Thursday, October 31, 2019
Social Media and the Importance of Good Media Relations Essay
Social Media and the Importance of Good Media Relations - Essay Example This paper approves that the information can be uploaded in the form of articles, bookmarked links, photos, videos or music. The connections made over the social networking sites are interlinked to one another and extend to the greater circle of connections. Due to this, the relations maintained in the social media tools should be carefully moderated. The effects of mass media can be felt on the political processes existing â€Å"in the contemporary advanced democracies†. The news generated by the media and reported on the social media tools are capable enough to create consciousness in the political sphere. For larger institutions, their operations overseas are powerful enough to have a say in the political scenario prevailing worldwide. The lifestyle of the people is also influenced by the social dictums that are reflected in the social media. The political feelings of the people are modified to a great extent through the images reported by the media. This essay makes a conclusion that the term social media has arrived from the concept of â€Å"aggregation of individuals into groups†. The connection between the different users leads to sharing of values along with the ideas and information. This makes the companies to think in more serious terms about the utilization of social media in their business processes. The companies sometimes dismiss the smaller social networking sites in favor of the bigger ones. But these sites in most cases create â€Å"greater amount of noise†. Hence from the above discussion one would agree with Parker’s statement: â€Å"In a social media driven world, the fundamentals of good media relations practice – relevance, authority, engagement and relationship – are more important than ever†.... The various social media platforms are reachable from any place and any time by anyone through the access of internet via a smart phone or a computer. The implications of such a vast reach of social media are reflected on the domains of â€Å"public relations and communications†(CIPR, n. d.). Journalists use social media for collection of news. These social media are a big ‘source’ of news. Thus on the other side of the coin, social media plays a big role in the process of determination of business performance as well as its promotion such as brand recognition. It creates an authority upon the performance of the businesses as is indicated by Parker. Campaigning and advertisement are done on a large scale over the official websites of the different organizations. It helps the company to reach out to a greater number of people and also make an account of the reviews of the existing customers as well as the responses of the potential customers. The organizations nee d to â€Å"deal with the media†(Giancontieri, 2008, p. 1) and make interactions with the reporters in their own interest in order to promote their business. Establishment and maintenance of â€Å"mutual lines of communication, understanding, acceptance and cooperation between an organization and its publics†(Tench & Yeomans, 2006, p. 4) is achieved through a very good public relations management strategy. Public relations are a feature of management function in an organization that entails the social media to a large extent. The foundation of public relations as a profession was on the usage of â€Å"mass media and media relations†(Duhe, 2007, p. 99). In the wake of the twentieth century the communication environment was dominated by â€Å"a limited number of mass media with
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Exam on inpatient and outpatient codinhg Essay Example for Free
Exam on inpatient and outpatient codinhg Essay 1. The three goals of the Physicians Payment Reform are to decrease Medicare expenditures. As well as redistribute physician’s payments more equitably. Also to ensure quality health care at a reasonable rate. 2. I would use modifier -57, decision for surgery with the E/M code for this case. Due to the E/M service and the decision for surgery were made earlier that same day. 3. There are three components of the relative value unit the first component is work, which is the amount of time, the intensity of effort and the technical expertise required for the physician to provide the service. The second would be the overhead component also known as the practice expense, it is identified as the allocation of cost associated with the physicians practice (ex. Staffing) that must be expended in order to provide a service. The third component is malpractice and is identified as the cost of the medical malpractice insurance coverage/ risk associated with providing the service. 4. People age 65 and older, along with patients who are experiencing end-stage renal disease are both eligible for Medicare. As well as people who are eligible for disability benefits from social security, they are too covered by the Medicare program. 5. To find the main terms in the index of the CPT you must use these basic location methods, you must search by the service or the procedure, the anatomic site, condition or disease. You also could use synonyms, eponym’s or abbreviations to find main terms in the index. 6. The E/M code 99253 would be used to report an initial impatient consultation. With a detailed history and exam along with a MDM of low complexity. 7. There are many elements when considering the correct E/M code. There are four elements of history which include chief complaint, history of present illness, as well as review of symptoms and past, family, and/or social history. 8. The complexity of medical decision making is base doff of three elements which are the number of diagnosis or management options. These options can be minimal, limited, multiple or extensive. The nest element is the amount and/or the complexity of data to review. The data can be minimal or none, limited, moderate or extensive. The last element of medical decision making is the risk of complication or death if the condition goes untreated. This risk can be minimal, low, moderate or high. 9. The correct CPT code is 99214 due to the detailed history. As well as the detailed exam and a MDM of moderate complexity. 10. There are three key components present in every patient’s case except counseling encounters and/or time based codes. The three components are the history, the level of examination, the level of medical decision making. These components allow us coders to choose the appropriate level of service.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Designer Duties Arising from Health and Safety Legislation
Designer Duties Arising from Health and Safety Legislation Summary of designer duties determine any possible dangers that might arise when carrying out construction and maintenance in future find relevant solutions to deal with the hazards inform PSDP about significant control measures, design presumptions or remaining risks to ensure they are handled in the Safety and Health Plan collaborate with PSDP, PSCS and other designers responsible for existing safety and health plan or safety file follow the guidance from PSDP or PSCS remind client on the necessity of PSDP ensure project to be constructed is safe and will maintain safely besides fulfil the needs of health and safety legislation, according to the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 Defining design and designers Under the Regulations, design work includes the formation of drawings, particulars, specifications, calculations, the preambles and preliminaries of bills of quantities, where we can find specifications or other expressions of purpose from them, in accordance with which a project, or any part or component of a project, is to be carried out. The design process is the process of developing and preparing a design of a project from initial ideas up to a more precise specification, which often include different teams and fields at various stages throughout the project. Designers involve organisations or individuals who responsible for the design work of a project, including the design of temporary works. It is possible for them to make decisions that significantly reduce the hazards to safety and health when construction is on-going and during subsequent use and maintenance. Potential designers from various professions are: architects, civil and structural engineers, building services consultants, building surveyors, landscape architects and other design practices and individuals who assist or responsible for analysing, calculating, preparatory design work, designing, detailing, specifying and preparing bills of quantities for construction work; Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical and other related engineers who involved in the project; person who determine or modify a design, or who specify the application of certain work methods or specific materials, including client, temporary work designers, interior designers, specialist subcontractors who contribute to design work and construction materials selection Examples of temporary works are trench shoring, scaffolding, propping, working platforms, gangways and access stairs or ladders. Employers or the head of design team are designers. Areas of responsibility between various designers on a project should be outlined precisely to prevent any overlap or gaps, which cause confusion or even possible danger. The duties relating to safety and health of each designer can be formed after outlining scope of responsibility for designers. Duties of Designers According to Regulation 15(1), a designer is required to consider the general principles of prevention, relevant safety and health plan and safety file when working on design of a project. General Principles of Prevention Under Regulation 15(1), designers must consider the General Principles of Prevention that are found in Schedule 3 to the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 as well as other related Safety and Health Plan or Safety File. The Principles of Prevention are a hierarchy for reducing and eliminating risks. If applicable, the first thing to tackle in handling safety and health on construction projects at design stage is to reduce and eliminate risks. Designers should consider existing risks in certain areas of the project and relate any possible new hazards created by design process for workers in construction areas, end users and the public. General Principles of Prevention is used as a guide in reducing risks experienced during the construction process and after the project is completed. The measures in descending order of effectiveness are: risks prevention assessment of inevitable hazards dealing with risks on site adaptation of work to the person: working environment, equipment used for work, working systems, in order to prevent repetitive jobs and health risks adaptation of working place to technical development replacing risky elements, substances or working systems with those that less dangerous establishment of prevention policy related to safety, health and welfare at work that consider about technology, social factors, working organisation, environment and conditions prioritizing collective protective measures over individual protective measures providing appropriate training and guidance to employees Besides, designers should: identify any hazards in the design eliminate risks when applicable without introducing other higher risks evaluate and reduce residual hazards by using risk assessment process of the design and prioritizing collective protection supply relevant information so that other designers, contractors and the PSDP are aware of identified residual hazards and able to take action Designers should be aware of hazards that likely cause injury. They must assess design proposals critically at beginning, followed by throughout the design process, to identify the main construction safety and health issues, and include them into overall design process. The nature of risks varies depends on the type of project constructed. Designers should review the hazards before informing the PSDP when developing the design, especially for design and build contracts, where there is a large overlap in time between designing main elements of a project and the construction stage. Designers are recommended to participate in some safety and health meetings between the PSDP, PSCS, and contractor. Designers may have direct influence, and should consider other design considerations such as: choosing position and design of structures to prevent or minimise risks from known site hazards, e.g. buried services, traffic movements, contaminated ground minimise health hazards, e.g. use less hazardous materials, prevent activities that emit dangerous substances, use materials can be handled easily, design block paved areas and access areas minimise safety hazards, e.g. work at height, fragile roof site, public areas or on motorways, flammable materials; apply prefabrication to minimise dangerous work or in a controlled manner prevent hazardous aspects that cause falling or injury if work at height is unavoidable, e.g. install permanent