019
Music Censorship Essay
First , I want to talk about what decides if music should be censored and this includes parents and corporations. The parents started to listen to their childrens music and listened to the lyrics of the songs. Some of the parents liked the lyrics and music that their children listened to, while others did not. The parents that did not like the lyrics of the songs their children listened to decided to create a group the Parents Music Resource Center, or the PMRC for short. The PMRC was established by parents to regulate music censorship in 1984 and stated that their goal was to increase parental control over the access of access of children to music deemed to be violent, have drug use or be sexual via labeling albums with Parental Advisory stickers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parents_Music_Resource_Center). The corporations were effected by the parents influences majorly. The conflicted parents demanded that the record companies put labels on their products, so their children would not be introduced to this vulgarity. The record companies and the parents fought back and forth until the parents involved legislators which stopped the record companies in their place. This was a revolution in music history and changed the music industry forever. Next, I want to talk about who regulates the censorship of music and this includes the PMRC and the Recording Industry Association of America, or the RIAA for short. The Parents Music Resource Center put heavy pressure on the RIAA with senate hearings to get them to put the Parental Advisory label, so that other parents would know what vulgarity was in the products. By doing so, the parents enforced the â€Å"Parental Advisory- Explicit Lyrics†warning label to be used by the Recording Industry Association of America on their products that was not suitable for children. The RIAA regulated the censorship of music before the PMRC started, but the did not give any kind of standards, criteria or guidelines for determining which albums should be labeled and which albums should not be labeled. Not only did the PMRC get onto the RIAA about their labels, but also many organizations were dissatisfied with the RIAA’s labels and have demanded more limits on the sale of music containing controversial lyrics (http://www.nku.edu/~issues/music_censorship/laws.htm). Through the efforts of many organizations, mainly the PMRC, stricter labels were used for albums with explicit lyrics. Then, I want to talk about what is politically correct in music, and it is either politically correct or it is not politically correct. If a song is politically correct it will be good for profit so most record companies and artiest try to direct the lyrics in the their songs as leaning toward politically correct lyrics. They’re can be a problem with politically correct songs though, sometimes when you have politically correct songs then it does not display an artists full emotion, and it can be distracting to make sure that their songs are politically correct. When you have politically incorrect songs then it, very often, offends the listeners or a group of people that the song is directed toward. Not only do you offend the listeners with politically incorrect songs, but also the listeners will stop listening which decreases sales and profit. Being politically correct is more profitable, but doesn’t allow full expression and politically incorrect songs take away from p rofit and decrease listeners.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Financial Statements and Stakeholders The WritePass Journal
Financial Statements and Stakeholders Introduction Financial Statements and Stakeholders -2014. [Online]. j-sainsbury.co.uk/media/2064053/sainsbury_s_annual_report_and_ accounts_ 13-14.pdf. 2014. [Accessed online on 01/11/2014] Laurent, C.R. Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of financial ratio analysis. Journal of Business Finance and Accounting. [Online] Vol 6(3). 2006. p401-413. McLaney, E. J., Â Atrill. P. (2008). Accounting and finance : an introduction. Fourth edition. Harlow: Pearson. Palepu, K. Healy, P. (2008) Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements. Mason:Thomson Learning WM Morrisons Supermarkets plc , 2014. Morrisons Annual Report 13-14 [Online]. http://annualreport.marksandspencer.com/downloads/MS_AR2014_Annual_Report.pdf [Accessed online on 01/11/2014]
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Why Powerful Men Sexually Harass Women
