Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The United States Should Provide Less Funding For...
Poverty in the United States has been on the rise for many years, especially after the 2007 recession. The nation s poverty rate is currently 15.1% which is the highest since 1993. Ever since the recession, the poverty rate has gone up 2.6% from 2007 through 2009. In 2006, 36 million Americans were living under poverty but that number rapidly rose to 46 million in 2012. The United States continues to provide billions of dollars in foreign aid to other countries even though 46 million Americans are living under poverty. The United States should provide less funding for international foreign policy because it is statistically proven that money spent on foreign aid is not as effective as money spent on programs in the United States.†¦show more content†¦Banks failed due to their lending practices and all credit standards where just thrown away. By 2009, over eight million jobs were lost and the unemployment rate rose 8.5% while some states had their unemployment rates at 10%. The Government itself is using trillions of taxpayer dollars to make programs which will prevent similar catastrophes from occurring. These decisions turn out to be beneficial because the government is spending money on programs that help Americans which decreases the poverty rates(The Great Depression Causes And Effects). The recession affected all age groups especially the elderly. People who are aged 53-58 lost 2.8% of their retirement wealth in 2010. Statistics show that before the recession, 84.6% Americans changed homes, while in 2009 only 83.2% changed homes. The recession caused jobs to be unstable so people are less likely to take financial risks. According to USA Today, A lot of these young adults are choosing to live together rather than get married. It s kind of an adaptive response to the lack of jobs and economic uncertainty (Nasser). The percentage of adults who have never married was 34.5% in 2000 but was 46.3% in 2009. Instead of showing good results after the recession, the results have continued to be negative. The government still provides a vast amount of aid to foreign countries even though the results are not always great (Nasser). The poverty rate in 2010 was the highest since 1993. There are a total of
Monday, December 23, 2019
Choosing A City For Comparison With Auckland Essay
Choose a city for comparison with Auckland. Discuss the development of each city in the 50 year period between 1880-1930, highlighting the pressures and opportunities created by new technology and urbanisation. Include a timeline in your essay. Denver D’souza Student I.D- 774052033 Word Count- 1459 The Industrial Revolution was a period of transition to many practises within developing cities. For Auckland, New Zealand, the Second Industrial Revolution (1840-1870) influenced rapid development with a growth in transport, factored by a new ideological theory which promoted productivity, through advancements in technology. These factors helped change the status of Auckland, known as the â€Å"oldest city in New Zealand†(Bloomfield.G 1967), to the â€Å"largest and most modern city†(Bloomfield,G 1967) in New Zealand, influencing the role of urbanisation to the economic and social stature of the city through till the early 20th century. Conversely, London also developed through the Industrial Revolution with similar trends in development but to a greater extent given its status as a trade capital and the population density influencing the process of urbanisation. Through strict comparison of both cities, this essay will provide a thorough analysis of the pressures an d opportunities created by the advancements in transport, through the time period of 1880 to 1930. Transport was a growing industry through the late 19th century. Through advancements in technology from the IndustrialShow MoreRelatedCadbury Media Planning6000 Words  | 24 Pagesheavy reader show the higher percentage of 44.40% follow by moderate which 26.80%. light magazine reader contribute 19% and magazine nil is 9.8%. * * Radio campaign will be run in 2 weeks time during the lunch in Auckland, Christchurch and wellington * For Auckland radio station, we have choose ZM, Edge and Breeze FM, Christchurch we choose ZM, More and Edge FM, for Wellington we choose ZM, More and Classic Hits. The total spend for radio is $96,384. * For magazine campaign, we chooseRead MoreMarketing Goals And Objectives Of A New Zealand Appliance Market Essay2360 Words  | 10 Pages. More specifically, these families will prefer environmentally friendly brands over competitors, buy more organic and fresh produce than average and regularly use their smartphone to search for information and engage in social media. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Welfare Who Does It Benefit Free Essays