access in the beginning; apply edge protection work on attempts that simplify the construction process, e.g. provide lifting points, weight and centre of gravity for heavy items on the items and drawings; consider temporary works needed; end bearings to slabs or beams that end-propping temporarily; design connections to ensure accuracy of assembly design to simplify maintenance and cleaning jobs in future, e.g. concern on safe permanent access; create access areas for future maintenance; utilise windows that can be cleaned from indoor; design safe plant rooms; create safe access for roof Providing Information According to Regulation 15(b), a designer requires to supply all related information in written form to project supervisors in order for them to conduct their duties. The details provided should be up-to-date so that the PSDP able to coordinate activities of designers involved in the project besides ensure the effectiveness of communication between PSCS and other duty-holders. Moreover, designers should provide relevant information on the design features that might cause risks in future construction work or maintenance. It will then be included into the Safety File by the PSDP. Completing design certificates is a way of recording agreement with these duties and keeping record of different stages throughout the design process. This ensure the safety of works carried out at different stages, besides help in design examination and communication of design assumptions between various designers. Other method can also be used as an alternative for communication, record and verification of information related to the project. This will help the PSDP to fulfil his or her co-ordination role, and will also demonstrate the designers compliance with the legislation. It is recommended that a permanent works designer should complete a permanent works design certificate with respect to the adequacy, in the context of safety and health, of their design. A permanent works designer is recommended to complete a permanent works design certificate related to the adequacy, in line with safety and health, of their design. Temporary works designers and contractors should locate their temporary works design according to the assumptions made in loadings and construction sequence. The temporary works designer is recommended to complete a temporary works design certificate in order to supply sufficient information to all parties and ensure the structure can be built safely. Completed forms are handed over to the PSDP for verification in coordinating various designers. The forms are passed to the PSCS and other relevant person afterwards. Designer Co-operation Under the Regulation 15(2), designer is required to cooperate with the project supervisors for both design process and construction stage as well as other designers, to allow them to comply with these Regulations. This can be done in terms of supplying relevant information, attending meetings or reviewing designs in order to improve the features of safety and health on site. Besides, designers ought to supply information for the PSDP to compose a Safety File. The information provided include details about plants or materials specified in the building, design assumptions, and relative calculations for the functioning, maintenance, and possible extension of the building. Designers should also determine demolition risks to the PSDP for inclusion in the Safety and Health File, these include: substantial stored energy sources, including pre- or post-tensioned members stability demands; adjustments that altered the original structure Complying with Directions According to Regulation 15(c), designers should agree with all commands from the project supervisor for both design process and construction stage, which are expressed as stated in Regulation 14 or 20, when applicable. It is possible for the PSDP or PSCS to request any designer to achieve Designers duties, so that the Project Supervisor may accomplish own duties under Construction Regulations 2006. Designers have to fulfil any reasonable requests from the PSDP or PSCS, including issues related to General Principles of Prevention or coordinating design activities among different designers. However, it is not reasonable for designers to comply with directions that they not capable of doing, or not related and controlled by them, or legally constrained from doing. If a designer failed to carry out a direction from project supervisor, the project supervisor must issue the direction in written form. When PSDP considers the designer failed to complete a confirmed written direction, they need to inform the Health and Safety Authority, Client and the person who failed to comply with the direction, by including a copy of the written direction and relevant response from the person in accordance with the direction. Once the Health and Safety Authority carry out investigation, it usually determines whether the parties involved have complied with their legal duties, before any enforcement actions are taken. The Authority will not conduct any negotiation or judgement between the parties. When an investigation commences, a designer or Project Supervisor may express any additional responses to the instruction so that consideration is given to all relevant sides in the matter. Detailed Provision of information Under Regulation 15(3), a designer has to provide relevant information in written form to project supervisor immediately when working on design of a project. This information is: hazards to the safety, health and welfare of workers related to the project, including those stated in Schedule 1 to the Regulations The significant risks are: dangerous or flammable substances involved in the design (epoxy grouts, fungicidal paints, isocyanates materials) particular problems and solutions structures that affect accessibility huge, heavy or cumbersome prefabricated objects which are difficult and risky to handle works that cannot be achieved by normal methods of tying scaffolds aspects of design and sequences of constructing or disassembling that need to be noticeable at the design stage and significant to work safely unusual stability approaches includes the type and areas to be covered by the project to allow project supervisor complies with the Regulations relevant details for project supervisor to include in the safety file aware by the designer and the safe construction of design for the project Information given should be limited to project. In the context of structural stability, design is based on: particular erection or construction sequence setting up and removal of false work, interim propping or formwork as well as the arrangement loading restrictions during construction if contractor is not aware of the factors, designers (temporary or permanent works, specialist designers) should inform the PSCS, PSDP and contractors, to ensure construction proceeds safely according to the design intent If a structure became unstable due to certain reason, the temporary works to ensure stability during the construction, alteration, or demolition of any part of the structure will be the pertinent information. Other relevant designers should be informed as well in order for them to take appropriate measures in their design to accommodate safety, health and welfare. Making Clients Aware of their Duties Under Regulation 15(4), designers should provide information to a contractor if there is no appointed project supervisor for the project according to the Regulation 15(3). Regarding to the duties of Client, a Client has no legal obligation to assign Project Supervisors in some circumstances. In this context, a designer has to provide information required under Regulation 15(3) to the appropriate contractor. According to Regulation 15(5), designers should immediately inform the client of the clients duties under Regulation 6 when they are not aware of the appointment of project supervisor in design process. Does any other Legislation Apply? Any other duty-holders who responsible to oversee a work place have to ensure the preservation of the safety, health and welfare of workers at working site, as well as others who affected by the on-going work on site. Designers may have other responsibilities besides those stated in the Construction Regulations. Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and other related legal provisions will also apply. Section 17 (2) of the Act also requires a designer of construction work to ensure that the project: is designed and qualified to be constructed safely without risking ones health can be maintained safely without risking ones health when in use obeys all respects, as appropriate, of the relevant statutory provisions.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Islam in America :: essays research papers
                         Islam in America In the early part of this century, waves of immigrants from various parts of the Muslim world, most notably Palestine, Lebanon and what is now Pakistan appeared on these shores. These people were mostly illiterate, unskilled Arabs who found work in the auto factories of Detroit. Then, beginning in the '50s, the picture changed drastically. An influx of Muslim professionals, many of them physicians, finding conditions in their homelands inhospitable, settled in this country after completing their studies. Great numbers of Muslim students from all parts of the world also began to arrive in this country. This was the period which saw the formation of the early Muslim communities and mosques in such places as Detroit, Ann Arbor, Gary (Indiana), Cedar Rapids (Iowa), Sacramento and the like. Visiting scholars and missionary groups from the Middle East and the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent also began to arrive. And Islam began, in a very slow manner, to gain adherents among white Americans. Un til the last several decades of the 20th century, then, most Muslims have chosen to come to the U.S. for purposes of economic betterment or education, with some emigrating after World War I because of political turmoil. But political turmoil in their home countries has been a primary motive for much of the recent Muslim arrival in America. According to the website for Muslim life in America there was a recent survey that said there are 1,209 mosques in America, well over half founded in the last 20 years. Between 17 and 30 percent of American Muslims are converts to the faith. According to the â€Å"The Mosque in America: A National Portrait.†Islam in America is now wider, deeper and more diverse than ever in its history, and Muslims are trying to bring their faith, politics and culture to America. Islam has found a large ethic diversity finding that there is a mix of South Asians, African Americans, Arabs and other groups that have been born in America and chose to worship together unlike Judaism and Christianity that tend to stay within their own ethnic groups. Islam has growing 25% in North America since 1989 ( ) which makes it the fastest growing religion in America coming in second to the largest only to Christianity. Since the Sep 11th terrorist attacks there have been a lot of people that have pointed the finger at the Islam religion blaming them for the attacks.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
The Microenvironment Essay