Why Powerful Men Sexually Harass Women We know from recent studies that half the workforce in the US is female. And were also well aware that though the numbers may be equal, the power distribution isnt. Only 15 women served as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies in 2009. Even at the upper and middle levels of management and leadership, men predominate. And with power comes abuse. When a woman files a sexual harassment complaint, its rarely about a co-worker harassing her. Its usually a boss, supervisor, or someone higher up the food chain. Anecdotal evidence suggests that for some men, power provides opportunities and access. Many perpetrators dangle potential jobs, pay raises, or promotions in front of women with the implication that if youre nice to me, Ill be nice to you. But is sexual harassment about sex and lust, or control and domination? Is power the catalyst that flips the off switch into an on position for some men who would otherwise not behave this way if they werent in charge? Those who study human behavior tend to agree that powerful men sexually harass women more than men on equal footing with their female co-workers, but what triggers that is up for debate. Most, however, agree that sexual harassment is not about desire but domination. Noted legal scholar Catharine A. MacKinnon specializes in sex equality issues under constitutional and international law. In her book Directions in Sexual Harassment Law co-written with Reva B. Siegel, MacKinnon states: ...[S]exual harassment is...the expression, in sexual terms, of power, privilege, or dominance....To understand sexual harassment primarily in terms of misplaced sexual desire is wrong for many of the same reasons that it is a mistake to understand rape as primarily a crime of passion or lust. acceptance of interpersonal violencethe desire to dominate womenhigh authoritarianismdifficulty seeing others’ perspectives (difficulty being empathetic)belief in sex-role stereotypesendorsement of stereotypic views of male sex-role norms While the tendency is to link the above traits to male behavior, it might be more accurate to blame hormones specifically an overabundance of testosterone. Widely recognized as a major factor in dominant behavior, testosterone also impacts men in other ways (and can similarly influence women with elevated levels in their own bodies). Writing about The Testosterone Curse for Psychology Today, Leon F. Seltzer, Ph.D. notes the many traits associated with high-T (high testosterone) males: ...[D]ominant individuals also tend to be extremely competitive, and are frequently endowed with whats commonly known as the killer instinct. ....[I]n cutthroat businesses, its undeniably an asset....[but] a driving need to compete with others undermines the empathy, understanding, tolerance, and compassion necessary to sustain close, caring relationships.At its worst, high-T dominance and competitiveness can involve brute force, violence, and fighting behavior of all kinds....Their more tender feelings literally blunted by elevated testosterone levels, they tend not to be particularly concerned aboutor, for that matter, interested inthe feelings of others....Sadly, theres seems to be something about high testosterone levels that contributes to an almost predatory frame of mind....Complementing this tendency to be imprudent, rash, or even reckless, are a variety of research findings indicating that high-testosterone males are more likely to be impulsive, impatient, unreliable.... According to anthropologist and historian Laura Betzig, the point of politics is sex. She cites rulers throughout history who routinely engaged in sexual harassment and sexual assault, adding: Why is every man with a big harem a despot? Because collecting women–like tribute, like labor, like homage–tends to require force. People...tend to cede favors on two accounts. One is, they get a favor back; the other is, they get beat up if they dont. There are, in short, positive and negative sanctions. because they can Powerful men have a both an overactive libido as compared to normal men, but they are also more willing to gamble that they can get away with their sexual activities....[I]n my opinion, it is the position of power itself that makes men arrogant, narcissistic, egocentric, oversexed, paranoid, despotic, and craving even more power, though there are exceptions to this rule. Powerful men generally have a keen eye for female beauty and attractiveness....Every willing woman confirms the power of the powerful man....It is not too speculative to think that powerful men live in a sexualized or eroticized world. Not only do they expect to have sex whenever they fancy, but they also expect that every woman is always willing to provide this service, and enjoy it. They are...opportunistic and just take what they want. It probably comes as a complete surprise when somebody does not comply. The forbiddenness, and the awareness of transgression, makes the sex even more attractive... Sources:Betzig, Laura. Sex in History. Michigan Today, michigantoday.umich.edu. March 1994.MacKinnon, Catharine A. and Reva B. Siegel. Directions in Sexual Harassment Law. p. 174. Yale University Press. 2004Seltzer, Leon F., Ph.D. The Testosterone Curse (Part 2). PsychologyToday.com. 6 May 2009.Sex and Power: Powerful Men Have an Overactive Libido. Spiegel Online. 27 May 2011.