What happens if someone was to lose their job? What happens if there is not enough money at the end of the month? What happens if someone does not have enough money to feed their children? Luckily, there is a program that can help these people that fit in these categories. The name of this program is called The Welfare Reform. Being on welfare is nothing to be ashamed of. We will write a custom essay sample on Welfare: Who Does It Benefit or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many people feel that welfare benefits the poor, but that is not true at all. Welfare benefits those who are in need of it. In today’s economy, millions of former CEOs, presidents of companies, and business owners are now suffering severe pay cuts. Now, they may not be able support their families financially like they use to. They might have to turn to being on welfare to help their families. This example shows that welfare not only helps the less fortunate, but it helps everyone in need. My primary focus of this paper is to illustrate how welfare helps everyone, and it is nothing to be embarrassed about. Welfare Reform: The Untold Story was a very informative article about the use of the welfare reform. This article discussed the problems with the welfare legislation. It talks about how some people are abusing the welfare system. Also, it talks about how the welfare system has helped other major programs. A program that has been helped by the Welfare Reform is the funding of child care. It talks about what prompted the need of the Welfare Reform. It provides data on how long people are usually on welfare. The article talks about how minimum wage, child support, and a rise in income tax credit have benefited the people on welfare. The article also explains why numerous people on welfare got off the program. It talks about how welfare has affected teen pregnancy. Finally, it gives the reader the advantages and disadvantages brought by the Welfare Reform. Robert Cherry stated that, â€Å"But the strong economy and funding provisions of welfare legislation led almost all states to enhance child care funding, provide tax subsidies to supplement wages, and to fund educational initiatives†(Cherry 79). In this statement alone can answer my soul purpose of the paper. That purpose was does the Welfare Reform benefit the poor? This statement gives the answer as yes, but while doing so; the Welfare Reform has helped millions of people who are not poor. Another great point Robert Cherry made was, â€Å"During the economic expansion, the vast majority of welfare leavers found paid employment†(Cherry 81). This explains, while the economy is doing great; there are numerous people that are on welfare who are getting off. To go a little further, if the economy is not doing well, this is what caused people to turn towards welfare. Once again, this has supported the idea that welfare does not just benefit the less fortunate. Has the Welfare Reform benefited the poor? Yes, but while the reform was geared toward the people who fit the poor profile, however, it has benefited the very people who look down on welfare. Single working mothers are a group that does not fit the poor profile, but the Welfare Reform has helped them tremendously. Robert Cherry supported my claim by saying, â€Å"Today, if a single mother with two children earns $13,000, she qualifies for an earned income tax credit (EITC) of $4,000 at the federal level, and $900 at the state level in a number of states†(Cherry 81). With the tax credit, which is a part of the Welfare Reform; their yearly income has risen to over $ 17,000. The book Evaluating Food Assistance Programs in an Era of Welfare Reform: Summary of a Workshop gives information that many Americans do not know about. The book talks about the different programs that are within the Welfare Reform. It also talks about the work requirements that come with being on welfare. It also discusses the funds that are set aside for welfare. To elaborate on the different programs, the book not only gives us the names of the program, but the book goes in detail pertaining to the programs. The book talks about the research that was needed, so that there could be improvements for welfare. The editors discussed a program called the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. â€Å"PRWORA emphasizes welfare to work concept, including time limits for assistance, strong work requirements, a performance bonus to reward states for moving welfare recipients into jobs, and increased funding for child care†(Evaluating vii). This shows that welfare does not mean taking care of lazy people. It is also saying that the states would benefit from those on welfare. This program gears to help people work, and to take care of themselves, so that is why there is a limit for assistance. The Food and Nutrition Service serves an enormous part to the Welfare Reform. The editors stated, â€Å"Today, the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) administers 15 food assistance programs. These programs feed one in six Americans, serving as a natural nutrition safety net for millions of children, working families, and elderly†(Evaluating 1). This material proves that people, who work still, need some assistance. It shows that this program feeds not only the less fortune, but it feeds working Americans also. It also shows that welfare knows