The Company Nike is the predecessor of Blue Ribbon Sports company, founded by Phil Knight in 1964, for the purpose of importing sports shoes cheap Japanese brand in the U.S. market Onizuka. Knight is teamed with Bill Bowerman, a running coach of the University of Oregon, later to become experts designing the most innovative sports shoes of Nike, the Nike contributed to a global brand production in the market of sports shoes. 1950’s Phil Knight and Bill Bowerman meet 1960’s Blue Ribbon Sports (BRS) was made and founded by Phil Knight The popular Cortez aka â€Å"Dope Mans†are made in Japan 1970’s The Swoosh logo is created by Carolyn Davidson for $35.00 The first Nike model shoe to hit the retail market is a soccer/football shoe A Promo Nike Tee becomes the first apparel item The famous Waffle Trainer is introduced, which becomes the best selling shoe in the US Nike’s racing and training spiked shoe is made called the â€Å"Elite†Factories for manufacturing are set up in Korea and Taiwan For the first time Nike shoes are sold in Asia Blue Ribbon Sports changes their company name to Nike Inc. The first Nike running shoe with a air sole system to come out is the â€Å"Tailwind†World Headquarters are opened in Beaverton, Oregon 1980’s Nike talks with the P.R. of China so they can produce shoes there Nike shoes become Canada’s top seller Nike shoes are now produced in 11 countries The famous â€Å"NIKE AIR†Air Force 1 and Air Ace make their introduction Over 200 shoes are now in Nike’s footwear line The first high performance kid’s running shoe is called the â€Å"Destiny†The Air Jordan makes it’s way to Nike footwear line up The Sock Racer comes out and is part of the Dynamic-Fit technology The first Air Max The first Cross Trainer The famous â€Å"Just Do It†slogan comes to life The first model to combine the footbridge device and Air Sole is the Air Stab Spike Lee’s â€Å"Mars Blackmon†character helps promote the third style of Air Jordan Bo Jackson’s â€Å"Bo Knows†commercials include the â€Å"Just Do It†slogan Nike moves to a new World Campus in Beaverton 1990’s The new World Campus sits on 74 acres with 570,000 square feet. In Portland, Oregon the first Nike Town opens The intro of the Air Huarache running shoe The intro of the Air Mowabb Nike Town opens in Chicago Charles Barkley first signature shoe is introduced The intro of the Run Walk shoe Nike Town opens in Atlanta and Orange County The intro of dual pressure cushioning in the Air Max Nike gets distribution rights in Korea and Japan The intro of Zoom Air technology Nike Town New York opens The Air Penny comes to life 2000’s 2000: The National Football League declines to renew its exclusive apparel licensing arrangement with Nike. 2001: Nike opens its first Nike Goddess store, a unit targeting women, in Newport Beach, CA. 2003: Nike purchases Converse Inc. for $ 305 million. 2008 :Nike acquired sports apparel supplier Umbro, 2009: Air Jordan Shoe 2010: Nike Future Sole Design Competition Suppliers The major supplier of Nike put on 10 countries: China, Indonesia, VN, Thailand, India, Turkey, Morocco, Mexico, Honduras, and Brazil Nike signed contract with factories producing over 40 national, the majority of Nike shoes are manufactured in China (35%); Vietnam (29%), Indonesia (21%); and Thailand (13%) Nike just put a business relationship with the factory when they reach the standards of product quality, price, delivery time and the CSR standards. Deals with plants through Coc Nike will refuse orders if the manufacturer does not show cooperative attitude in the selection process LOGO Company . Collaboration with established carriers â€Å"Clean Cargo Group†Nike has set a policy not enter the skin of cattle raised in the Amazon rainforest. Nike contract factories manufacturing overseas to outsourcing shoe production to reduce production costs Nike launched this Code of Conduct, the monitoring tool developed comprehensive LOGO Company Manufacturers independent of contract manufacturing in 49 countries Most of the garment factories located in China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Turkey. Marketing Intermediaries Flyknit were promised will bring many benefits to the company than just 1 huge success single products with distribution of goods are diverse Reseller: at the present in the Vietnam, Nike products are distributed to many stores in the shopping mall as Parkson, Vincom, Cresent mall†¦ or open own shop and have more branches across the country that are convenient for customers. The consumers can consult Nike Flyknit at home by online and then just one click they can choose whatever they want or they can go any store in the nearest for trying, which helps them to save a lot of money and time . Physical distribution firms: Nike use all three forms of transportation, including air like a plane, road and waterway as the container and ships. However the main vehicles transportation uses to distribute the Nike Flyknit stores everywhere is the container Marketing services agencies: advertising contributes in no small part to the success of a product and the Nike Flyknit too. customers want to know the new products, the Nike has stepped up advertising in different ways with the aim to know customers as quickly as possible. at the Nike store in Hong Kong, they established sports club for people who love jogging and is recommended by the Nike sports shoes then they talk to each other about the quality of the Nike products, which is also one of the way are the most successful help Nike to be easy to penetrate into market. Beside that, Nike understands the influence of athletes with customers so they cooperate with athletes in many different sports that attracted more attention of customers. Not only that, Nike interested in popularity of the internet should have used a number of social networking sites to promote their prod ucts because this is one of the most convenient and fastest. Customers: Consumer markets: Nike customer is the directed to athletes with different genres, students or individuals who have favorite sports as jogging or hiking. With prices around $ 80 accordance with those with high income or affluent Business markets: this is also a potential market for Nike. Centers and sports training professional athletes and famous football clubs have the ability to buy Nike products for use in the process of training for their athletes. Competitors: In recent years, as the needs of advanced consumer products cater to sports as they used many brands of sports was born. besides, there are many other products similar to Nike Flyknit, so they are facing many challenges with other brands. in fact, Nike does not compete with the well-known foreign brands such as Adidas or Puma but also face to domestic goods or counterfeit Nike products imported from China Publics: This part plays a significant role in the development and maintenance of the brand. A few years ago, the media reported the scandal about business ethic, which was not good for Nike’s images in the public heart. According to Braddock (2011), the factories that Nike has signed a contract with have the poor working conditions for workers, exploit and pay them a pittance wages. Nike’s leaders ignored this fact and claimed that it is beyond their competence, because the factories they contract with are not formally part of the company. Nike started entering Vietnam market since 1995 and retains its position in the community until now. However, the unfortunate scandal has damaged the reputation of Nike in the world as well as in Vietnam.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Evil Under the Sun Essays
Evil Under the Sun Essays Evil Under the Sun Essay Evil Under the Sun Essay There is evil everywhere under the sun. Hercule Poirot (The Great Belgian Detective) I book I have recently read is Evil under the Sun by Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie is famous for her crime mystery novels and short stories and like any other of her books this one is also a murder mystery. This book brings excitement and also challenges you to solve the mystery that Christie has brilliantly presented with the use of rather simple words and everyday language and repeats it, rather than trying to introduce new words and phrases. She also relies heavily on dialogue throughout the book. In addition, the solution often depends upon the reader’s interpretation of something that a character says. Therefore by keeping her dialogues very simple and straightforward, and not challenging the reader with the vocabulary, she leaves us free to focus on the plot. Agatha Mary Clarissa Miller was born on 15 September 1890 in Torquay, England. Her father, Frederick, was an outgoing American with an independent income. Her mother, Clara, was rather shy; Agatha resembled her greatly in personality. There were two other children Madge and Monty, both older than Agatha. Although Agatha had amused herself as a child, acting out stories and make believe, her writing career really began after her sister Madge challenged her to write a novel. It took several years to get her first book The Mysterious Affair at Styles published. Agatha’s happiness was complete when Rosalind, her only daughter was born on 5th August 1919 but by 1926, her life was in tatters: Christie’s mother Clara died and Archie left her for another woman. She then went to Baghdad to rebuild her life and married Max Mallowan and continued writing stories. After a hugely successful career and a wonderful life Agatha died peacefully on 12 January 1976. Agatha had an easily recognisable style of writing, but this only led her to fame. There is a level of repetition of key concepts in her words within a small space. When Agatha is getting a concept across, she repeats key words and words which are similar in meaning in rapid succession and in a condensed space. This is how language affects the mind and how the words can ave an affect on how we think and feel. By repeating words at least 3 times in a paragraph, it enables the reader to become convinced about something. In addition, a person’s conscious mind has a very limited focus, and can only focus on between five and nine things at one time. Once there are more than nine things to focus on, the conscious mind can’t continue to track them all, and so the person literally go es into a hypnotic trance. Agatha often uses this by using more than nine characters, and by having more than nine plot lines taking place at any one time. As the reader’s mind gets overloaded, they start to begin really experiencing the book, feeling the book, and getting lost in it. Agatha Christie very precisely controls the speed at which we read her books, by changing the level of descriptive passages. There are more descriptive passages at the beginning of her book than at the end, which has the effect that we read more quickly towards the end of her books literally we are rushing towards the end to see who did it! The book very well depicts the way she writes. This extract is from the beginning of the story and clearly shows the immense descriptive but simple language used by Christie; Hercule Poirot, resplendent in a white duck suit, with a panama tilted over his eyes, his moustaches magnificently befurled, lay back in a deck chair on a sunny terrace overlooking the bathing beach. Casually his fellow guests at the luxury hotel moved around him, talking, knitting, drying from their bathes, anointing themselves with oil. As I mentioned earlier that Agatha uses multitudinous characters to lure the readers into her realm. There are many characters in this story as well and are described in such a manner that they speak to the reader and not only make the readers sympathise for their soft side but also make them empathise. These characters are as follows: -Hercule Poirot, the famous Belgian detective with the little grey cells -Colonel Weston, the Chief Constable -Inspector Colgate, the investigating officer -Sergeant Phillips, a policeman in the case -Dr. Neasdon, the police surgeon -Captain Kenneth Marshall, Arlenas present husband, proud as Lucifer -Arlena Stuart Marshall, a former actress and Kenneth Marshall’s wife -Linda Marshall, Kenneth’s daughter and Arlena’s stepdaughter, naive and precocious -Patrick Redfern, Arlena’s lover and Christines husband -Christine Redfern, Patrick’s wife, pretty in a washed out way and a mousy/silent woman. -Rosamund Darnley, a fashionable dressmaker and Kenneths past childhood friend -Emily Brewster, an athletic spinster -Mrs. Carrie Gardener, a garrulous American tourist -Mr. Odell Gardener, the husband of Mrs. Gardener who quite obligingly does whatever Mrs. Gardener says. -Sir Horace Blatt, a yachtsman, a self made man Reverend Stephen Lane, a clerical guest who quite openly declares Arlena Marshall the evilest in the land. -Major Barry, a retired officer who fought in India -Gladys Narracott, a chambermaid in the Jolly Roger Hotel -Mrs. Daffney Castle, the owner of the Jolly Roger Hotel The plot of this magnificent story is quite complicated but the motive of th e murder in the story is money. Arlena is a very beautiful retired actress and a flirtatious young woman with many men attracted to her. She goes to the Jolly Roger Hotel with her husband and step daughter, Kenneth and Linda Marshall. Linda Marshall, a sixteen-year-old girl, dislikes her stepmother very much. Arlena flirts in the hotel with a handsome man named Patrick Redfern who is infatuated with her. This makes his wife Christine Redfern, an educated schoolteacher, jealous and hurt. Early on the morning of the murder, Christine witnesses Linda accidentally dropping a parcel, which reveals a number of candles. Christine asks Linda to come to Gull Cove with her. On the same morning, Arlena goes out on a float and asks Poirot not to tell anyone where she is going. In Poirots mind Arlena is going to meet Patrick Redfern, but he is proved wrong when Patrick asks Poirot if he has seen Arlena. Patrick Redfern asks Emily Brewster to join him in a rowboat outing. They eventually reach Pixy Cove and find a body lying there, her arms outstretched and her face hidden by a hat. It is the strangled body of Arlena, killed at about quarter to 12. When they begin to question peoples whereabouts, Kenneth Marshall says he was in his room typing letters at the time of the murder. Linda lies that she was fond of her stepmother. She also claims that she and Christine went to Gull Cove at about 10:30 and that she returned to the hotel at about quarter to 12, which would mean it was impossible for her to have committed the murder because the murder was committed at exactly quarter to 12. The Gardeners were with Hercule Poirot at that time of the murder and thus cleared of suspicion. Rosamund Darnley claims that she went to Sunny Ledge (above the Pixy Cove) to read a book. She says that she saw no one because she was concentrating on reading but while Emily and Patrick were rowing a boat, they saw her there. As for the rest of the group, Stephen Lane and Major Barry went out and Horace Blatt sailed. Christine, Rosamund, Kenneth