Monday, November 4, 2019
The movie Analysis. When Harry Met Sally Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The movie Analysis. When Harry Met Sally - Essay Example This happens before the drive to New York City. The second stage occurs during the drive and is known as the stage of experimentation. During this stage, there is an attempt on the part of both the characters to look for common characteristics in their personalities. Much of the tension in the movie arises out of the fact that this stage stretches for a very long time. The next stage is the intensifying stage. During this stage, the two parties seek to take the relationship forward and develop it further. Harry and Sally take a long time in reaching this stage and it happens during the New Year Eve party when they realize the attraction that they felt for each other. It is during the next stage, that of integration, that they engage in sexual intercourse. The act of sex then can be seen to be one where the members of the couple disclose hidden parts of themselves to the other. The next stage of bonding for Harry and Sally arrives, one may speculate after the events of the movie as th e formal declaration of love comes at the end of the movie. The stage of disintegration, on the other hand, never really arrives (Knapp and Vangelisti; Reiner). The different stages of love in the movie are ironically, shown to develop not between Harry and Sally but between different characters and the members of the lead couple. ... There is a great emphasis on the stages between initiation and bonding in the movie. It makes it clear that these stages may not move through very quickly and the appeal of the movie lay largely in the audience’s wish for the stages to pass by quickly. The stage of bonding is looked upon as the most desirable one and the one that every relationship is supposed to lead up to. The stage of experimentation is looked upon as one of the most conventionally romantic stages and the elongation of this is considered to be one of the reasons for the enduring popularity of this movie. The Johari model can also be used to analyse the different stages of the relationship within the movie. There are different windows that different parts of the relationships within the movie occupy. In the beginning, Harry and Sally both occupy the window of the arena. They are aware of those sides of themselves that are known to the society at large as well. There is no knowledge that is hidden from the so ciety and known to the other person. As a result, there is no proress in the relationship and it remains stagnant. Later on, the space of the blind spot is opened up for discussion as Harry and Sally are made to confront the validity of their beliefs. These are challenged as they are made aware of those aspects of their personalities that they are not aware of but the society is. This happens through the interventions of the two characters. The relationship develops further and to its logical conclusion when the couple separates itself into a unit separate from the society. This happens when they move into the space that is designated as the facade. In this stage, the characters are
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Discussion and problem solving questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Discussion and problem solving questions - Essay Example It is also great storage of large digital files like digital music and digital photos/movies (http://www.iwebtool.com/what_is_dvd-rw.html). 3. With the capability to store digital music, the audio CD has revolutionized the way we play and listen to recorded music. Now music can be downloaded over the Internet and played on PCs, solid-state MP3 players, and other electronic devices. Does this signal the beginning of the end of the audio CD? Explain. Now that music can be easily down loaded from the Internet, it seems that audio CDs are actually in danger of extinction just like those vinyl LPs of old times. Young people today are incapable of listening to one whole album due to the short attention span they have. The consumers of the world today cannot be forced to buy one whole album when what they want is just that one song or music they can download from the Internet so easily (Meagher, 2009). 4. Today’s continuous speech-recognition systems are able to interpret spoken words more accurately when the user talks in phrases. Why would this approach be more accurate than discrete speech where the user speaks one word at a time with a slight separation between words? There are two types of speech recognition software; the discreet and continuous. The latter is the latest technology that is capable of reading the speech which is spoken continuously. Speech recognition is definitely helpful tool for professionals and students who are doing a lot of typing, but it is also a helpful tool for people with disability. Continuous speech recognition is better and more accurate than discreet, because it allows the user to talk in a more natural and comfortable manner, but it requires higher specified PCs. It requires higher RAM and faster processor (Davis, 1999). 5. Describe the benefits of using a notebook PC, in conjunction with an LCD projector during a formal business presentation as opposed to the traditional alternative (transparency acetates and an
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Social Media and the Importance of Good Media Relations Essay
Social Media and the Importance of Good Media Relations - Essay Example This paper approves that the information can be uploaded in the form of articles, bookmarked links, photos, videos or music. The connections made over the social networking sites are interlinked to one another and extend to the greater circle of connections. Due to this, the relations maintained in the social media tools should be carefully moderated. The effects of mass media can be felt on the political processes existing â€Å"in the contemporary advanced democracies†. The news generated by the media and reported on the social media tools are capable enough to create consciousness in the political sphere. For larger institutions, their operations overseas are powerful enough to have a say in the political scenario prevailing worldwide. The lifestyle of the people is also influenced by the social dictums that are reflected in the social media. The political feelings of the people are modified to a great extent through the images reported by the media. This essay makes a conclusion that the term social media has arrived from the concept of â€Å"aggregation of individuals into groups†. The connection between the different users leads to sharing of values along with the ideas and information. This makes the companies to think in more serious terms about the utilization of social media in their business