no upper, middle, or lower class, but it helps Americans as a whole. I know there has been a previous attempt to help people in need, but that did not work because how the money was distributed to the families. The editors supported my claim by saying, â€Å"The previous program, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), provided cash assistance directly to children and their families based on need, income, resources, family size, and family structure†(Evaluating 1). The problem with this program was because the cash was given directly to the families. This maybe the reason why many Americans started to believe welfare was a waste of money, and the money was not used for the right reasons. This also caused them to use stricter requirements, and caused PRWORA to come up with something else to replace the flaws. â€Å"PRWORA replaced AFDC with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, which provides assistance and work opportunities to needy families by granting states the federal funds and wide flexibility to develop and implement their own welfare program†(Evaluating 1). The article Welfare Reform and Family Expenditures: How Are Single Mothers Adapting to the New Welfare and Work Regime provided information that I did not know. The article talks about the public welfare. It also put a light on single parents, but mainly the focus is on single mothers. The article gives graphs that illustrate single mother families, which the mother only has, a high school diploma. The graph also showed what kind of income was expected, depending on the other levels of education. The article also displays the xpenses of the needs needed in everyday life. The article also gives the reader a descriptive and multivariate analysis about expenditures. The authors stated that, â€Å"According to the U. S. Census Bureau (nd), the poverty rate among children in single-mother families declined from 54 percent in 1993 to 43 percent in 2005. This decline is due part to the economic boom of the 1900s and in part to such other factors as changes in tax and transfers programsâ₠¬ (Welfare Reform 371). This shows that while the economy is doing well, the poverty rate drops. This also shows that just because someone is living in a single parent home; it does not mean that they will be living inn poverty. I truly believe that the Welfare Reform does not encourage the welfare recipients to be on welfare. The authors supported my belief by saying, â€Å"A spate of policy changes in the 1990s shifted the focus of U. S. welfare policy from providing cash benefits for low-income single mothers to providing work incentives, and a range of supports for the working poor†(Welfare Reform 371). The government knows that life can be hard, and that is why the government created the Welfare Reform. The government encourages people to work, and to look for jobs. That is why government is making the attempt to provide help for those who need it. However, there is another side to the story. Receivers of welfare as a child has a negative outcome on the money earned as adults. People believe that the more welfare a young male receives as a child, the lower the same boy income will be as an adult. Living in a single-parent household while on welfare, the more likely a person is to have a criminal record. Also, many believe that children in households with higher income will do better in life. Some Americans believe that welfare encourages illegitimacy, and reducing illegitimacy is a more important goal in the Welfare Reform, than attempting to make single mothers self-sufficient. It has been said that modern welfare is deeply flawed and misleading, and has become a recipe for a disastrous system of aid which harms rather than helps. Many believe that welfare reduces the work effort, promotes illegitimacy, and poverty prone single parent families. There are advantages and disadvantages about the Welfare Reform, but I truly believe that the good outweigh the bad. Millions have moved from welfare to work, and this absolute proof that welfare works for the better. But some critics does not believe that because they say a lot less people are receiving cash benefits, but a lot more have signed up for other programs, including food stamps, Medicaid, and disability benefits. Being on welfare does not determine what you will become in life. The Welfare Reform provides too many benefits for everyone; however, it is looked down by many of critics. Being realistic, everyone does not graduate from high school and college, for many different reasons; however, they do not need to suffer for that. Welfare is essential for providing aid for children. The true beneficiary of the Welfare reform is not the poor, but it is the children of America. How to cite Welfare: Who Does It Benefit, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Heritage Essay Research Paper HERITAGE Heritage is free essay sample