and Mr. Gardener all went to play tennis at noon. The chambermaid also heard Kenneth Marshall typing in his room, thus corroborating Kenneths story and clearing him of suspicion. Poirot goes to Pixy Cove to investigate the place, he finds a pair of new scissors, a fragment of pipe, and a bottle. The pipe could be Kenneths, but he is not the only one who smokes a pipe. On entering Pixys Cave he also finds heroin. There are suspicions that Horace Blatt has something to do with smuggling of drugs or with the murder. Poirot also enquires about the murder of Alice Corrigan many years ago. It emerges that she was also strangled but her murderer was never caught. Alices husband Edward claimed innocence and had an alibi because he was away at that time, thus, making him impossible to commit the murder. Alices body was found at the time by a school teacher. Poirot has an idea to go for a picnic, perhaps to make a little test. Christine and Emily had both mentioned that they were afraid of heights. Therefore, when they are made to cross a narrow bridge with running water below nearby on the way to the picnic, they should feel giddy and uncomfortable doing so. Emily does, yet Christine crosses the bridge without any problems. Therefore it is shown that she has told at least one lie could all she had said earlier be lies too? When they return, the chambermaid tells them that Linda is not feeling well. On entering her room it transpires that Linda took six sleeping pills in an unsuccessful attempt at suicide, leaving a letter confessing that she was the one who killed Arlena. As she recovers, the true nature of her confession is revealed the mysterious parcel of candles she had dropped earlier was part of a magic spell directed at Arlena, and she mistakenly believed it to have killed her. After that Poirot tells everyone the identity of the murderer. Patrick Redferns real identity is Edward Corrigan, the husband of Alice Corrigan who was also murdered by Patrick years ago. The games mistress who found her body was Christine Redfern, then known as Christine Deverill, and she also helped Edward to kill Alice. So, Patrick Redfern and Christine Redfern killed Arlena. The body Patrick and Emily had seen was the live body of Christine, who was helping Patrick. When Emily left to call the police, Christine went to the hotel and Patrick strangled Arlena, who was in the cave. The story is very involving because there is too much happening and the key to solve the challenging mystery is only one man, Hercule Poirot. The overall impression of the book is good and I believe it is a good read for anyone who enjoys the intricacies of the motives and the cleanliness of committing murder. I recommend this book to everyone in my class and even to you maam, if you havent read then you should give it a try
Monday, October 21, 2019
Analysis of Persimmon PLC
Analysis of Persimmon PLC Executive Summary Persimmon PLC is a UK based house building company. It has been in operation since 1972. The company provides housing under three brand names, Westbury Partnerships, Charles Church and Persimmon Homes. The UK housing industry consists of a few dominant firms and many small companies serving small segments of the market.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Analysis of Persimmon PLC specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Persimmon Homes is lucky to be one of the largest dominant firms of this housing industry. For example, according to the last year rates, the company sold close to 10,000 homes; such a result is definitely a huge progress and an immense success. The external factors, which affect the UK housing industry, have a direct impact on Persimmon PLC. These factors include the economic downturn, lack of financing, sustainability and environmental concerns and government intervention. This paper will di scuss those factors in detail. Persimmon PLC has three major competitors, which are Barratt Developments PLC, Anvil Homes and Bellway Limited. We will compare their performance during 2011 in terms of operations, revenue generation, EPS and several other factors. The outcome shows that the strongest competitor of Persimmon PLC is Barratt Developments PLC. However, Persimmon PLC still has the competitive advantage of the large land banks. The company draws its competitive advantage from five major sources. They are the land banks, the government partnerships, the brand equity, the scale of operations and a capable management team. This paper will discuss these sources in detail. The investors have several options open to them if they execute a successful takeover. Michael Porter proposed that companies build competitive advantage using three methods. These are a cost leadership, differentiation and focus. Introduction Persimmon PLC is a UK based house building company. It has been in operation since 1972. The company provides housing using three brand names, Westbury Partnerships, Charles Church and Persimmon Homes. Each of these three subsidiary companies focuses on different market segments.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Persimmon Homes main occupation which plays a central role in its business is traditional stand-alone houses; Charles Church provides premium housing, while Westbury Partnerships engages in building low-end affordable houses. This paper will seek to explore the strategic position of Persimmon PLC as well as the options available to a potential investor trying to find the answer to the question if they should be successful in a takeover (De Wit Meyer, 2004). The Industry Status and Competition The UK housing industry consists of a few dominant firms and many small firms serving small segments of the market. Persimmon PLC is lucky one of the largest dominant firms at the market. Such a high position increases its competitive power. The company sold close to 10,000 homes last year. This is quite a high and impressive result in comparison to other market players. As a matter of fact, Persimmon PLC has three major competitors at the market currently, Barratt Developments PLC, Anvil Homes and Bellway PLC. These three competitive firms hold slightly smaller market shares than Persimmon PLC does. They also compete directly with each of the three Persimmon Brands (Persimmon PLC, 2011). Bellway PLC focuses on recycling and reclaiming British land. It competes directly with the Westbury Partnerships. However, Bellway PLC has a competitive advantage of its brand name because it is associated with creating sustainability. It sells approximately 5000 homes in a year. This places it in fourth position in the industry. Anvil Homes pays more attention to rural constructions building their houses. The company is inv olved in converting barns and other farm structures into family homes. This makes it a direct competitor of Persimmon Homes. However, Anvil Homes has already cut a niche for itself in the country. Moreover, the company also focuses on building cottages. Barratt Developments PLC builds family houses and apartments. Like Persimmon PLC, the company collaborates with the government to provide affordable housing for citizens. This company is the biggest competitor of Persimmon PLC. Their leadership in innovation has earned them several awards in the industry.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Analysis of Persimmon PLC specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The company is slightly older than Persimmon PLC. It was established in 1958. Barratt Developments PLC also provides a luxury homes collection to rival Persimmons’ Charles Church homes. To spread its risks, Barratt Developments PLC has diversified into the US (Persimmo n PLC, 2011). Porter’s 5 Forces Analysis Threat of New Entrants The threat of new entrants in an industry is determined by the economies of scale current players are experiencing, the level of product differentiation and the capital required to begin operations in the industry. The UK housing industry has relatively high barriers of entry. The large firms such as Barratt and Persimmon already experience huge economies of scale due to widespread operations. They also have the advantage of experience. House building requires specialized machinery. An established firm spreads the use of such machinery over many projects and hence benefits more than a small entrant with only few projects. Current industry players have employed differentiation to keep out prospective competitors. For example, Persimmon operates under three different brand names, Persimmon homes, Charles Church and Westbury Partnerships. Barratt Plc on the other hand operates under the brand names of Barratt Homes, David Wilson Homes and Ward Homes. Each industry player has differentiated his or her products. This raises the barriers of entry further. There is a high capital requirement for this industry. Thus, the threat of new entrants is made weak by the entry barriers that keep them out. Threat of Substitute Products Substitute products serve almost a similar purpose as the industry product but may not be in the same product line. There are few substitutes for housing in the UK. The major alternative for owning homes is renting apartments. With the economic downturn, consumers have been unable to purchase as many houses as they used to. People are now turning to renting upmarket apartments instead. The industry has recognized this trend and diversified into building these apartments. However, the major customer for such is not the lone homeowner. Usually, large real-estate developers purchase such buildings and rent out units.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The threat of substitute products is low. Apartments may be cheaper than traditional family homes, but those who can afford still prefer to build homes. People have to live somewhere and housing is an essential commodity. Low threat of substitutes increases the industry’s profit potential. Bargaining Power of Buyers The power of buyers is low. There are very many buyers and the market is fragmented. House buyers seldom make collective purchase decisions in order to minimize costs. Usually, individual families decide what house to buy and which firm to purchase from. Commercial buyers have slightly higher power but they are rare. Housing is a critical commodity. This gives the supplier an upper hand and reduces the buyer’s bargaining power. The recent problems with financing have driven housing industry firms to create innovative financing options for prospective buyers. This factor has also contributed to low buyer bargaining power. Bargaining Power of Suppliers The ba rgaining power of suppliers is high if there are few suppliers and many buyers and if the product supplied is critical to the buyer’s business. In the UK construction industry, there are many independent suppliers. Raw materials can be sourced from within or outside the country. Suppliers often have to submit tenders or bids. The lowest and most convenient bid is chosen. Skilled construction labourers have high bargaining power. They usually work on contract and seek to maximize their benefit from each contract. Their bargaining power is high because of their specialized knowledge. Non-skilled workers have low bargaining power. The company can always lay them off and hire other workers. They try to increase their bargaining power by forming unions. Overall, the bargaining power of suppliers in this industry is low. Competitive Rivalry within the Industry This is the strongest force in operation within the UK housing industry. There are few dominant firms fighting to maintain their market shares. The smaller firms are competing in market growth. Companies have employed extensive product differentiation to crowd out competition. They have also invested heavily in research and development. They compete on first mover advantage and innovation. Those who manage to innovate charge competitive prices on their houses. The green housing initiatives are the best example of innovation within the industry. High competitive rivalry reduces an industry’s profit potential. External Factors and Trends Affecting the UK Housing Industry Economic Downturn The global economy suffered a massive downturn in 2008. Recovery has been painfully slow. The European credit crisis has also greatly affected economic conditions in the UK. Consumers are spending less. Unemployment is on the rise. This has a definite impact on the housing sector. Reduced disposable income means people have less money to spend on housing. This in effect contracts the housing market (Bartlett, Ghos hal Beamish, 2008). Government Schemes The government has tried to encourage home acquisition despite the poor economic conditions. There are several schemes, which have been put in place to facilitate this. They include New Build Home Buy, Open Market Home Buy, Social Home Buy and Cash Incentive Schemes. The government has forged partnerships with home building companies such as Persimmon PLC and Barratt Developments PLC in order to execute these schemes. These partnerships are opportunities for growth that did not previously exist (Bellway PLC, 2011). There has also been a tax holiday for stamp duty on new