processes. The companies sometimes dismiss the smaller social networking sites in favor of the bigger ones. But these sites in most cases create â€Å"greater amount of noise†. Hence from the above discussion one would agree with Parker’s statement: â€Å"In a social media driven world, the fundamentals of good media relations practice – relevance, authority, engagement and relationship – are more important than ever†.... The various social media platforms are reachable from any place and any time by anyone through the access of internet via a smart phone or a computer. The implications of such a vast reach of social media are reflected on the domains of â€Å"public relations and communications†(CIPR, n. d.). Journalists use social media for collection of news. These social media are a big ‘source’ of news. Thus on the other side of the coin, social media plays a big role in the process of determination of business performance as well as its promotion such as brand recognition. It creates an authority upon the performance of the businesses as is indicated by Parker. Campaigning and advertisement are done on a large scale over the official websites of the different organizations. It helps the company to reach out to a greater number of people and also make an account of the reviews of the existing customers as well as the responses of the potential customers. The organizations nee d to â€Å"deal with the media†(Giancontieri, 2008, p. 1) and make interactions with the reporters in their own interest in order to promote their business. Establishment and maintenance of â€Å"mutual lines of communication, understanding, acceptance and cooperation between an organization and its publics†(Tench & Yeomans, 2006, p. 4) is achieved through a very good public relations management strategy. Public relations are a feature of management function in an organization that entails the social media to a large extent. The foundation of public relations as a profession was on the usage of â€Å"mass media and media relations†(Duhe, 2007, p. 99). In the wake of the twentieth century the communication environment was dominated by â€Å"a limited number of mass media with
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Exam on inpatient and outpatient codinhg Essay Example for Free
Exam on inpatient and outpatient codinhg Essay 1. The three goals of the Physicians Payment Reform are to decrease Medicare expenditures. As well as redistribute physician’s payments more equitably. Also to ensure quality health care at a reasonable rate. 2. I would use modifier -57, decision for surgery with the E/M code for this case. Due to the E/M service and the decision for surgery were made earlier that same day. 3. There are three components of the relative value unit the first component is work, which is the amount of time, the intensity of effort and the technical expertise required for the physician to provide the service. The second would be the overhead component also known as the practice expense, it is identified as the allocation of cost associated with the physicians practice (ex. Staffing) that must be expended in order to provide a service. The third component is malpractice and is identified as the cost of the medical malpractice insurance coverage/ risk associated with providing the service. 4. People age 65 and older, along with patients who are experiencing end-stage renal disease are both eligible for Medicare. As well as people who are eligible for disability benefits from social security, they are too covered by the Medicare program. 5. To find the main terms in the index of the CPT you must use these basic location methods, you must search by the service or the procedure, the anatomic site, condition or disease. You also could use synonyms, eponym’s or abbreviations to find main terms in the index. 6. The E/M code 99253 would be used to report an initial impatient consultation. With a detailed history and exam along with a MDM of low complexity. 7. There are many elements when considering the correct E/M code. There are four elements of history which include chief complaint, history of present illness, as well as review of symptoms and past, family, and/or social history. 8. The complexity of medical decision making is base doff of three elements which are the number of diagnosis or management options. These options can be minimal, limited, multiple or extensive. The nest element is the amount and/or the complexity of data to review. The data can be minimal or none, limited, moderate or extensive. The last element of medical decision making is the risk of complication or death if the condition goes untreated. This risk can be minimal, low, moderate or high. 9. The correct CPT code is 99214 due to the detailed history. As well as the detailed exam and a MDM of moderate complexity. 10. There are three key components present in every patient’s case except counseling encounters and/or time based codes. The three components are the history, the level of examination, the level of medical decision making. These components allow us coders to choose the appropriate level of service.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Designer Duties Arising from Health and Safety Legislation
Designer Duties Arising from Health and Safety Legislation Summary of designer duties determine any possible dangers that might arise when carrying out construction and maintenance in future find relevant solutions to deal with the hazards inform PSDP about significant control measures, design presumptions or remaining risks to ensure they are handled in the Safety and Health Plan collaborate with PSDP, PSCS and other designers responsible for existing safety and health plan or safety file follow the guidance from PSDP or PSCS remind client on the necessity of PSDP ensure project to be constructed is safe and will maintain safely besides fulfil the needs of health and safety legislation, according to the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 Defining design and designers Under the Regulations, design work includes the formation of drawings, particulars, specifications, calculations, the preambles and preliminaries of bills of quantities, where we can find specifications or other expressions of purpose from them, in accordance with which a project, or any part or component of a project, is to be carried out. The design process is the process of developing and preparing a design of a project from initial ideas up to a more precise specification, which often include different teams and fields at various stages throughout the project. Designers involve organisations or individuals who responsible for the design work of a project, including the design of temporary works. It is possible for them to make decisions that significantly reduce the hazards to safety and health when construction is