Heritage Essay, Research Paper HERITAGE Heritage is an of import function in a individual s life. It defines who we are and what we are to go. Many people are proud to belong to a certain group or nationality. There are some yearss where these groups express their heritage and civilization through activities such as parades and carnivals. There are some people who choose to populate out their heritage and those who try to detect their heritage. In Alice Walker s narrative, Everyday Use, a girl s quest to happen her heritage leads her to return to her place that she had. In Auror Morale s verse form, Child of the Americas, the storyteller appears to hold realized her Heritage and describes it. Morale and Walker both approached Heritage in a unique and perspective manner giving interesting things to believe about. In Everyday Use, a girl returns place to recover portion of her heritage. We will write a custom essay sample on Heritage Essay Research Paper HERITAGE Heritage is or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In the procedure of seeking to specify who she is, the girl named Dee, changes her name to Wangero Leewanika Kemanjo. Besides, in this procedure, it can be assumed that Dee has taken on the Islamic faith by her visual aspect. Dee wore a long frock, which went from the cervix down to her mortise joints. Harmonizing to the Islamic faith, adult females are non allowed to demo most of their organic structure. Another ground why Dee appears to hold taken on the Islamic religion is because of her hubby uses the word, Asalamulakim ( Walker 75 ) . Asalamulakim is the customary Islamic Arabic manner of stating salutations. One of the intimations, which gave the feeling that Hakim-A-Barber, Dee s hubby was in fact her hubby, was because he said, Asalamulakim, my female parent and sister ( Walker 75 ) . This shows that Hakim-A-Barber may hold seen Dee s household as his own.Because African-Americans were originally from Africa, where Islam is one of the major faiths, Dee may hold tried to go p ortion of that heritage by accepting the Islamic religion. As the narrative progresses, Dee s mother discoveries out that Dee wanted to hold some old comforters which her expansive female parent had knitted. After happening out that her female parent had already promised to give the comforters to Dee s sister, Maggie, Dee becomes ferocious. She felt that Maggie would set them to everyday usage ( Walker 77 ) . From this line, it seems that Dee wants to repossess the comforters merely because it will assist her define her heritage. But in actuality, Dee sees the comforters as her heritage where she can hang them up any twenty-four hours. Heritage is non something that can be put up one twenty-four hours and merely be admired at. Heritage is something that must be lived to be a portion of. Alice Walker s usage of the comforter as heritage becomes symbolic. Maggie and her female parent were populating out their heritage while Dee wanted to do her heritage something touchable. Morales verse form, Child of the Americas, was narrated in a first individual s position. The storyteller is a kid of the Americas. By this, Auror Morale includes North America and South America because the storyteller is associated in some manner with both continents. The storyteller so discusses what cultures she is portion of. She is Caribena ( Morale 1032 ) , intending that she is a Caribbean adult female. She is of Latin American beginning ( Morale 1032 ) . As the verse form progresses, the storyteller begins to state what she is non. She says, I am non African. African is in me, but I can non return ( Morale 1032 ) . Latin Americans originally migrated from Africa to the Americas. However, since she has no emotional fond regard with Africa, she can non return there and be treated as an African. In line 16, she says, I am non taina. Taino is in me, but there is no manner back ( Morale 1032 ) . By this line, the storyteller means that she is non an Indian folk that was native to Puerto Rico, but she is still portion of them. Unfortunately, it is non possible for her to go portion of the Indian folk. Line 17 goes on to state that she is non European. Europe lives in me, but I have no place at that place ( Morale 1032 ) . Harmonizing to Spanish Europeans, those who migrated to the Americas are no longer considered Europeans. The storyteller is of European decent, but there is no topographic point for her to go accepted as a European. She would merely be seen as a alien to a new land. Child of the Americas discusses a adult female s realisation of her heritage and civilization. She is proud of her heritage, which can be shown by the last line in the verse form, and I am whole ( Morale 1032 ) . It is of import to recognize where we are from through our Heritage. A individual s heritage will specify who he or she is and will go. Heritage is about like a defining personality. Unfortunately, some people can travel through life, without caring what their heritage i s or was. Others, like Dee from Everyday Use, tried to happen themselves spiritually in hunt to going whole. Yet, there are some persons, such as the storyteller from Child of the Americas, who have sought out their heritage and have eventually become spiritually whole.
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