investments. This enabled investors to save between 1250 and 2500 pounds. This scheme is now ending but it has created increased demand for homes. There are still some buyers rushing to take advantage before it closes in March. Though the housing industry has faced difficult times, it has also received government support to aid its survival and prosperity (Barratt Developments P LC 2011). Environmental and Sustainability Concerns There is a shift in all industries towards environmental friendly operations. The housing industry has also been affected by this trend. People want houses that have the minimum possible negative influence on the environment. Global warming and the resultant climate change have caused consumers to be more conscious in their purchasing (Persimmon PLC, 2011). Companies are now forced to invest heavily in Research and Development to create innovative green housing solutions. Such innovations could reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill, increase recycling, create energy efficient homes and create renewable energy. The current industry leaders are also leaders in innovation and environmental consciousness. There are various certifications and awards issued annually to encourage this trend. Companies literally compete for these since it proves to consumers that they are doing something about the situation. The Code for Sustainable Homes serves this purpose in the UK. Many industry players have adopted this principles based approach (Persimmon PLC, 2011). Financing The Global Financial Crisis in 2008 resulted in the collapse of major banks such as The Lehman Brothers. The banks that survived put a tighter leash on lending to avoid similar pitfalls. This means that consumers today find it harder to obtain mortgages. Very few people can afford to pay cash upfront for investment in housing. Thus, reduction in the availability of mortgages also results in a smaller housing market (Persimmon PLC, 2011). Increased rates of unemployment prevent people from having a constant source of income. Without a payslip or any collateral, it is difficult to obtain a mortgage and thus own a home. The housing industry has to come up with creative solutions to assist their customers purchase houses (Johnson, Whittington Scholes, 2011). Performance of Persimmon PLC Compared to Competitors This section of the essay will compare Per simmon’s performance to two of its major competitors: Bellway PLC and Barratt Developments PLC. The third major competitor, Anvil Homes is a private company. This company’s financial information is not publicly available. The figures all relate to the 2011 financial year. Different aspects of performance will be measured. The Persimmon PLC figures are double the half-year results issued in November 201. These are the most current figures. The assumption is that all revenues and expenses accrue evenly over the year. Performance Measure Persimmon PLC Barratt Developments PLC Bellway PLC Revenue 14,240 M 20,354 M 886.09 M Dividend 8p 5p 12.5p Operating Profit 119.4M 127.3 M 50.144 M Houses completed 8,878 11,171 4,922 Land Bank 62,364 plots 60,083 plots 18,086 plots Earnings Per Share (EPS) 31p 83.47p 41.07p Revenue Revenue measures the amount of income a company is generating, especially from operations. In this measure, Barratt Developments PLC perform ed better than both Persimmon PLC and Bellway. Barratt Developments PLC sold almost 30% more than Persimmon PLC (Persimmon PLC, 2011). This is a huge margin. Barratt Developments PLC has the advantage of innovation and strong brand recognition. It has also diversified greatly. Persimmon PLC should come up with strategies to close this gap (Barratt Developments PLC, 2011). Dividend The dividend indicates the return shareholders receive for their investment during that period. For shareholders, the higher the dividend, the better. Bellway PLC paid out the highest dividend at 12.5p, followed by Persimmon PLC at 8p, and finally, by Barratt Developments PLC at 5p (Persimmon PLC, 2011). However, some shareholders view non-payment of high dividend as a sign that the company is investing the profits for long-term share price growth. This could be the strategy adopted by both Persimmon PLC and Barratt Developments PLC (Barratt Developments PLC, 2011). Operating Profit This is a clear indicat or of how much the company is profiting from its operations. It is the difference between the revenue and operating costs. Barratt Developments PLC posted the highest operating profit at 127.3 Million Pounds. It was closely followed by Persimmon PLC with 119.4M. Bellway’s operating profit of 50.144M was barely half of Persimmon’s (Persimmon PLC, 2011). The difference in the Persimmons and Barratt Developments PLC operating profit is 8%. The difference in their revenues was 30%. This means that either Barratt Developments PLC has very high operating expenses or Persimmon PLC is more efficient in managing its costs. If the latter is true, then Persimmon PLC has some competitive advantage over Barratt Developments PLC. Houses Legally Completed The number of houses legally completed is a measure of the operational efficiency and productivity of the company. These companies compete based on houses sold. The more houses a company can complete, the more it can sell. The resul t is higher revenues and thus profits (Persimmon PLC, 2011). Barratt Developments PLC is leading with 11,171 houses legally completed. Persimmon PLC is in second place having completed 8,878 houses. This is 80% of the work done by Barratt Developments PLC. This difference could explain the 30% difference in revenue. Persimmon PLC should expand its capacity to enable it complete the same number of houses as Barratt Developments PLC. Technology can be used to speed up the cost of construction (Anvil Homes, 2012). Land Bank The land bank refers to the amount of land a company has that is available for construction. It represents capacity to expand. Land is also an asset, which appreciates. The more land in the land bank, the higher the value of this asset. Persimmon PLC is leading in this department by a very small margin. The company should keep acquiring more land in prime areas to widen the gap between them and their competitors. Bellway PLC is trailing with 18,086 plots. Earnings P er Share The EPS indicates how productive the investment by shareholders has been during the year. It depends on how management has employed such resources. A high EPS indicates more productive the resources. EPS is obtained by dividing the net profit by the total number of shares (Persimmon PLC, 2011). Barratt Developments PLC is leading with a huge margin. All factors constant, this means that it is earning the highest return for its shareholders. Bellway is the second, with an EPS that is almost 50% of Barratt’s EPS. Finally, Persimmon PLC is trailing with an EPS of 31p. A low EPS could be attributed to a high number of shares. If this is the cause, then Persimmon PLC should reduce its use of equity financing and use more debt instead. This will help reduce shareholder dissatisfaction over low EPS. Competitive Advantage Persimmon PLC has several sources of competitive advantage. The first is the large land banks, which the company controls. Currently, Persimmon PLC has the largest land banks among its competitors. These land banks represent expansion capacity. This means that given the right conditions, the company can grow to be much larger than its competitors are. The gap between the competitors and Persimmon PLC in terms of land banks is not very significant. The company should purchase more plots to widen the gap and thereby strengthening their competitive advantage (Bartlett, Ghoshal Beamish, 2008). Secondly, Persimmon PLC has an established brand name. The Charles Church brand is associated with up-market luxury homes. Prospective homeowners seeking luxury homes are likely to hire this company due to its brand name. This name can be enhanced by advertising in exclusive places. The major threat to this brand is the rival Barratt brand. Westbury Partnerships and Persimmon Homes are also well known in the country. They have cut out niches for themselves in the property market. Their major competition is the small industry players. The company sh ould seek to personalize these brands to the consumers in order to increase brand equity (Mintzberg, Lampel Ghoshal, 2003). Thirdly, the company has excellent sustainability policies. If properly implemented, these policies could lead the company to greater heights. They respond to operational, environmental and stakeholder needs. In the operational sector, the company seeks to minimize its operational wastes and recycle where possible (Haberberg Rieple, 2007). This will reduce operational costs and environmental impact. Persimmon PLC also seeks to build sustainable communities. This goal recognizes the human need for social interactions. It also bears in mind that these communities are Persimmon’s customers and therefore revenue sources. Persimmon PLC also tries to build the capacity of its workers. This policy recognizes the fact that people make a company (Hitt, Ireland Hoslisson, 2008). The government is the biggest consumer in any economy. Persimmon PLC has partnershi ps with the government to promote home ownership. In the NewBuy scheme, the Government backs 95% of the mortgage to enable new homeowners acquire houses. This has increased the customer base for the Westbury partnerships division. Such associations with the government help to create a positive image for the company and enhance its brand equity (Barney, 2002). Persimmon PLC has a large scale of operations. This is a source of competitive advantage since it allows the company to benefit from economies of scale (Kay, 1993). Persimmon PLC can achieve great efficiencies in construction due to learning curve effect. They can also negotiate for bulk discounts from suppliers. Economies of scale help to reduce costs hence increase operating margin Finally, the company has a capable and experienced management team. The company management is divided into the Northern, Central and Southern Divisions. They each have a regional Chairman, financial Director and Chief Executive. This team meets reg ularly to strategize and plan. The workers on the ground are also well trained. This is one of Persimmon’s sustainability policies. The capability built in these people offers great competitive advantage as noted by Barney (2002). Persimmon Swot Analysis A swot analysis examines both internal and external factors that are critical to a firm’s success. This analysis will aid in making strategic choices. Strengths Persimmon has large land banks that are available for development. It can use this resource to increase market share in the industry. Their brand is also recognized countrywide. This brand equity is an important intangible asset. Persimmon has a highly skilled management team and Board of Directors. They provide leadership to the company. Weaknesses Weaknesses are factors under the company’s control, which can prevent it from achieving corporate goals. Persimmon is underutilizing its land banks. The company may lose market share by failing to develop it s land. The company also constructs houses at a slower rate than its competitor Barratt does. This could be due to internal inefficiencies. Opportunities Persimmon can take advantage of globalization to enter foreign markets. The company can use its experience in UK as leverage. The demand for luxury housing is also increasing. Persimmon has an opportunity to expand its Charles Church division. Threats The macro-economic environment is the greatest threat to Persimmon. Rising interest rates will make it difficult for prospective customers to obtain mortgages. The company may also have trouble accessing credit. Inflation may force consumers to spend less and reduce persimmon’s revenue. Strategic Options The investors have several options open to them if they execute a successful takeover. Michael Porter proposed that companies build competitive advantage using three methods. These are cost leadership, differentiation and focus. Differentiation This is the most appropriate opti on for Persimmon PLC. The company has already started operating along these lines. The investors would seek to create brand loyalty by providing special features in their housing products. This brand loyalty will create repeat purchases and referrals. This will increase Persimmon’s sales and profitability. This strategy is appropriate because the company already has three different established brands. The investors can create other brand s to compete with their current brands. The purpose of such a move will be to crowd out competition. A differentiation strategy also provides options for the company. In case one product line is failing, the company can still profit from the others. Focus The investors can adopt a focus strategy. This means they work to meet the needs of only one specific segment of the market. In Persimmon’s case, they would need to divest in two divisions and retain one, preferably the Charles Church line. This line serves the high-end market, which is less prone to market fluctuations. A focus strategy requires high specialization. The company would have to invest in Research and Development to meet the needs of the chosen target market. Cost Leadership This strategy requires Persimmon PLC to maximize construction and operational efficiency in order to minimize costs. The company will end up selling products at a lower price than competitors sell. Such a strategy will appeal only to low-end consumers and the government. If the investors adopt this strategy, they cannot sell to the high-end homeowners. This may result in reduced revenues. Reference List Anvil Homes 2012, Barney, J 2002, Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage. Pearson, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Barratt Developments PLC 2011, Annual Report 2011, Barratt Developments PLC 2011, Sustainability Report 2011, Bartlett, CA, Ghoshal , S Beamish, P 2008, Trans-national Management: Text, Cases, and Readings in Cross-Border Management, McGraw-Hill, London. Bellway 2011, Annual Report 2011, De Wit, B Meyer, R 2004, Strategy: Process, Content, Context, Thomson International Business Press, London. Haberberg, A Rieple, A 2007, Strategic Management: Theory and Application, Oxford University Press (SMTA), London. Hitt, MA, Ireland, RD Hoslisson, RE 2008, Strategic Management Competitiveness and Globalization, Thomson, London. Johnson, G, Whittington, R Scholes, K 2011, Exploring Strategy Text Cases, FT Prentice Hall, New York. Kay, J 1993, Foundations Of Corporate Success How Business Strategies Add Value, Oxford University Press, London. Mintzberg, H, Lampel, J Ghoshal, S 2003, The Strategy Process, Concepts Contexts Cases, Oxford University Press, London. Persimmon PLC 2011, Annual Report 2010, Persimmon PLC 2011, Annual Report 2011, Persimmon PLC 2011, Sustainability Report 2010,