on-going and during subsequent use and maintenance. Potential designers from various professions are: architects, civil and structural engineers, building services consultants, building surveyors, landscape architects and other design practices and individuals who assist or responsible for analysing, calculating, preparatory design work, designing, detailing, specifying and preparing bills of quantities for construction work; Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and other related engineers who involved in the project; person who determine or modify a design, or who specify the application of certain work methods or specific materials, including client, temporary work designers, interior designers, specialist subcontractors who contribute to design work and construction materials selection Examples of temporary works are trench shoring, scaffolding, propping, working platforms, gangways and access stairs or ladders. Employers or the head of design team are designers. Areas of responsibility between various designers on a project should be outlined precisely to prevent any overlap or gaps, which cause confusion or even possible danger. The duties relating to safety and health of each designer can be formed after outlining scope of responsibility for designers. Duties of Designers According to Regulation 15(1), a designer is required to consider the general principles of prevention, relevant safety and health plan and safety file when working on design of a project. General Principles of Prevention Under Regulation 15(1), designers must consider the General Principles of Prevention that are found in Schedule 3 to the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 as well as other related Safety and Health Plan or Safety File. The Principles of Prevention are a hierarchy for reducing and eliminating risks. If applicable, the first thing to tackle in handling safety and health on construction projects at design stage is to reduce and eliminate risks. Designers should consider existing risks in certain areas of the project and relate any possible new hazards created by design process for workers in construction areas, end users and the public. General Principles of Prevention is used as a guide in reducing risks experienced during the construction process and after the project is completed. The measures in descending order of effectiveness are: risks prevention assessment of inevitable hazards dealing with risks on site adaptation of work to the person: working environment, equipment used for work, working systems, in order to prevent repetitive jobs and health risks adaptation of working place to technical development replacing risky elements, substances or working systems with those that less dangerous establishment of prevention policy related to safety, health and welfare at work that consider about technology, social factors, working organisation, environment and conditions prioritizing collective protective measures over individual protective measures providing appropriate training and guidance to employees Besides, designers should: identify any hazards in the design eliminate risks when applicable without introducing other higher risks evaluate and reduce residual hazards by using risk assessment process of the design and prioritizing collective protection supply relevant information so that other designers, contractors and the PSDP are aware of identified residual hazards and able to take action Designers should be aware of hazards that likely cause injury. They must assess design proposals critically at beginning, followed by throughout the design process, to identify the main construction safety and health issues, and include them into overall design process. The nature of risks varies depends on the type of project constructed. Designers should review the hazards before informing the PSDP when developing the design, especially for design and build contracts, where there is a large overlap in time between designing main elements of a project and the construction stage. Designers are recommended to participate in some safety and health meetings between the PSDP, PSCS, and contractor. Designers may have direct influence, and should consider other design considerations such as: choosing position and design of structures to prevent or minimise risks from known site hazards, e.g. buried services, traffic movements, contaminated ground minimise health hazards, e.g. use less hazardous materials, prevent activities that emit dangerous substances, use materials can be handled easily, design block paved areas and access areas minimise safety hazards, e.g. work at height, fragile roof site, public areas or on motorways, flammable materials; apply prefabrication to minimise dangerous work or in a controlled manner prevent hazardous aspects that cause falling or injury if work at height is unavoidable, e.g. install permanent access in the beginning; apply edge protection work on attempts that simplify the construction process, e.g. provide lifting points, weight and centre of gravity for heavy items on the items and drawings; consider temporary works needed; end bearings to slabs or beams that end-propping temporarily; design connections to ensure accuracy of assembly design to simplify maintenance and cleaning jobs in future, e.g. concern on safe permanent access; create access areas for future maintenance; utilise windows that can be cleaned from indoor; design safe plant rooms; create safe access for roof Providing Information According to Regulation 15(b), a designer requires to supply all related information in written form to project supervisors in order for them to conduct their duties. The details provided should be up-to-date so that the PSDP able to coordinate activities of designers involved in the project besides ensure the effectiveness of communication between PSCS and other duty-holders. Moreover, designers should provide relevant information on the design features that might cause risks in future construction work or maintenance. It will then be included into the Safety File by the PSDP. Completing design certificates is a way of recording agreement with these duties and keeping record of different stages throughout the design process. This ensure the safety of works carried out at different stages, besides help in design examination and communication of design assumptions between various designers. Other method can also be used as an alternative for communication, record and verification of information related to the project. This will help the PSDP to fulfil his or her co-ordination role, and will also demonstrate the designers compliance with the legislation. It is recommended that a permanent works designer should complete a permanent works design certificate with respect to the adequacy, in the context of safety and