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Recent Drops in the Stock Market essays
Recent Drops in the Stock Market essays Recently, the stock market has been very unstable. After a period of extremely good business and market highs, it seems we are experiencing just the opposite. The market has become increasingly unsure and risky, even with well known companies. I believe the shift in the stock market is based partly with the oil crisis caused by OPEC and partly with constant bad reports presented by companies. Maybe if assessment firms gave good reports more often than bad ones, the market would go up. The market is such a roller coaster now that it is virtually impossible to predict even the most trustworthy stocks like Wal-Mart or Yahoo!. For instance, the technology company Sony, which just released a new video game system, has dropped like a rock on the market. In three days, their stock dropped over six points. Considering they have a brand new, highly recommended gaming system, shouldnt their stock be going up? They claim to have under-shipped, but what kind of excuse is that? The public knows that a large and powerful company like Sony has the resources to ship however many products are needed. Most importantly, though, is the Mideast Oil Crisis. OPEC is screwing up our nations economy on purpose! Yet, we let them do whatever they want with their oil. We should be tapping our own resources, to help ourselves and our market. Without power, how can the stock market, or even the entire economy, function properly at all? All the extra revenue from gas prices either goes to the government or to Mideast countries. Private companies do not benefit and therefore our economy drops. In closing, I believe our national market should always be on the rise. This would show that we, indeed, have a well-functioning society. However, we continually stand by and allow domestic and foreign governments to control our economy. Nasdaqs loss third biggest Beaumont Enterprise ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Write a one page business memo follow the gathering data assignment Essay
Write a one page business memo follow the gathering data assignment introduction - Essay Example I also chose to count trucks and cars in the afternoon on the same day because this would help in maintaining consistency in the data. This would also help in comparing the morning flow of traffic with that of afternoon on the same days. I chose to collect data between 11.10 and 11.15 in the morning and between 14.50 and 14.55 in the afternoon. I chose these times randomly to ensure that my data was unbiased within one day. I did this by writing the morning and evening times on papers; I then mixed the pieces and picked them indiscriminately. The benefit of analyzing data from different times separately is that it enables the marketing firm to determine the best period to conduct marketing campaigns in a day. However, this approach has a limitation of consuming more time than when the data is analyzed by combining the different time periods. This means that combining data saves time, but it fails in that it does not inform the marketer about the variation of traffic at different times in a
Friday, October 18, 2019
A summery of Jared Diamond's article Malthus in Africa Essay
A summery of Jared Diamond's article Malthus in Africa - Essay Example Diamond acknowledges that the obligatory conduct is more likely in standardized cultures and the government regulation was necessary. In the case of Rwandan genocide, it was found necessary for the enforcement of moral principles. Moreover, Diamond points out three approaches to solve these problems: top down imposition of environmental controls, privatization of resources, and recognition of a common interest. These approaches have different strengths and if implemented well, could be very rewarding. Factors to the collapse of commons Political Instability played a role in the collapse of the commons. According to the book by the Human Rights Watch titled Leave None to Tell the Story: Genocide in Rwanda, the genocide rustled from the deliberate choice of modern elite, who had to foster hatred and fear to keep themselves in power. In the case of the Rwandan genocide, civilian Hutus formed militias, who set the road blocks and kill Tutsi. In organizing the attacks, there were radio tr ansmissions appealing to every Hutu to kill every â€Å"cockroach†( Tutsi). It is therefore, believed that the civilians were operating under the influence of some political elites who wanted to attain their political interests. Therefore, ethnic hatred brought the conflict in Rwanda; whereby, politicians facilitated the split of the society. Diamond asserted that it is only through ethnic hatred that a community would kill itself as there were cases where the Hutu could kill Hutus. The land disputes in Rwanda undermined the cohesion of Rwandan society; the richer land owners were expected to help the poor ones but they failed because they were not rich to the extent of offering sound assistance to the poor society members. This led to the increase in cases of divorced or separated women, widows, orphans etc. According to Diamond, the conflict began even before the 1994 Rwanda genocide. The country experienced rising levels of violence and thefts, perpetrated by hungry and la ndless young people who lacked sufficient income and assignments to keep the occupied ( Malthus in Africa Rwanda Genocide Page 14). When the food yield does not further become insufficient due to the exponential growth of population, conflict may arise as the population cannot match the food production; competition on available resource (food) is experienced. The environment around us determines the productivity in the agricultural field, as well as other related fields. In this case, environmental damage can occur in many ways, which includes deforestation and habitat destruction, soil problems (erosion, Stalinization, and soil fertility losses), water management problems, overhunting, overfishing etc, and significantly affect agricultural production. In this regard, it brought the collapse of the commons, since it has a direct impact on the agricultural food production. Depletion of fossil fuels, of which Peak Oil is a major looming instance causes collapse of the commons; for ins tance, oil producing countries like Nigeria, Southern Sudan and Middle East countries have never had peace. The diamond analysis outlined the major issues that led to the collapse of the commons; for instance, the issue on the political elites using the commons to create conflict is a major factor of the political instability witnessed in some African countries. Diamond
International business organisation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
International business organisation - Essay Example Parallel to what stationary retailing, early consideration was just given to how the internet could be used as sales channel. Internationalization and international entrepreneurship SMEs has remained an issue of considerable relevance, principally to the observed growing effects of cross border venturing (European Commission, 2007). This realization was at the heart of the 2007 OECD-APEC study on at removing barriers to the SME Access towards the International Markets that provided general findings on the major barriers to SME internationalization as perceived by the SMEs and policymakers in the OECD and APEC member economies.1 The first internet presence happened with the international purchasing facilities in the year1997, and in 1999 this was when the first full scale online shop of Blue Tomato was opened. In its broad tendency, the Blue Tomato Company belongs to the born international group. In the year 2001, the second generation of internet shops then went online, making Blue Tomato as one of the leading snowboard mail order retailers in the subcontinent of Europe. The new shop generation was defined by the company as the internet shop, which was based on a completely new technology. Along with these were the test centers and snowboard schools, which were also grounds for direct customer contact. Today, the internet helps the Blue Tomato Company in internationalization through providing 90 per cent of the company’s total sales. This continues to take the upper trend. Limitations in the finance and the related physical resources have continued to be highlighted as the leading barrier to the internationalization of SMEs. The pertinent evidence would include the observed disadvantages faced by the Canadian international new ventures or the earlier stage SME exporters, relative to their more of an established counterpart, in regard to the access of the operating and term loans and the terms thereof. A
British legal system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
British legal system - Essay Example The situation in question states that Mike was travelling on the road perpendicular to Betty and continues to go through the red light as Betty starts to go and the resulting consequence. It needs to be considered whether a duty of care is owed or whether there is a breach of duty on Mike's part. Assuming that the injuries to Anne and Betty bare caused by Mike's negligence and that harm is not too remote, Mike will be liable in damages to both Anne & Betty and if Betty can give evidence then Betty being able to recover damages under the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934 and Fatal Accidents Act 1976, respectively. Whether Betty has any contributory negligence or not needs to be ascertained. To impose liability upon Mike there is a need to justify his negligence. It is established that all road users owe a duty of care to other road users (Nettleship v Weston2). It follows that Mike and Sue have a potential duty to Betty and Anne in respect of the harm both suffer. That harm, respectively personal injury and property damage suffered by Betty and personal injury suffered by Anne, both of which appear to be foreseeable consequences of a road traffic accident. Whether Mike and Sue are in breach of the duty of care owed to Betty & Anne requires consideration of the magnitude of risk, the seriousness of the harm suffered, the utility of the defendant's conduct and any precautions, which might have been taken guard against the risk. Betty does not take legal action against Mike trusting on Julian's advice. Julian is a corporate solicitor who solely deals with mergers and acquisitions. Betty asked him for legal advice in relation to her accident when Julian had came around to visit her. However Betty mentions her situation to another solicitor who tells her she could have received a sizeable amount in damages if she had gone ahead with a claim against Mike timeously. In such condition Betty need to consider Julian's liability and Anne may sue against Mike for damages personal injury claims, medical and other expenses, lose of expectation or and lose of earning. To impose liability or take reasonable steps against Julian cases need to be examined which indicated whether Julian owes any duty towards Betty. In Murphy v Brentwood District Council3, the House of Lords held that the council was not liable on the basis that the council could not owe a greater duty of care to the claimant than the builder. In doing so the court also overruled Anns v Mertonlondon Borough Council4 and the two-part test, preferring instead a new three-part test suggested by Lords Keith, Oliver and Bridge in Caparo v Dickman5]. In order to impose liability on the employers, Betty has to established foresight, proximity and fairness and it is the current test. In Caparo industries v Dickman [1990], the shareholders in a company bought more shares and then made a successful takeover bid for the company after studying the audited accounts prepared by the defendants. They later regretted the move and sued the auditors claiming that they had relied on accounts,
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Man on the Moon Real or Hoax Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Man on the Moon Real or Hoax - Essay Example However, along with this arose innumerous numbers of controversies regarding the legitimacy of the claim. Various theorists and scholars claimed that the entire plot was hoax, and a considerable proportion of people claimed that the whole chapter was genuine. On February 15, 2001, the FOX television network broadcasted the program named Conspiracy Theory: Did We Land on the Moon? The program provided considerable amount of evidence to show that NASA cheated the world by faking moon landings. In We Never Went to the Moon: America’s Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle, Bill Kaysing pointed out that it is irrational to believe that the landing on moon actually took place because according to estimates in late 1950s, the possibility of successfully landing on the moon was just 0.0017%, that is, approximately 1 in 60,000; and in fact, this estimate was done by the Rocketdyne Company that took into account the efficacy of technology that existed at that point of time (7-8). Another serious allegation comes from Ralph Rene, the author of NASA Mooned America. He points out that all American missions before Apollo 11 were detected to have multiple numbers of defects. The scholar points out that the earlier projects had so many technical errors that would have forced American to drop the idea of moon landings and to fake it instead (as cited in Eisen, 378). Similar is the allegation that the poor quality of the images of moon landings is a deliberate effort to prevent others from examining them. Still, the photos available were sufficient to initiate controversy. For example, the pictures presented the astronaut saluting the American flag, and unfortunately, the flag was waving as if in a wind. The point in consideration here is the fact that there is no air or wind on the moon. Yet another major allegation came that when a camera was fitted to the astronaut’s chest, how would this be possible to take such excellent photographs that
Home Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Home Network - Essay Example The visual technology with rich animated graphics helps the learners to understand better. Everyone can discuss the lectures and suggestions on forums making a virtual learning environment. Home users can participate online by uploading their suggestions on a particular topic and at the same time sharing the videos and suggestions with the peers. Evaluation of the students is also conducted by E learning, which is an added feature which is beneficial for the home users. Category 5 cables are used for the data transmission in a home network design. CAT-5 is in the form of twisted pairs. This cable consists of 4 copper wire pairs, connecting the network node with RJ 45 connectors.CAT-5 supports up to 100 to 1000 MHz speeds in a full duplex mode (Category 5 Cable. 2007). The length of the cable depends on the distance which needs measurement in the school premises. What are switches and why they are required for deploying a network? A good illustration is available on network dictionary states â€Å"A network switch is a device that joins multiple computers together at a low-level network protocol layer. Technically, network switches operate at layer two (Data Link Layer) of the OSI model†A simple definition is available on eFast Ethernet Cisco switches supporting VLAN functionality are implemented. As compared to the old 10 base-t, the 100 base-t provides 10 times more speed supporting the MAC and MTU. Almost all network adapters supports 100 base-t technology making it a cost saving and efficient choice for local area networks ("Fast Ethernet" 190-190). We will install and configure a 12 port switch, keeping in mind the expansion of the network will not affect by purchasing new network equipment. On the ground floor of the home there is only one switch that is operational and one is installed on the second floor and will be considere d for future expansion of the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
British legal system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
British legal system - Essay Example The situation in question states that Mike was travelling on the road perpendicular to Betty and continues to go through the red light as Betty starts to go and the resulting consequence. It needs to be considered whether a duty of care is owed or whether there is a breach of duty on Mike's part. Assuming that the injuries to Anne and Betty bare caused by Mike's negligence and that harm is not too remote, Mike will be liable in damages to both Anne & Betty and if Betty can give evidence then Betty being able to recover damages under the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1934 and Fatal Accidents Act 1976, respectively. Whether Betty has any contributory negligence or not needs to be ascertained. To impose liability upon Mike there is a need to justify his negligence. It is established that all road users owe a duty of care to other road users (Nettleship v Weston2). It follows that Mike and Sue have a potential duty to Betty and Anne in respect of the harm both suffer. That harm, respectively personal injury and property damage suffered by Betty and personal injury suffered by Anne, both of which appear to be foreseeable consequences of a road traffic accident. Whether Mike and Sue are in breach of the duty of care owed to Betty & Anne requires consideration of the magnitude of risk, the seriousness of the harm suffered, the utility of the defendant's conduct and any precautions, which might have been taken guard against the risk. Betty does not take legal action against Mike trusting on Julian's advice. Julian is a corporate solicitor who solely deals with mergers and acquisitions. Betty asked him for legal advice in relation to her accident when Julian had came around to visit her. However Betty mentions her situation to another solicitor who tells her she could have received a sizeable amount in damages if she had gone ahead with a claim against Mike timeously. In such condition Betty need to consider Julian's liability and Anne may sue against Mike for damages personal injury claims, medical and other expenses, lose of expectation or and lose of earning. To impose liability or take reasonable steps against Julian cases need to be examined which indicated whether Julian owes any duty towards Betty. In Murphy v Brentwood District Council3, the House of Lords held that the council was not liable on the basis that the council could not owe a greater duty of care to the claimant than the builder. In doing so the court also overruled Anns v Mertonlondon Borough Council4 and the two-part test, preferring instead a new three-part test suggested by Lords Keith, Oliver and Bridge in Caparo v Dickman5]. In order to impose liability on the employers, Betty has to established foresight, proximity and fairness and it is the current test. In Caparo industries v Dickman [1990], the shareholders in a company bought more shares and then made a successful takeover bid for the company after studying the audited accounts prepared by the defendants. They later regretted the move and sued the auditors claiming that they had relied on accounts,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Home Network Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Home Network - Essay Example The visual technology with rich animated graphics helps the learners to understand better. Everyone can discuss the lectures and suggestions on forums making a virtual learning environment. Home users can participate online by uploading their suggestions on a particular topic and at the same time sharing the videos and suggestions with the peers. Evaluation of the students is also conducted by E learning, which is an added feature which is beneficial for the home users. Category 5 cables are used for the data transmission in a home network design. CAT-5 is in the form of twisted pairs. This cable consists of 4 copper wire pairs, connecting the network node with RJ 45 connectors.CAT-5 supports up to 100 to 1000 MHz speeds in a full duplex mode (Category 5 Cable. 2007). The length of the cable depends on the distance which needs measurement in the school premises. What are switches and why they are required for deploying a network? A good illustration is available on network dictionary states â€Å"A network switch is a device that joins multiple computers together at a low-level network protocol layer. Technically, network switches operate at layer two (Data Link Layer) of the OSI model†A simple definition is available on eFast Ethernet Cisco switches supporting VLAN functionality are implemented. As compared to the old 10 base-t, the 100 base-t provides 10 times more speed supporting the MAC and MTU. Almost all network adapters supports 100 base-t technology making it a cost saving and efficient choice for local area networks ("Fast Ethernet" 190-190). We will install and configure a 12 port switch, keeping in mind the expansion of the network will not affect by purchasing new network equipment. On the ground floor of the home there is only one switch that is operational and one is installed on the second floor and will be considere d for future expansion of the
Discuss Chaucers poetic methods Essay Example for Free
Discuss Chaucers poetic methods Essay Discuss Chaucers poetic methods in presenting evil in the pardoners prologue and tale in the light of this comment. In Chaucers time, the nature of evil related to any committing of the 7 deadly sins, consisting of greed, pride, blasphemy, sloth, avarice, wrath, lust and envy. The pardoners prologue and tale is comprised of many of these sins, the pardoner himself demonstrating the majority. Other characters, such as the 3 rioters also embody many of these sins. This essay will explore these characters as well as their evil natures and formulate an opinion how Chaucer presents evil in the pardoners prologue and tale. The pardoners evil nature is initiated from his physical description in the general prologue. He is described as having hair as yelow as wex and hood we wered noon a description immediately illustrating him as a rule breaker, as for most clergymen it was assumed they would cover their hair. In addition to this, he is described as having such glaryng eyen. In the medieval times, this amounted to the suggestion of evil; therefore, Chaucer has constructed the pardoner in such a way to ambiguously imply he may be somewhat evil. Critics, such as Spearing, have noted that the pardoners repellent outer appearance reflects his inner corruption. The description of his fake relics, such as the sayle that saint peter hadde and oure lady veyl are used to demonstrate his evil intentions; taking advantage of the peasants good faith by tricking them into buying fake relics, that are nothing more than pigges bones. From the onset, Chaucer has incorporated the theme of evil within the pardoner and has maintained this throughout the prologue and tale. The prologue outlines the pardoners admittance to his evil nature, and suggests he may even be proud of this. He boldly states that his sermons are constructed around the well-known Latin biblical phrase, radix malorum est cupiditas loosely translated as greed is the root of all evil. The missing word omnium from this is used to demonstrate his lack of biblical knowledge, which is emphasised by the repititon of this phrase throughout. In medieval times, it was common and often expected, for members of the church to know and practice in Latin. The pardoner admits to using pieces of Latin to saffron my predicacioun. This cooking imagery may suggest that he only uses Latin to reinforce his false position, and therefore highlighting his evil nature, and may relate to the sin of gluttony as he is referencing food, again reinforcing the evilness of his character. The pardoner states in the prologue, in the form of a confession, that he preche of no thyng but for coveityse. The repetition of this ironic language along with the shocking imagery that is portrayed through his rhetorical question will I live in poverte willfully? and his admittance to taking money from the povereste widye in the village paints an evil picture of the pardoner who is merely driven by greed. Some critics, such as Georgianna believe in the historical school of thought, and note that the pardoner is merely a vehicle for the substantial embodiment of the churchs abusement. It has been suggested and argued amongst several other critics that Chaucer