health, of their design. A permanent works designer is recommended to complete a permanent works design certificate related to the adequacy, in line with safety and health, of their design. Temporary works designers and contractors should locate their temporary works design according to the assumptions made in loadings and construction sequence. The temporary works designer is recommended to complete a temporary works design certificate in order to supply sufficient information to all parties and ensure the structure can be built safely. Completed forms are handed over to the PSDP for verification in coordinating various designers. The forms are passed to the PSCS and other relevant person afterwards. Designer Co-operation Under the Regulation 15(2), designer is required to cooperate with the project supervisors for both design process and construction stage as well as other designers, to allow them to comply with these Regulations. This can be done in terms of supplying relevant information, attending meetings or reviewing designs in order to improve the features of safety and health on site. Besides, designers ought to supply information for the PSDP to compose a Safety File. The information provided include details about plants or materials specified in the building, design assumptions, and relative calculations for the functioning, maintenance, and possible extension of the building. Designers should also determine demolition risks to the PSDP for inclusion in the Safety and Health File, these include: substantial stored energy sources, including pre- or post-tensioned members stability demands; adjustments that altered the original structure Complying with Directions According to Regulation 15(c), designers should agree with all commands from the project supervisor for both design process and construction stage, which are expressed as stated in Regulation 14 or 20, when applicable. It is possible for the PSDP or PSCS to request any designer to achieve Designers duties, so that the Project Supervisor may accomplish own duties under Construction Regulations 2006. Designers have to fulfil any reasonable requests from the PSDP or PSCS, including issues related to General Principles of Prevention or coordinating design activities among different designers. However, it is not reasonable for designers to comply with directions that they not capable of doing, or not related and controlled by them, or legally constrained from doing. If a designer failed to carry out a direction from project supervisor, the project supervisor must issue the direction in written form. When PSDP considers the designer failed to complete a confirmed written direction, they need to inform the Health and Safety Authority, Client and the person who failed to comply with the direction, by including a copy of the written direction and relevant response from the person in accordance with the direction. Once the Health and Safety Authority carry out investigation, it usually determines whether the parties involved have complied with their legal duties, before any enforcement actions are taken. The Authority will not conduct any negotiation or judgement between the parties. When an investigation commences, a designer or Project Supervisor may express any additional responses to the instruction so that consideration is given to all relevant sides in the matter. Detailed Provision of information Under Regulation 15(3), a designer has to provide relevant information in written form to project supervisor immediately when working on design of a project. This information is: hazards to the safety, health and welfare of workers related to the project, including those stated in Schedule 1 to the Regulations The significant risks are: dangerous or flammable substances involved in the design (epoxy grouts, fungicidal paints, isocyanates materials) particular problems and solutions structures that affect accessibility huge, heavy or cumbersome prefabricated objects which are difficult and risky to handle works that cannot be achieved by normal methods of tying scaffolds aspects of design and sequences of constructing or disassembling that need to be noticeable at the design stage and significant to work safely unusual stability approaches includes the type and areas to be covered by the project to allow project supervisor complies with the Regulations relevant details for project supervisor to include in the safety file aware by the designer and the safe construction of design for the project Information given should be limited to project. In the context of structural stability, design is based on: particular erection or construction sequence setting up and removal of false work, interim propping or formwork as well as the arrangement loading restrictions during construction if contractor is not aware of the factors, designers (temporary or permanent works, specialist designers) should inform the PSCS, PSDP and contractors, to ensure construction proceeds safely according to the design intent If a structure became unstable due to certain reason, the temporary works to ensure stability during the construction, alteration, or demolition of any part of the structure will be the pertinent information. Other relevant designers should be informed as well in order for them to take appropriate measures in their design to accommodate safety, health and welfare. Making Clients Aware of their Duties Under Regulation 15(4), designers should provide information to a contractor if there is no appointed project supervisor for the project according to the Regulation 15(3). Regarding to the duties of Client, a Client has no legal obligation to assign Project Supervisors in some circumstances. In this context, a designer has to provide information required under Regulation 15(3) to the appropriate contractor. According to Regulation 15(5), designers should immediately inform the client of the clients duties under Regulation 6 when they are not aware of the appointment of project supervisor in design process. Does any other Legislation Apply? Any other duty-holders who responsible to oversee a work place have to ensure the preservation of the safety, health and welfare of workers at working site, as well as others who affected by the on-going work on site. Designers may have other responsibilities besides those stated in the Construction Regulations. Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and other related legal provisions will also apply. Section 17 (2) of the Act also requires a designer of construction work to ensure that the project: is designed and qualified to be constructed safely without risking ones health can be maintained safely without risking ones health when in use obeys all respects, as appropriate, of the relevant statutory provisions.
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