had no other motive when constructing the pardoners character other than to criticize and highlight the wrongdoings of the medieval church. Many fake pardoners lived amongst the medieval audience, and carried out the same evil methods as the pardoner, all for the same motive; greed. As a result of this, anticlericalism grew popular amongst the peasants very quickly. Therefore, it can be suggested that the pardoners character was constructed in such a way to shine light on his evil nature and to draw parallels with the medieval church. The pardoners tale is a sermon against four particular sins; gluttony, blasphemy, gambling and drinking. He talks at length of each of these particular sins, giving biblical examples that he has twisted to his benefit, such as Adam and also his wyfe who were dryven for that vice. The pardoner is suggesting that gluttony was the downfall of Adam and Eve, when in fact it was temptation. To sermonize against drinking is massively ironic as the pardoner has admitted to needing a draughte before being able to think of a moral tale to tell the pilgrims irony in itself seeing as he should not have to think about a tale of morality. The fact that the pardoner is guilty of committing the very sins he preaches about only adds to his evil nature. Many critics, such as Ruth Nevo, suggest that the pardoner is a character in his own tale that he tells. The novelle that the Pardoner tells the pilgrims consist of three rioters. He begins by stating the setting of the three men; in the develes temple metaphorical for a tavern. The three rioters are established as sinners from the very beginning, already being guilty of committing two of the seven deadly sins; drinking and blaspheming. The repeated suggestion of a brotherhood and addressing each other as brethren has underlying irony as each rioter is ultimately killed by each others greed. It has been suggested that as the rioters are not named, and therefore are nt personally addressed, that they have been constructed to suggest the embodiment of sin. Their deaths are quick and do not have much effect; instead, the focus is on the sins that they do commit. This stresses that their evil natures are what caused their own deaths. However, it can be argued that although the pardoner presents evil in the pardoners prologue and tale, the fact that he acknowledges this suggests he is fully aware of his evil nature. Koff suggests that the pardoner is not so much evil as he is bold. This can be argued to an extent, as he does admit to being a ful vicious man, yet states that a morale tale yet I yew telle kan. This can be portrayed as being ironic, as he is fully aware of his evil nature, yet still believes that he can preach against the sins he so readily admits to committing. In addition to this, Chaucer does incorporate some good nature into the novelle in the form of the old man. It has long been questioned as to whether he is the personification of death himself, and therefore cannot die, or whether he is merely an instrument used to emphasise the evil nature of the three rioters. His addressing of the three rioters as sires in comparison to the rude greetings of the rioters compares and relates age and innocence; the old man may have been faithful during his lifetime and therefore God will not take his life. In contrast, the young sinful rioters quickly come to their death through their own lack of faith. To conclude, I believe that a sinister exploration of evil is truly presented in the pardoners prologue and tale. Chaucer uses characterization of the pardoner and three rioters to present how corrupt medieval society was, as well as how readily sins were committed. The pardoners simile of as dooth a dowve sittynge on a berne to describe how he sees himself is used as an antithesis of his own character; as a dove carries religious connotations of peace and purity; the opposite to what the pardoner is. Despite infiltrating some holy and pure characters, such as the Old man, he only further emphasises the lack of good in the other characters. Overall, Chaucer constructs the prologue and tale in such a way to present several layers of evil in the Canterbury tales.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Williams Syndrome A Genetic Disorder Psychology Essay
Williams Syndrome A Genetic Disorder Psychology Essay Williams Syndrome is a genetic disorder that is caused by a deletion of genes on chromosome seven. It is a rare disorder, occurring in about every 1 in 20,000 births and affects males and females equally. Small upturned nose, wide mouth, full lips, small wide-spaced teeth, a relatively low IQ, cardiovascular disease and an irregular cognitive profile are some classifications of Williams Syndrome. (Laing, Butterworth, Ansari, Gsodl, Longhi, Panagiotaki, et al., 2002). Many of the physical features of Williams Syndrome are due to the deletion of the gene elastin on chromosome seven. There are some aspects of language that appear to be intact for those with Williams Syndrome including social interaction, however, spatial language, number, planning and problem solving appear to be impaired in most individuals (Laing et al., 2002). Not all features of language are affected in children and adults with Williams Syndrome. Williams Syndrome has a characteristic language delay and there is evidence to suggest that language development follows an alternate pathway than what is seen in language development of a typical child (Laing et al., 2002). Laing et al. performed three experiments in order to assess joint attention, pointing and precision grips. The same children were used over the course of all three experiments and mental age of typically developing children was calculated to match those in the Williams Syndrome group. In the first experiment it was found that the children with Williams Syndrome performed atypically on tasks set to deduce the level of joint attention these children were providing. The second experiment administered was used to establish credibility findings of the first experiment. The researchers are observing if the children with Williams Syndrome can establish reference and therefore test t heir ability to point in response to specific stimuli. Laing et al. found that children with Williams Syndrome produced few pointing behaviors. The third experiment determined if the reason for the difference in pointing between the control group and the Williams Syndrome group was due to impaired motor skills. This was found to not be an issue as the children with Williams Syndrome and those in the control group were relatively similar in their motor skills. These issues in joint attention are thought to be part of the reason there is a language delay among children with Williams Syndrome as joint attention and pointing are both critical in language development (Laing et al., 2002). A study performed by Mervis and John (2008) was designed to tests strengths and weaknesses of children with Williams Syndrome with their vocabulary abilities. Mervis and John performed three experiments in order to determine the specific strengths and weaknesses in abilities of Williams Syndrome children in relation to vocabulary. The first experiment used the following standardized tests; the Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (vocabulary and matrices) the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-third edition (concrete vocabulary, including object names, action words, and descriptors) and the Test of Relational Concepts (conceptual/relational language). The first experiment compared typically developing children against Williams Syndrome children in two assessments of vocabulary: concrete vocabulary and conceptual/relational vocabulary. Mervis and John found that the Williams Syndrome group performed better on concrete vocabulary than conceptual/relational vocabulary. Even though the scores fo r children on concrete vocabulary were high for children with Williams Syndrome, performance on these tests showed signs that even this area of language is not completely undamaged. The second experiment took the results of the first three standardized tests and included the Differential Ability Scales Pattern Construction subtest. Mervis and John examined the relation between conceptual/relational language comparative of visuospatial construction. The children with Williams syndrome performed better on tests related to conceptual/relational language as compared to scores on the visuospatial construction tasks. Mervis and John (2008) note that Williams Syndrome is distinguished by strengths and weaknesses within the vocabulary element of language. The third experiment used the formulated sentences subtest on the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-fourth edition (CELF-4), in order to evaluate a variety of relational concepts. This experiment measured the knowledge of some m ore evolved relational concepts using the CELF-4. It was concluded that not all, but most children with Williams Syndrome have difficulty in simple relational words and it encompasses both relational terms meant to link two words or short phrase and also to relational terms meant to connect simple sentences into one complex sentence (Mervis and John, 2008). Mervis and John determined that children with Williams Syndrome do seem to have strength in vocabulary in general but rather concrete vocabulary. Laing and Jarrold (2007) sought to determine the spatial language skills of children with Williams Syndrome as compared to typically developing children. While noting that some aspects of language are usually intact for children with Williams Syndrome, spatial skills and non-verbal skills are usually the most impaired. In this experiment, the sample included 17 children with Williams Syndrome and 17 children that were classified as typically developing. There were several tests administered: Picture matching tasks, semantic picture matching, Spatial picture matching, grammatical knowledge task, perception task, naming task, and animal knowledge task. The test was given on a computer that displayed 4 pictures at the same time. There was a target sentence presented for each trial, which appeared on the screen and changed depending on the task. Results found that the Williams Syndrome group and the typically developing group performed with no significant differences on any measure excep t perception scores. There was also found to be a significant difference between the groups on the spatial picture-matching task. Due to the problems with understanding the semantics of spatial skills, it was hypothesized that this lends to problems in language processing in general (Laing Jarrold, 2007). For those with Williams Syndrome, there may be a great effort to form appropriate spatial mental models that may form the foundation for the production and comprehension of verbal descriptions of space (Laing Jarrold, 2007). Research performed by Laws and Bishop (2004) studied social communication, which is normally thought of as a relative strength for the Williams Syndrome population. Laws and Bishop performed a study on the different pragmatic facets of language. Groups of 19 children with Williams Syndrome, 24 with Downs Syndrome, 17 with specific language impairment and 32 typically developing children were studied. The Childrens Communication Checklist (CCC) was used in order to obtain data on social interaction for these four groups. On the checklist, there are two subscales that describe speech production: speech output and syntax. There are five subscales that describe the childs communication behaviors: inappropriate initiation, coherence, stereotyped conversation, use of conversational context conversational rapport. Two more subscales assess aspects of development: social relationships and interests. The raters were asked to respond to these items and rate them on a scale of four possibilitie s: does not apply, applies somewhat, definitely applies and unable to judge (Laws Bishop). When analyzed, experimenters found that individuals with Williams Syndrome had pragmatic impairments. The areas that were found to be the most impacted were the inappropriate initiation of conversation and the use of stereotyped conversation (Laws Bishop, 2004). The children do however have very strong expressive language skills and tend to be very social individuals (Laws Bishop, 2004). Since Williams Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder occurring in every 1 in 20,000 live births more information is needed regarding their communicative abilities. There is evidence to suggest that their language delay is due information traveling through a different pathway than with typically developing children. Spatial language is also a problem that with intervention can be improved along with conceptual and relational vocabulary. Pragmatic language is an issue, however the Williams Syndrome population tends to be overly friendly and very strong expressively. It was found that as these issues seem to dissipate in adulthood as well as the Williams Syndrome population, depending on the severity level, these children can live independently or with support.
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